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Swirling leaves across the open field
Shadows playing right at the edge
Oak and birch standing strong in the mix
Water cool and clear winding through
Sunshine bright in the hight of day
Rustling gently clouds the air

This is calm to me
Each image clear and focused
Flowing together like the words in a song
Simple unbothered unchecked and wild
Making a melody I used to hear

Now the words seem rushed by the outside world
The song drowned out by the demands of the here and now
Thunderclouds that drag the dance of survival behind
So torn from life the meadow seems forgotten

But I close my eyes as the tide finally recedes
Once again I can breathe
Once again I dance
Once again I sing
My voice no longer as strong as it once was
The tune no longer as clear in my mind
But it's there still
And once again I reach to grab it

The rythum is different than I remember
Some of the notes now seem sour
It's music is almost haunting now
Erie but somehow all the more beautiful
So I close my eyes and just listen
Because in the end
This is me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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