Chapter 2: Pursuit

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I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.
R2 was panicking about what was happening. He and his Master have just landed on a cruiser-sized ship to talk with these Thanagarians and ask to repair their ship. They kindly replied with accusations of being a spy (if his audio sensors were right) and now stunned his master on the hangar bay floor. In R2's processing unit, there were two things he could do. One, don't do anything and let him, his Master, and the X-Wing get captured by these bird people who look like they can arm wrestle a Wookie for fun. Or two, start the X-Wing before the winged organics can get him and try to get help. It was the second option, of course, R2 had no hands to get his master, what was he supposed to do? Push him up against his wheels?

It wasn't even a couple of seconds when he started the X-Wings engines and called back the landing gear for take-off. The X-Wing made an about-face towards the hangar's opening as he could tell the Thanagarians were caught off guard and surprised.

R2 picked up something with his audio sensors right before he could blast off.

"Lieutenant Kragger to command! Shut Hangar Bay 6 doors and turn on the tractor beams!" The Winged Alien commanded.

R2 didn't give a second thought as he turned up the X-Wing into full throttle towards the opening as the large doors from the sides started to close. What surprised R2 was that some of the bird people started to fly towards him to escape. That detail will have to wait for later as the doors started to dangerously close. The X-Wing thrusted through the hangar as the back blast from the ship's engines knocked some of the Thanagarians from the air. He made the X-Wing turn vertical to be able to escape the maw of the closing hangar. He pushed past the doors and went into the lower atmosphere as he heard the hangar's door fully shut. He didn't stop the speed of the X-Wing as he needed as much distance between him and the cruiser.

While he was gaining distance, his sensors from the ship picked up the cruiser's tractor-beam system finally turning on. Generally speaking, ships of that size would obviously have tractor beams, however, they would need some sort of preparation startup before using them. R2 turned his focus onto the planet as he started to move down onto the surface. He can exit orbit and try to send a distress signal or make a Hyperspace Jump. However, he doesn't know if the Thanagarians will pick the signal up and follow him, and while the Hyperdrive is somewhat serviceable, he can't take any chances with the accident they just had. His best option was to evade the bird people and hide somewhere on the planet to find a way to rescue his master. R2 turned the controls to the X-Wing as he just entered the blue planet's surface.

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't understand what happened. They had just detained this intruder and his ship, and they were just about to take it in but the ship suddenly started up and blasted its way out of the hangar. He called control to start the tractor beams to halt the ship, but the ship was too fast for even the hangar doors before they closed.

"Control, Report!" Kragger demanded.

"Sir, the ship was too fast for our startup process, by the time the system went online, the ship went out of range," The voice answered through the voice communicator.

"Great we have a sentient spy ship that was too fast for us to capture. Talak will have my ass for this!" Kragger complained in his head. Since he won't be able to keep it on the low from Talak, he will have to inform him about the situation, mostly likely a chewing out from him.

"Keep tracking the ship, scrabble any fighters we have available if they make contact, they have permission to shoot it down. Inform Commander Talak about the situation, and prepare a shuttle, he'll no doubt want to talk with me. "

"Yes, Sir!" The comm call ended as he looked back at this Skywalker that still lay on the hangar bay floor. The man in question looks human, wearing some sort of orange pilot flight suit. It appears he doesn't have any visible weapons except for maybe the long sliver cylinder device attached to his belt.

"Search him for any weapons, get a ship ready, and send him to the transport carrying the Justice League! I won't take any chances with him." Kragger barked back to his soldiers.

"Send the ship's captain a message that he'll have a little new guest for him." Kragger continued his orders as he looked back at the collapsed pilot.

The two soldiers quickly obeyed and picked up the unconscious pilot while one went to a docked ship to start it up. Kragger left with their business as he started making his way back to the control center to finish business and head towards Talak. He starts to think about the situation in his mind. They'll no doubt have to destroy the ship, despite being somewhat impressive in terms of speed and having some sort of advanced AI to think for itself. Then they'll have to talk with this Skywalker, and perhaps talk with this Jedi Order he claimed to be with. Commander Talak is on the surface overviewing the completion of the bypass, he'll no doubt be furious with him while Talak's lover will never let it go. One way or the other there will be hell to pay, Talak will for sure raise it.

R2 guided the X-Wing closer to the surface as more vegetation became clearer to see. All of a sudden, four unknown craft are picked up by the ship's sensors behind him. All four were gaining up speed in a tight formation. While he could send the ship to engage them in space, he could quickly get overwhelmed if more showed up. The only way really in R2's processor is to lose them on the planet's surface. R2 did a quick scan of the nearby terrain before the fighters came in range with him. Scans showed him that there was a large canyon near his location. The readout almost reminded R2 of Beggars Canyon back on Tatooine. With no time spare, R2 set the X-Wing to maximum throttle while keeping the S-foils locked to help build up speed. He maneuvered the ship closer to the terrain as the Canyon was coming into view.

