Chapter 17

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Rafaelo's POV

She's fine, Cisco. Just a small scare," I grit out before I hang up on him.

It seems that the doctor couldn't help himself and had to go run his mouth to Cisco.

After she woke up, she started crying out in terror again, thinking someone was going to kill her. My presence seemed to make it even worse, and when I couldn't calm her down myself, I ended up calling both my sister and the doctor Cisco has on his retainer.

My sister tried to calm her down, but that was in vain too. Luckily, the doctor administered her a sedative, and according to both, it was just shock and she should be fine—eventually.

It's already been hours, and she's not fine.

She's anything but fine.

Because I know what's going to happen once she wakes up again. She's going to take another look at me and ask me to never show my face again.


I wish I could turn back the time and not react the way I did. But I don't even know what came over me.

I've never once in my life reacted like this—with my fists. Opening my eyes to see myself and the others covered in blood from injuries I'd caused had been terrifying for me, too. Because I couldn't recognize myself anymore.

Is this who I've become now? An animal? Someone who can't control his urges?

Just the idea that my pretty girl could be hurt, or upset, awoke something dangerous in me.

And I don't know if I like it.

I spend the rest of the day in video conferences, trying to take my mind off the incident. And as it gets later and later, I get increasingly apprehensive to go to the room.

Will she scream at me?

Will she try to hit me again?

Though I'm not particularly keen to find out, my feet still take me there.

The entire room is bathed in darkness save for a low beam of light from the moon, but I still note her small form huddled under blankets. Her chest rises and falls with every breath, and for a moment I find myself rooted to the spot.

Did I mess everything up?

I move stealthily as I take a seat on the chair by the window. The bed in full view, I can only stare at her.

Will I still have her in the morning, or will she repudiate me?

She's sleeping on her side, her nightgown slid down one shoulder, the tip of her breast peeking through.

Fuck, but even in a situation like this, one look at her and I'm hard. Still, knowing my time with her might be limited, I allow myself to stare at leisure. Eat her up with my eyes until her image is imprinted on my retina.

My heart tugs painfully in my chest just as my cock hardens at the sight of her.

If before I'd been gone for her, then I have no words for quantifying what I feel now that I've gotten to know her better. And to realize I'm about to lose everything...

She moves, a soft sigh escaping her as she shifts in bed, the blanket sliding down her body to reveal more of her.

Leaning back, I spread my legs as I palm my cock through my pants, her sounds making all my blood pool down in that particular region. And as she stretches lazily, like a pampered cat, I can't help the low groan that escapes my lips as I squeeze my balls.

the foiled plan (WAR OF SINS BOOK 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن