Fraying Ends

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I push my hardest to hold onto the moments

I grip with white knuckles to the memories

But somehow I find myself gripping at fraying splitting ends

I have tried so hard to keep us whole

But my darling, my dear

I cant fight the whole world and win

I am drowning,

I am fading,

I am losing under the weight of the enemy

I need help,

I cant go on alone,

I cant fight the world anymore

I need you beside me,

I cant keep grasping at these fraying ends

I need you to hold out your hand,

Because I am not strong,

I am not tough,

I am weak,

I am afraid,

and yes I have seen hate,

I have seen evil,

I have seen the worst of the world.

Yes I have sinned before,

I have lied before,

I have done so much wrong.

Yet I still cant fight,

I still need you,

Because without you all I will ever do is hold onto these fraying ends of the fading memories

Thoughts of a Weathered MindWhere stories live. Discover now