Steve was having a bad week. Out of all the days, an alien invasion could happen, it happens when he takes his family to the Grand Canyon, declaring martial law. To put salt in the wound, it's at the time when he tries to spend quality time with his family due to the stresses of work. But in a roundabout way, due to the entire planet on martial law, no one was at the park and no park rangers too he guessed.

His family (him actually) was crazy enough to pass the park's gate despite his wife's plead not to go. He was currently on mather point with his wife, his daughter Kelsey texting on her damn phone, texting to her friends. Lastly, his 8-year-old son, Tommy, was away from the three playing with his toy jet. While not taking the beautiful scenery, Steve was still happy that his son was enjoying himself. Taking the opportunity of being the only one in the Grand Canyon, Steve finished up the camera facing the Canyon for a family picture.

"Alright, everybody! Family photo!" Steve happily yelled out to his family

His wife went over while his daughter got up from a bench with a tired sigh and put away her phone. While the two were coming towards the front of the camera, his son was still out playing with his toy making airplane noises.

"Come out Tommy, we got a photo to sh-," Steve asking his son to come over was cut short when a loud clap that sounded like thunder entered the sky. He and his family stopped in their tracks as they saw a small blur at the edge of their view above the Canyon, it was low enough to be on the ground.

"Dad what's that?!" His son asked with excitement, thinning it into some sort of military jet.

Steve has been to several air shows as a kid with his dad, he somewhat knew the sound of jets, yet this sounded very off. The shape was getting bigger and bigger as he could hear what he thought could be the roar of the engines. A huge dust cloud was coming behind the plane he noticed he was very low to the ground and was coming towards them.

He grabbed his wife and daughter as he realized the plane was coming towards them. Then he noticed his son was away from them, a couple of yards from them viewing the fast pace plan.

"TOMMY, GE!" He couldn't even finish his plead to his son to get down as he had tackled his wife and daughter to the ground as the plane flew past them at incredible speeds and dangerously close to the ground. His wife groaned after being tackled while his daughter screeched on the ground. The moment the plane was above them, short-lived as it was, made a whirlwind was dust and wind around them. His son, still standing, was pushed up into the air and fell from not too far from where originally he was.

"TOMMY!" his wife cried out, he got back up to his feet and went to his son. But before he could check on his son, four strangely clawed-shaped aircraft were quickly behind the speedy ship. Steve had to duck again as the ships whizzed past the family. His daughter screeched again due to the wind and dust they made as they passed, not as powerful as the first one though.

As he got back up and saw the craft enter the Canyon at high speeds, he gained his focus back to his possibly injured son. He and his wife ran towards Tommy while Kelsey stayed on the ground. Both parents went to their son to make sure he was ok. Tommy was on the ground with his back up, miraculously with his plane still in his hand despite the high winds the craft made. Where used to be his hat on top of his head was now messed up frizzy hair from the winds. Tommy looked forward with shock and disbelief on his face.

"Tommy are you alright!?" his wife cried out to her son, almost about to cry, worrying for the boy.

His son looked back between and yelled out with excitement that didn't shock Steve.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" The boy changed his face to happiness and anticipated wanting to do it again. Steve thanked god the fall didn't scramble his son's brains, of course, Tommy would say that. His wife stared holes into Steve, no doubt with a barrage of yelling and screaming that we would never come back here again.

"So much for a family trip." Steve thought with an exhausted outlook.

"Razor-8 to Command, we have engaged with the fighter, and is trying to evade us in a Canyon!" The Thanagarian pilot said in this voice communicator in his ship.

"Copy Razor-8, you still have permission to shoot the vessel down," the voice replied.

"Roger." he acknowledged

He switched over to the comm channel to connect with the three other pilots with him, Razor-6, Razor-3, and Razor-4. Since the lone fighter is in the Canyon trying to lose them, their best course of action is to speed up and conduct a pincher movement.

"He's gonna try to lose us in the Canyon, Razor-3 with me, Razor-4 and 6 are to go the opposite side of the Canyon to meet us in the middle to attack the target."



"Right with you, Razor-8," All three other pilots said at the same time.

Razor-4 and 6 followed their instructions to the end of the Canyon to meet the others while Razor-3 was on his right side to help him pursue the target. Both ships dived into the Canyon as they made their necessary turns to not crash into the Canyons walls. The target itself was caught in their view as the quadruple light of purple exhaust from its engines greeted them ahead of the Canyon's trench.

R2 detected that two out of four fighters were behind him while the other two went outside of the canyon, maybe setting up some ambush. So far the bait worked, more than anything R2 is the one trapped, R2 knows well enough of his experience with piloting and his good knowledge of the X-wing's capabilities to come over the top. He follows the maze of the Canyon while still staying low. He hoped that the sudden turns one would have to make to pilot through the Canyon, yet the winged organics were crazier than R2 thought. Worse yet when the Ship's proximity warning yelled out that he was being locked in.

