Dead Ends

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I push agenst the tide that threatens to pull me away

I try my hardest to survive to rush of the world

To be somebody

but I do nothing but hit the walls

I end up in countless dead ends in a spinning frightening world

I try to make myself what the world says I should be

but I cant I'm never good enough

never tall enough to reach the stars

to touch the sun

yet I push my head in the clouds

and pretend I don't care

don't care that I cant make it

that it doesn't hurt

that I don't hear the laughs and sneers

that I don't hear the jibes and jokes on my behalf

but I do care

I do hear

and it does hurt

it does hurt to keep running into these dead ends

again and again

Thoughts of a Weathered MindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