Locker buddy

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I start pacing back and forth

"this not happening right now man."
i sob 😭 😭, bradley was like the coolest guy in school, 🥵🥰😊😘😚😍 i could even swy he was way better than me

i run up to my room and lock it, afriad if bradley was going to break in, instead he just hops on his scooter and scoots away. satisfying as it is i was more desperate to find out who is supposed to assainat Bradley, i go to my snaap chat and i text peopel.

"heyyy do u know who is assaigned to assassinate bradley dubios?"

i texted : Jamie, brooke, ayo, joe, mya henile, lily, holly, , alexia, blaze, ariel, austin, jacob, ameila, billie, yap yap yap

And outa of all thouse people, jamie had told me that bradley was her target.

i begged her to finish her job so i could be free.

"Im working on it" Jamie texts me back, "its kinda hard when hes really cute"

i decided to lock my door and all my windows and sleep in my Closet to asure i wouldnt be touched by bradley.

2 weeks go by....

Prom week is now on its way...
and since the assain game has started things have become a little bit insane.

Jamie got out by reece meaning bradleys still on my ass, and jasmine has been wearing her item everytime im near her so i think she knows im her assassin.

Other than the assassin me and granty havent made up yet, and proms around the corner so i should prob ask a cute person out, my thought is either landon volpe, alec ward, or reece but reece isnt really my type so prob not.

I go to open my locker but its jam. I pull harder and it opens kinda making me fall back. in my locker on the side of the door was the words


in a blood typa substance.  i slam my locker door close and pretend to not care bc im cool hehe


i head to gym and change into my gym fit, i meet reece in the fittness center

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i head to gym and change into my gym fit, i meet reece in the fittness center.

"hey king"  reece said

"did u put that fucking shit in my locker u dickhead" i say angry seeing red clemching my fist instensly.

"dude what???" reece said putting his hands up  he laughs.
"you must be letting bradley get to your head." he says grabbing his water battle and walks away.

my eyes are bloodshot read now, im furious how could someone embarrass me. I know it was reece trying to get back at me bc he knows im over us.

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