The Astromech whistled a beep that resembled "Uh oh," to himself.

While the target has been a nuisance to them leading them into this damn Canyon and evading most of his targeting system. Razor-8 finally managed to get a positive lock-on with the target.

"Gotcha." He smirked himself as he clicked in the main blasters on the ship.

R2 screeched to himself as a barrage of deadly red bolts whizzed past him and tried to hit him. He took drastic zig-zagging to evade the fire while still trying to maneuver in the Canyon walls to not crash. He went down even lower to lose his pursuers but they followed his every step. A wide turn was ahead so he stuck close to a river that was at the bottom of the Canyon. The X-Wing displaced some water as it was very close to the river while bolts tried to hit the ship, it only hit the surface of the river and the walls of the Canyon.

The barrage barely let up as a bolt managed to hit the X-Wing, while the shields were up, it brought the shields down to 30%. While the canons on these ships were pretty slow, they were no doubt heavy hitters. The situation was grim as he didn't know how long he could keep it up. The Astromech quickly realized there was a dead end in the Canyons walls coming up. Quick calculations gave R2 an idea, albeit risky. While the barrage quickly ended for a moment, R2 opened up the X-Wings S-foils, as the hydraulic movements of the wings ended, R2 decreased the throttle of the ship. The opening of the S-foils and decreasing speed gave enough drag for R2 to quickly turn up the ship towards the sky and flip around. The ship was a hair-length distance between it and the Canyon wall but managed to go out and face back to his pursuers. He then had the targeting system lock onto the two ships as he started his barrage.

Razor-8 just now realized that the target did an about-maneuver and fired at them. He managed to guide his ship up to evade the barrage, but Razor-3 wasn't so lucky. Razor-8 heard the screams of Razor-3 before he was cut off by static followed by a fiery explosion that was Razor-3's ship.

R2 managed to destroy one of his pursuers with his quick reflexes. He drove through the now smokey ball that was the ship and away from the second ship. He detected the other one did a turn through a slower one to evade the Canyon's Wall and back to R2's direction. R2 continued to glide through the canyon while his lone purser was closing in on him. Then he detected the two other fighters then hadn't entered the Canyon before were now closing in on him from his front. Locking him in with their target systems.

"Razor-4 to Razor-8, we are closing into your position."

"Good, blast the bastard out of the sky!" Razor-8 shouted into his voice comm.

"Right!" Razor-4 and 6 pressed their triggers to their canons as their systems targeted the ship.

Once again, R2 found himself in a rain of laser fire as he managed to go side by side to evade. One bolt managed to hit the main chassis of the ship, very close to where R2 was docked into the ship. A plum of gray started to move out of the area it was shot at, while not critical, R2 knew he didn't have a lot of time and needed to act fast. He started his barrage from the quadruple canons of the X-Wing, while not intending to be accurate, it was more or less to make the twin ships ahead disengage with their volley.

And they did so, going to the sides of the Canyon to evade his cannon fire. R2 then within the moment when he wasn't being shot at, started the tracking system to lock into the twin ships. The beeping of the tracker started slowly to fast as the ships got closer. The ships stabilized to face him and started to target him. In a moment the target system cleared him to fire, and he set off the twin photon torpedoes toward the ships. The fireballs of light blue started to give chase to their targets from the front.

"INCOMING!" Razor-6 warns as their ships are now locked in by twin projectiles launched by the target. While Razor-6 managed to duck his ship from the fast-moving torpedo that rammed into the Canyon's walls. Razor-4 was too late as the torpedo that locked into him directly hit his right wing. His right wing was clipped from the ship that was companied by an explosion where it used to be.

"I'M HIIITT!" Razor-4's cries were cut when his cockpit flared up with sparks and fires that developed him. This made him spin around out of control straight into Razor-6's ship. The collision made them both crash into the Canyon's wall destroying both of them. There was very little left of what used to be their ships.

Now there was only one pursuer left for R2 to deal with, though a persistent one. R2 dodged a volley of fire from behind, he zig-zagged within the canyon's trench to not get hit. Two things R2 can calculate he can do, he can try to leave the Canyon but he won't know for sure if other ships are waiting for him, or he can finish his fight with this last fighter which was easier said than done. R2's scanner picked a narrow slit in the canyon where two cliffs almost met but left a narrow space between them, which was coming up to him. While his first thought was to evade and go above it, it gave the Astromech an idea that would make him look like he needed to be rebooted. The only way it could work was if his pursuer was distracted to notice the environment around him. R2 decreased the throttle of the X-Wing, just enough to stay ahead of him but close enough to bait the ship to fire. Half of R2's plan worked when the ship's warning detected him being targeted.

Razor-8 has had enough of this bastard, he killed his comrades and thinks he can get away with it. Razor-8's ship target system cleared for a positive shot, focusing on the ship ahead and not the narrow slit ahead in the canyon wall, Razor-8 started a barrage on the X-Wing.

