Truth or Dare

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Harry's POV

I went to bed and Princess wasn't there, but it was fine, I just wanted to go to bed, but first, I had to do something. I released my hold and suddenly my hair grew back, the only other time it had been long was when I left the shower and saw Princess. After my hair I felt my horns grow and the tattoo appear again, I looked at it and saw the wings surrounded by fire, representing the fire protecting the wings. As much to my dismay I was a submissive, but it didn't make sense, I was the one who was more confident than Princess, while he was the one who was always blushing. Plus I was taller, well, for now, once Princess starts his inheritance he'll be way taller than me. I hated that I was the submissive, it meant that I was emotional, short, and had long hair, and while it did make me super hot, I still preferred having shorter hair. Of course Princess got lucky being a dominant AND an Elder Dragon, life is so unfair, I'm just a elder elf and while that is still lucky compared to others, I'm mated to a literal dragon. I was actually pleasantly surprised when I found out that Princess was my mate, yes I did tease him a lot, but I enjoyed being around him whether he did or not. All I had to do is wait for Princess to get his inheritance and I could finally turn into a full elder elf, while other elves only got long hair, long ears, and horns, I got the hair, ears, horns, and badass wings to come with it. But I only get the wings and ears after my full inheritance which I don't get until Princess gets his. I closed the curtains on my bed and locked them using a spell, and went to bed. I woke up to Princess coming back in, but he didn't know I was awake so I stayed still and listened.

"How can he do that? How can he make me SO mad, and yet I end up blushing anyway?!?! Pottah is so frustrating with his whole princess thing, he was maddening before, but now he's flirting with me? And in front of people? They could tell my father and he would have a fit! UGGHHHHH!!! Why does Pottah have to do this, it would make my life and maybe even his life, a whole lot better, I mean, I'd be able to study on my school, and he wouldn't have to bother to find me and waste our time!!" He finished and I heard him plop onto his bed and soon after heard his soft snores and smiled to myself. I knew that Princess ranting about me to himself meant something, and that something I was going to bring out in him.

I woke up and made my horns disappear, I kept my hair but that's because it looks awesome as I'm now realizing. Thankfully we didn't have school today I could wear what I wanted, I put on my outfit and headed to breakfast.

No One's POV

The doors opened and closed causing everyone in the hall to look over at who entered and gasped. It was Harry Potter but it took everyone second glances to actually recognize him for instead of his usual cacki pants and buttoned up shirt as he had worn in the previous years every day, he wore something entirely different and looked completely different. Instead of his usual five foot six self with no muscle and really short hair, his hair reached his hips, he had an eight pack showing through a tight white shirt, rippling biceps, and huge shoulders. And yes people had seen him yesterday but hadn't shown in his uniform. Then people noticed was that he was literally glowing, his skin was shining, his eyes and teeth sparkled, and everything about him was just bright. Lastly people noticed how he walked, instead of sulking around with him trying to hide himself behind people, he walked with his head high, his shoulders held back and in long strides to the Gryffindor table, by the time he had sat down, literally everyone was staring at him. Even some of the teachers.

Harry's POV

I walk in and see everyone's faces, they're faces of shock and I grin while I head to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Ron and across from Hermione, both of them with their jaws slack.

"What?" I ask them.

"What? WHAT?!?! For the past four years you've been five foot six with literally no muscle, very short hair, and have been wearing cacki pants and button up shirts. And now you walk in at a whopping height of what's gotta be around five foot ten or eleven, with huge shoulders and arms, a fricking eight pack, wearing a white shirt, ripped jeans, thick boots, and pierced ears!! AND YOUR HAIR HAS GROWN TO YOUR FUCKING HIPS!! LIKE, SHOULD I CALL YOU HARRY POTTER, OR FRICKING CHANNING TATUM?!?!" 'Mione exclaimed making me chuckle.

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