Painful Winter

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In this ff elves and dragons and the other magical creatures didn't have to hide

Harry's POV

I woke up before Malfoy and decided that today was the day I would come out as an elf. I put on my regular clothes but I decided that if anyone bothered me I'd do something about it. And just as I'd suspected, just a minute out of the common room I was bothered. I released my wings and pushed the two shocked Slytherins away, I heard gasps erupt around me as they saw my wings, horns, and ears and they immediately recognized me. They realized what I actually was, they realized that I was an Elder Dark Elf, and they were terrified, it was glorious to finally be left alone for once. Instead of people walking up to me and forcing themselves on me, they would stay where they were, it made me smile inside. Even Ron and Mione knew to stay away from me and I was glad that they knew their limits and knew that I would come back to them when I was ready.

Draco's POV

As I was walking in the hall ways I see a pair of Slytherins gang up on Harry but as if he doesn't care, he releases his wings and pushes them away easily and walking off with his wings, horns, and ears showing. He did this on purpose, he knew people wouldn't bother him because everyone knew how powerful an Elder Dark Elf is so they kept their distance. And I could tell it made Harry happier to finally not be bothered or touched, well, except from me. I kept on trying to tell him that it wasn't me but every single time he shoved me away with one of his wings just like everybody else, and it hurt me knowing that I'd unintentionally harmed him. Sure Harry still stood up for me against bullies, but other than that he did nothing related to me. But then eventually people just realized that it wasn't worth it to bully me, cause they always ended up facing a tall smoking boy who was scary beyond reason in his elf form.

Harry was always found in either the library, in class, the common room, or sitting on Hogwarts roof, and everyone left him alone, I always tried to reach him when he was on the roof but I wasn't able to fly literally at all yet. I would have my broom but I broke in a quidditch game and I still haven't gotten another one.

But the worst part was that I could feel what he felt, I could feel the pain he felt whenever someone accidentally touched him, I could feel the sadness whenever he thought about his parents. I could feel the anger whenever he looked at me, but I also felt longing, it was as if he was extremely mad at me, but still wanted me at the same time. This gave me hope that he would come back eventually, but it pained me so much when Harry felt pain, and he felt pain all the time, whether someone was touching him or not. The only times I ever felt joy come from Harry was when he was flying, and when he was helping the first years with their homework. They knew what Harry was capable of, but they also knew that Harry had a heart, so the little study sessions continued all the way to winter break. I looked at the list of people who were staying and I felt guilt wash over me when I didn't see Harry's name on it, he always stayed here over winter. I knew why he always avoided his home during the winter, and now he was going back to that just to avoid me.

The day we had to leave Harry and I were packing up our trunks, I sometimes tried to talk to him but he always ignored me. He headed down to the train way earlier that I did.

Harry's POV

This entire term all I'd felt was pain, anger, and sorrow, and it was all thanks to one person that I'd trusted the most. I ignored him every time he tried talking to me and the day we had to leave I went to the train early. I made it to the train and the only people there were a few professors, and they didn't seem surprised to see me as I walked into the train. I found most secluded carriage and walked inside, locking the door and closing the blinds on the door's windows. I fall into a deep sleep and surprisingly I don't have a nightmare, for once. I woke up to the train stopping, I grabbed my stuff and headed out. As soon as people saw me they stepped to the side and let me through first, I nodded in thankfulness and I was glad that some of them saw. I knew the moment I let my Uncle Vernon know I was actually staying with him during the winter that I would receive a massive punishment when I got home.

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