"DIE!" Razor-8 let out as he targeted at his foe.

As the few shots behind him started to whizz past him, R2 shut the S-foils of the ship and turned the ship into a vertical position to make the X-Wing fit the narrow slit of the Canyon. When he entered the threshold of the slit, he barely makes it but knows the slit has an opening on the other side.

Razor-8 was confused when the ship closed its wings from the X position he possessed and turned the ship on its side. Before it was too late, Razor-8 noticed the narrow passing of the Cayon's wall. He tried to maneuver at any opening away from the slit, but the lateness of his reaction and the speed of the ship made him crash into the passaway. This was followed by his cockpit being developed by an explosion.

R2 Guided the ship out of the passageway and back into the canyon's trench, he was followed by an explosion no doubt caused by the other ship's inevitable crash into the passageway. The explosion however never made it past the exit and didn't damage the X-Wing itself. Now that R2 was free at the moment, he now has time to process what to do. His master is still in the custody of the Thanagarians and no clear way off the planet without being detected. R2 needed a way to find his master before they could do something to him.

R2 noticed a forest not too far off the Canyon, he pulled the ship into a clearing large enough for a landing. When the ship landed, R2 used both his and the X-Wing's scanners to look for any of Thanagarian comm signals. R2 planned on finding the right exact frequency and producing it from the ship to make it bounce back to the receiver, hopefully making him invisible to them. R2 found and used the X-Wing's computer to produce the signal. He also managed to patch through their main comm channel.

"Command to Razor-8, do you copy?" The static voice asked in the channel.

His answer was only static.

"Command to Razor-8 how you copy?" The voice echoed the same question.

Static answered him back again.

"Command to Razor-8, 6, 3, and 4 are you there?"

No one called back.

There was a long pause of static before the voice called out to another person.

"Command to Lieutenant Kragger," R2's memory banks recognized the name as the same person who ordered him and Master Skywalker to the cruiser and deliberately attacked him.

"Yes, what is it?" Kragger's voice entered the channel.

"We have a situation, one of our patrols engaged with the target, but there is no word from them and we are no longer picking up the target's signal."

R2's plan of jamming their signal worked after all.

"What!?" Kragger asked out.

"Sir, we don't know what happened, the signal disappeared shortly after the patrol can't be signaled."

R2 heard a grunt from Kragger's comm.

"Of course, this would happen, send a team to their last known position and search the area."

"Yes, sir!" the command voice answered as the channel was cut.

R2 will have to keep the signal jamming on until he can find a way to his master. All though it is a small possibility, R2's master has always come up top despite the situation.

"YOU WHAT!?" That was the only thing Shayera Hol heard from her lover after Lieutenant Kragger briefed them on the situation, a situation he let out of hand. Kragger explained the whole situation moments ago himself while they were currently at the near-completed force-field generator. He told them from how the ship picked up a star craft that appeared out of thin air to the current revelation of losing the ship.

"Sir, we lost the target's signal despite our best efforts," Kragger explained.

"Well, apparently your best is not good enough," Talak shot back to Kragger. "Out of all the things that can happen, you didn't do everybody a favor and shot that ship straight out of space the moment you had him!" Talak barked at Kragger as Shayera was disturbed. She knew the importance of the mission that was clear. While it was suspicious of a lone starship entering the system while the operation kicked in, shooting down a traveler without knowing who he was at all felt wrong to her. Worse, it came out of Hro Talak.

"With no doubt sir, I would've blasted him to dust, however, he claimed to be some sort of Jedi Knight as part of some order, as if we would suppose to know them," Kragger retorted.

This piqued Shayera's interest, she had never heard of the term Jedi before. The Galaxy is big, to say and name every government out there would be insane or someone that didn't have a life.

"I was worried that shooting down him on the spot would bring some sort of interstellar incident with this Jedi Order he claimed to be with," Kragger explained his reasoning to his superior.

Talak let a groan from hearing his subordinate. "If this Jedi Order wants to fight us for protecting our people then so be it. But what done is done, we'll need to interrogate this Skywalker when he wakes up. Meanwhile, we'll search for this ship, destroy it if we have to, but capture it if given the chance, it'll be a shame to bring back bits of scrap to Thanagar for study," Talak said to her and Kragger.

"By your, Command," Kragger replied

"Right," Shayera said to her lover and Commanding Officer.

All three made their way to their transport that will bring them back to the command ship, with the recent situation a slight hindrance, the generator will soon be operational. The pilot himself is being sent to the same detention ship her previous comrades are being held in. Shayera looked back to the generator as the ship prepared for takeoff, one thing entered her mind, she had always served Thanagar to protect her people, especially from the Gordonians. They're doing this to protect Earth from them. She loved her time on Earth though, she loved the people and helped the League to protect them. The Justice League might not like it but this is for the protection of Earth, and they had to understand. If the Justice League were in her place, they would do the same, right?

