wensday april 10th 👨🏽‍🦼‍➡️

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buzz buzz buzz

I turned off my alarm clcok as i got up to brush my teeth, i head into the bathroom to satisfy my rumbling stomach as i sat on toliet. once i was off i got dressed.

Then i remembered what happened yesterday. I start to flutter with the feelings i get but i push them away.

"wait wheres my phone" i pause and take a moment to look thru my pants pockets. i mustve left them as grants place after the radical banger party we had last night. i shrug it off and decided to get my phone after school.
"maybe grant will bring me my phone because he knows how much i love it" i thought will dressing in my usual dress wear.

i head down to my kitchen grab myself a little perk and head off.


as i park into the parking spot i notice a desterbing horrifying face as got out of my pink gtr35 race car, it was a school fight. between two girls.

mya hienle and sammy waldmen, two girls i grew up with, known them sence prek, how could they be fighting as a i walked closer i realized theyd really going at it.

"YOU STUPID WHORE" mya creams while tugging on sammys hair bringing her down.
sammy saying no words just trying to keep her stance.

a group of people started to sorround them until Mr.habierl and the cute security guard 🤤 pulls them apart.



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