Luke Skywalker awoke from the deep black pit of his unconsciousness, now realizing what was going on. He is now captured, and the last thing Luke remembered was talking to one of the Thanagarians who made him and Artoo land in their cruiser. The leader, Lieutenant Kragger, accused him of being some sort of spy and stunned him. He did his best to de-escalate the tension between them but that was now in vain, Lieutenant Kragger was not hearing his point of view. Now, he is alone, away from Artoo, and his X-Wing. He can only hope they didn't disassemble Artoo, but Luke is powerless in that possibility.

Luke scolded himself for being careless in the situation, yes he did the right thing first talking for peace. But Luke received a warning from the Force that the Thanagarians were up to something yet he didn't heed it. Luke's beratement of himself will have to wait as the situation right now needs his full attention. He is currently bound by some heavy cuffs, his arms forward to his front. His legs were also bound and attached to a chair. In the room he was in, was a cockpit with controls in front of a view window. He wasn't alone though, three Thanagarian soldiers were in the cockpit with him, two at the helm while the other was to his right, no doubt his guard. Luke was sure he was being transported somewhere but he had no idea where. He realized his throat was dry, and being stunned with that weapon they had shot him no doubt helped. He turned his head to the guard beside him.

"Excuse me, but can you please give me something to drink?" Luke politely asked the Hawkman guard.

The guard looked back at Luke annoyed with his arm crossed rudely and said "Shut up," with an uncaring voice, then went back to what he was doing. He then heard one of the pilots whisper to the other with his senses.

"You think this weakling is that dangerous to be put with the Justice League?"

The other pilot looked back to the other asking the question.

"Lieutenant Kragger thinks he's a spy working for the Gordonians, one way or the other he's just as dangerous as they are." The Thangarian explained to the questioning pilot as they returned their attention to the controls.

Their dialogue gave Luke something to think about. "Justice League?" Luke questioned his knowledge in his thoughts. This is the first time Luke has ever heard about this Justice League. "Were they some sort of police force for this planet or beyond? The Justice part of their name suggested that, but many people in galactic history used the word Justice to justify their actions. If the Thanagarians imprisoned them for what the pilots were saying, why? Did they do something worthy of being imprisoned by the Thanagarians? They implied the Justice League was dangerous, at least to them." There were too many unknowns for Luke to think about. He feels like he'll meet with his Justice League one way or the other, probably in a less desirable environment.

Luke then decided that he would have to escape, whatever they planned on doing, they would not do it to him. He could use the Force to break his chains, but they might send an alarm while doing so. So the best course of action for Luke is to Force trick his guards. While not a Dark side technique, using the Force to manipulate and trick one's mind is a slippery slope if used improperly. A Jedi that mind tricks just because they are lazy to talk out of a situation is no better than using it for personal gains. Still, the situation calls for it. Luke no doubt knows who to use it on. Luke then emptied his mind to meditate to let the Force flow through him. A few moments passed with the sound of the engine of the ship that could only be heard. Luke breathed in and out to help him calm and relax.

Finally opening his eyes, Luke turned his gaze to the same guard that cussed him out earlier.

"Excuse me but, I feel there's a great misunderstanding here," Luke keeps up with his politeness to his guard.

The same rude guard looked back at Luke with a frustrated face. "Didn't I tell you to shut up or do you have Nth metal in your ears!?" The guard sarcastically asked his prisoner.

Luke ignored the guard's comment and continued to engage with him. "I am sure you are all great warriors of honor and I have great respect for that, however, I feel I've been greatly wronged and request to talk with your Commanding Officer." Luke talked with honesty at that time. Luke did have some respect with them being warriors from the looks of it and did feel wronged for not being listened to. However, all of this was going over their heads.

The guard looked like he wanted to strangle Luke. "If you say another word that comes out of your filthy mo-," Luke quickly cut off the guard before he could finish his threat.

"And I hope we can become great friends and allies when this situation clears up." Luke kept up the over-polite attitude, which drove the guard mad.

"That's it! I'm done with your nonsense!" The guard stated to Luke that he would no longer want to hear him. The guard pulled up a box and grabbed a piece of cloth, showing that he would gag Luke just to get peace.

Luke then slowly inhaled and exhaled to help him become one with the Force. He can already sense that these Thanagarians are strong, physically and mentally. Not completely mentally strong as a Hutt can resist mind tricks, but it will be difficult. Luke feels the Force flow through him like a calm wave. Luke concentrated on what to say to the Thangarians, the guard was just about to put the cloth into Luke's mouth but was halted when Luke started his commands.

"You will not gag me," Luke said in a calm monotone voice.

The Thanagarian struggled for a second before repeating Luke's command.

"I..will..not gag you," the Hawkman struggled to utter as he dropped the cloth.

Luke continued his demands. "You will free me."

The guard paused before following his command "I will fr-free you."

The guard grabbed a remote device and clicked one of the buttons. The locks of his cuffs went open making Luke free. The mag lock opening gained the attention of the two pilots on the controls.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" One of the pilots asked in disbelief. One grabbed his battleaxe while the other clicked the autopilot and headed towards Luke to restrain him again. Before they could do anything, Luke renewed his Force commands.

"I am not here."

The three paused and stayed in place as they struggled to do anything in discomfort.

Luke restated his command with a stronger push from the Force with his now free hand. "I am not here," Luke said in a commanding monotone voice.

All three replied to him at the same time. " You are not here," all three said together slowly in a droid-like voice.

"I was never here," Luke gestured with his hand.

"You were never he-here," They struggled to say.

"I was transferred to a different ship."

"You were transferred to a dif-different sh-ship."

"It was a last-minute decision."

"It was a last-minute decision."

"By your superior," Was his final command

"By our superior." All three stood there for a moment before going back to their seats as were nothing happened.

Luke paused to look around the cockpit now that he was free, and while he could still feel his hold on them, the trick was slowly fading away. He notices an automatic door behind him, he exits the cockpit, thinking it might be helpful to remove his physical self from them to help keep the trick longer. He noticed the small room he was in as the door shut behind him had a walking platform for passengers walking when landing, he noticed that he felt his Lightsaber's connection with the Force in one of the smaller compartments to his right. He opened the compartment door with the Force and sensed it was in a locked container. He closed the door behind him and used the Force again to open the box. He picked up his Lightsaber to examine any possible damage done to it. He thanked the Force that he didn't lose his Lightsaber.

Luke saw his com link beside it, he examined it and saw that it was busted, whether from him falling on it from being stunned or the guards being careless about it, he couldn't say. He will have to find another way to contact Artoo if he's even alive that is.

With nothing else to do but wait unit the shuttle landed wherever they intended to be, Luke sat down on the metal floor and started his meditative trance. Luke once again let the Force flow through him as he tried to get a grasp of his surroundings. It felt...very strange, the Force on this planet, similar but different than he used to. It wasn't strong in the Force in the sense of Coruscant level, but more of Dagobah. He sensed some other form of energy, very similar to the Force but different. He felt that it was in balance, but not how the Force should be balanced. He then focused on the reason why the Force warned him about the Thangarians, it wasn't a situational warning like back on the cruiser but a warning of the Thanagarians themselves. They were planning something, something that would harm the planet and the Force was telling him to stop them.

His meditation ended when he felt the ship slow down and come to a controlled stop. Luke will have to worry about the anomaly later as he hears the cockpit's door open followed by footsteps. Luke mounted the Lightsaber back on his belt clip and put his head against the door. Wanting to stay hidden, he used the Force to heighten his senses to on what was about to happen. The ship's walkway opens as the pilots start to exit the ship. He then notices three more bodies present walking towards the pilots. He heard the following conversation.

"Well, where's the prisoner?" The voice asked, no doubt the superior in command of the ship.

"There was a transfer, sent to another ship," one of the pilots replied, sounding unsure, however.

He felt the superior was confused at first.

"Transfer? I never got a message of him being sent to a different ship," The superior explained to the pilots.

"It was a last-minute decision, made by Lieutenant Kragger," one of the pilots explained.

"Of course it was Kragger," the superior sounded not surprised. "Right, then why are you here if you didn't have the prisoner to begin with?" The superior asked.

He felt the three pilots process his question for a few seconds before realizing what was happening.

"I..We don't know.." One of the pilots replied with uncertainty on why he was there at all. Luke felt the mind trick on them falter completely through his senses, he was lucky enough that it lasted as long as it was.

He felt the superior get frustrated with the pilot's answer. "So you're here to waste my time?! Bah! Get out of my sight before I'll have you three thrown into a free cell."

The trio of pilots then walked back onto the ship via the ramp while the superior with the other two Thanagarians went in the opposite direction to the hangar exit. Luke quickly thought that this was his best chance of a way out and discovering what the Thanagarians were up to. As the ramp start to close, Luke quickly opened the door and slide out to the narrowing slit before closed. All three Hawkman not noticing him, he made his way to a pile of supply boxes to hide in as the ship did an about-face and took flight away from the hangar. The hangar was small, most likely intended for one ship per bay. He then noticed the trio of guards exited the hangar into a hallway. With his senses and Force, Luke followed them into the hallway while keeping a good distance from them.

"Gah, the nerve of some people." The superior from the hangar Luke assumed. "Prep the food for our guests, I'm sure they'll be thrilled with their cuisine," the Superior jokingly ordered one of his subordinates.

"Yes, sir," one of the soldiers replied as he went to take a different direction from the other guards. He went into a storage room that made Luke hide behind a corner. Luke reached his senses through the Force to pick up anyone. He felt a very strange group of living beings in a large room ahead. Counting at least six, probably the detention center, all spread apart from one another. Three out of the six were powerful, in a physical sense instead of through the Force. One he felt was strong in the similar Force-like energy he felt earlier but not in a way a Jedi or Sith would be.

Luke guessed that the imprisoned were the Justice League, with his senses he never felt any bad intentions from them. He can feel that they are in great pain and discomfort, emotionally and physically. He can feel that they were attempting to stop something involving the Thanagrians but were captured. He speculated that this was the same plan of the Thanagarians that the Force wanted him. "Did the Force let me here to rescue them?" Luke thought of the Cosmic Force's warning.

He searched threw his feelings and felt there were no such coincidences in Luke's mind, he was there for a reason. There was a reason why his ship malfunctioned, sent him to this system, getting captured by the Thanagarians, and escaping from them being none the wiser. There was a reason he was sent to this specific ship with the Justice League, where they are at their most vulnerable, their weakest. He thought if he could help them escape, they both could help him get back to Artoo and stop the Thanagarians from doing whatever they planned to do.

Luke noted the guard exited the room with a tray of food. He made his way to the exit and into a large room. With the Force, he reached out to the door and made it stop just enough to poke his head out. The room he observed was an elongated holding block, at the end was the control center, manned by three Thanagarins. Two of them holding weapons at guard while the one in the middle was on the controls. All of the cells have a force field to keep the prisoners locked in. This was no doubt where he felt the strange six were.

He saw the lone guard with the food press several buttons before the force field disappeared in front of him and promptly entered the cell. Luke wanted to quickly follow but knew the guards above would notice. One thing came to mind to distract them for a little bit. While the Force choke is a Dark Side technique, some Jedi can use it sparingly. Luke used the Force to concentrate on one of the guards' throats. He pictured the throat being slowly closed up in his mind, as he heard coughing followed by choking from the guard. Two of the guards went to his side to see what was up. Seeing this as the best chance to free one of the Justice League, Luke quickly Force dashed to the open cell before the guards above gained their focus back onto the cell block. There he saw the Thanagarian guard standing tall against a raven-haired woman tied up on a pilar, tied by golden rope.

Out of the things that can happen, betrayal was one of the worst. If being tricked by her only female friend in the League, who was a spy all this time, wasn't a slap on the face, then being tied up by the Lasso of Truth was.

"I'll swear to Hera, if I see that bird again, I'll cut her damn he-.

Diana's thought of getting back at Hawkgirl was cut when one Thangarian guard pressed a set of buttons on the other side of the forcefield that went away. He then walked down a set of stairs to the control switch to lower the pilar Diana was tied to. He then threw a plate of food a dog wouldn't even eat in front of her.

"How am I supposed to feed myself if I'm tied up like this?" Diana asked in a stern voice.

"Not my problem," The guard said in an uncaring tone as he then made his way out of the cell.

"It will be if Hawkgirl finds out you disobeyed her orders." Diana struck back with a smirk on her face. Thinking she could bait him into feeding a piece of food, maybe being able to bite his hand, use his pain to free herself and get to the others.

The guard stopped at the threshold due to her comment "I know my duties," he explained as he started to make his way out again.

"Then I guess you'll have to feed me." Diana quipped at him.

The guard turned his full attention back to Diana.

"Don't be afraid little man...I won't bite," Diana said in an enticing yet mocking manner.

The guard feeling challenged pulled out a large knife from his back. "Mind your tongue woman!" He moved up close to Diana and showed her his knife. "I fear nothing!" he stated towards her as he used the end of his knife to pick a piece of food to feed her. "Eat," he commanded.

Before both can do anything, Diana just now notices the figure behind the guard. The figure places a hand on the guard's forehead before the guard can react, the figure whispers to the guard's ear.

"Sleep," The stranger said in a calm tone.

At a moment's notice, the guard's eye rolled back into his head as he collapsed against the figure. The figure caught the guard and gently placed him on the floor. The figure placed his hand on the guard's head, maybe checking the guard. She then got a glimpse of the stranger. He was averagely tall and built from what she could tell. He wore some sort of orange flight suit with a white vest above it and only wore one black glove on his right hand. He was maybe in his mid-twenties with long wavy blonde hair that didn't pass the bottoms of his ears. She couldn't tell if he had any weapons but noticed the long sliver tube on the edge of his belt.

Many things ran in Amazon's head. "Was that magic? It more or less seemed like it. He had to use it without getting passed the guards. Who is he?" There were multiple heroes that Diana heard of and never knew existed, he could be one of them who wanted to help the League. Diana's question of the stranger's identity was answered by him.

"My name is Luke Skywalker, I am a Jedi Knight, and I've come to rescue you."

Diana took a moment to think about the explanation of his introduction. She had never heard of Luke Skywalker, either it was his hero persona or his real name she wasn't certain. And she never heard the title of Jedi Knight, she heard of Shining Knight who was based in the UK, maybe he's connected in some way.

Diana turned back to her attention towards Luke Skywalker.

"Wonder Woman," Diana introduced back, "Never heard of you," Diana in all honesty told Luke.

"As I thought," Luke replied, "What planet are we on and you don't happen to be part of the Justice League?"

Diana raised an eyebrow at the blonde's question. Now, Skywalker here is from space if he's asking what planet is he on, explaining his strange outfit and questions.
"We are on Earth and yes, why do you ask?" Diana questioned Luke with a genuine sense of curiosity.

"May I ask what you do?" Luke said it like he was some child learning about the League.

Diana while frustrated about the questions and wanting to escape already, could tell Luke wanted the truth on what's happening.

"Fine, The Justice League was created years ago in the guise of protecting the peace and upholding justice across the planet," Diana explained.

Luke was moved by her explanation, "You protect the innocent, that's an honorable and noble cause," Luke said that sounded like he respected them for that.

Diana went back to her previous question, "Alright, you didn't answer my last question."

Luke Skywalker let out a sigh before he replied, "This may seem like a stretch in your situation. But I am lost and in need of your help. A Hyperspace accident caused me to turn up here in this system. I asked the Thanagarians for help and direction but accused me of being some sort of spy. I managed to escape but I don't have a form of contact to get back to my ship." Luke said in a calm tone. "May I ask why you were captured?" Luke asked so innocently Diana thought.

It took a moment for Diana to explain the events from the beginning in her head without boiling up her rage against Shayera Hol. She made her explanation by yelling out it was Hawkgirl's fault.

"It was...a betrayal," Diana painfully explained to Luke, she saw he took note of this as she continued. "Ever since Hawkgirl, Shayera Hol, was part of the League, she was a spy for the Thanagarians sent here to gather intel. A couple of days ago a Gordanian ship attacked, but it was stopped by the Thanagarians. They said that the Gordonians would come again. The Thanagrians said they will happily make a force-field generator for the planet when another attack happens." Diana paused.

Luke listened to Diana's explanations without interrupting.

"But we found out that was a lie, we don't know what their plan is actually, but I'm certain it's not good. Before we could do anything, they captured us, thanks to Hawkgirl's information," The mention of Shayera Hol made Diana's stomach turn as she couldn't think a second without the image of Shayera's head on a spike.

Luke noticed her change of tone and changed his expression so that seemed like he understood how she felt.

"That must be hard to process, I'm sorry to hear, really I am," Luke said in a way that was honest and genuine to Diana.

Diana however focuses her attention on Luke "Are you a spy as the Thanagarians accused you of?" Diana not wanting to be betrayed again asked Luke with a stern look towards him.

"I can see you're at a point of distrusting people, especially a stranger like myself, and how you've been just wronged," Luke looked at her with an understanding look.

"But know this Wonder Woman, I bring you no harm to the Justice League and the people of Earth. I only wish to repair my ship to be out of your way." Luke explained himself to Diana. "But, If our assumptions are correct on the Thanagarians, then I will help you and the League to stop whatever they plan to do, you have my word as a Jedi," Luke stated to Diana with such honesty.

Of course, she never heard of Jedi but to have someone to swear one a promise is important. Still, Diana was hesitant to trust a stranger. Yet, what choice does she have?

Diana let out a sigh knowing she might regret this. "Ok, I trust for now, but know that if you do anything at all, I'll personally see to it that you get sent to Tartarus itself."

Any regular person would have a shocked reaction, but Luke kept a calm manner and nodded to her statement. "I understand and will honor our agreement."

Luke then went behind her and untied her from her Lasso of truth. Getting back her blessed energy from the gods, Luke hands her lasso back as she places it on her hip.

"Alright let's go!" Diana rushed outside the cell with anticipation of a battle.

She heard Luke tell her to wait in a whisper but it was too late, she was already outside of the cell and was in the cell block as the guards were alerted of her escape.

"Security Breach in Cell Block 7!" One of the guards in a microphone shouted as two other guards beside him fired weapons at her.

Diana thinking she could block the shots with her gauntlets, raised her arms with anticapeing the bolts. Yet they never reached her. The moment the guards aimed their weapons at her, Diana heard a quick electric snapping sound that was close to her. Before she could think of what was the source, a straight line of pure emerald light blocked and sent the bolts of energy back to the shooters. Diana now realized the wielder of the weapon was Skywalker, the energy beam itself coming from the sliver cylinder Luke had on his belt. Before Diana acts, Skywalker pleads with her over the coming fight.

"Get your friends free! I'll take care of them!" Luke said having his body and the green light blade facing towards the Hawkmen that barely dodged the energy beams that returned to them.

Diana not doubting Luke's fighting abilities being displayed, quickly rushed back to where her friends were, as she heard the whooshing and cracking sounds of Luke's weapons deflecting a barrage of energy fire.


​Yeah, finally Luke meets the Justice League. Kinda thought I had to include a ship chase sequence in this. It wouldn't be Star Wars if there was no part where a ship gets chased through a bad environment by other ships. Already have the next chapter typed just gotta check it. Anyways, if you have anything to say at all, I would like you to comment please, and thank you.

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