Chapter 10: Chapter Kaznian Nights - Part 3

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I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.

Nardoc was studying the papers at his desk when he heard a commotion outside of his office. At first, he thought it was soldiers dropping equipment or officers having a loud disagreement but he was proven wrong when he heard what could be described as muffled yelling. He went out of his office and into the concrete hallway bunker, there his eyes widened. He blinked multiple times as he thought he was hallucinating. He saw Queen Audrey, the current ruler of Kaznia and part of the Royal Kaznian Family, was now gagged, bound, and blindfolded with several NKLF guards escorting her.

Audrey was struggling with the guards' grips, squirming and trying to impede them from moving her. This didn't stop the guards from their hold and they continued through the hallway. Behind them was Szekeres, he was in a jumpsuit and was behind the guards.

Nardoc should have known this would happen, it wouldn't take a genius to guess what Szekeres has done. He did the unthinkable, capturing the Queen of Kaznia, and is now holding her in their main HQ. If Szekeres had gone to the deep end, he would have hit the bottom a long time ago. Szekeres has officially declared war against the South, letting Olanic do whatever he wants to the North.

Sure, Nardoc didn't like the Queen, but he also didn't hate her either. Despite the NKLF trying to kill her twice now, she still tried to sue for peace and had not ordered any retaliatory actions against the North, which Nardoc greatly respects. In her own rule, she did her best to respect the wishes of the North Kaznia, she wasn't the problem, it was the dogs under her that were the source. Olanic was one of those dogs and with all of his tough personality he likes to showcase, he was still obedient to the Queen.

Now that safeguard was gone, she was in their custody, and the whole of Kaznia knew who did it. Olanic will order the Kaznian military to rampage in the North with bloodlust for the NKLF capturing the Queen. An unprepared North that will barely put up a resistance against the foreseeable offensive.

All of this was Szekeres fault, he caused this with his delusional backward mindset. He was a brilliant leader, Nardoc thought, he had a skill of tactics and was natural at leading the NKLF. Yet, now he threw that out of the window when he thought that he could just take the Queen without majors consequences that Northern Kaznians will pay for. Whatever so-called "weapon" that he said could win the war, most likely went into his old man's head.

Nardoc quickly went to his commander, grabbing his arm to get Szekeres attention, "What is the meaning of this?" Nardoc demanded.

Szekeres while offended didn't show it and got out of Nardoc's grip, then slightly smirked. "What I did Narodc, is winning the war."

Nardoc narrows his eyes into slits, "Winning? Is that what you think this is?" He pointed towards the captured Queen who was now leaving out of their sight with the guards taking her around the corner. "I could hardly call this a win when we're gonna have nothing real soon."

"Nardoc, my boy, I-"

"Don't "boy" me this, Szekeres!" Nardoc cuts off the one-eyed commander in an outburst. "We were all lucky the Queen didn't do anything while you were trying to blow her up. She was the only thing keeping Olanic in check-in. Now you just let him free like a bird and you think we won?"

Szekeres gave Nardoc a one-eyed cold stare, "You should watch your tone, Nardoc."

"I should watch my tone?" Nardoc repeated, "You should check yours first, you led our people to ruin because you wanted to prove a point? You're out of your mind!"

Szekeres's face turned into anger, and the older man despite his age grabbed Nardoc by the collar and shoved him into the bunker's concrete wall. Passing members of the NKLF who were either in NKLF uniforms or makeshift fighter garbs stopped at their spots when they saw the two leaders arguing. Nardoc didn't put up a fight as Szekeres went to his face with gritted teeth.

"Let me remind you, Colonel, that I am the leader of this movement. I will lead our people out of this pig-headed country, and I'll be the one to do it! I am sick and tired of you second-guessing my command when I'm leading our people to victory." Szekeres dropped Nardoc onto the floor.

Nardoc sat there on the floor with his back against the wall, he looked up at the angry Szekeres who continued arguing and was looking down at the younger commander, "I've always liked you, Nardoc, you've always shown yourself to protect our people above everything else."

Nardoc shook his head, "Not like this, we were supposed to defend our people and nothing more. I didn't ask for war, I didn't ask for a slaughter."

Szekeres pointed at the downed Nardoc, "You weren't there when the Regent had his pigs sick on Volgyes and Orom. You didn't see what they did to our people there."

Nardoc exactly remembers the massacres in those villages that got burned down years ago. The Regent when he still ruled the country sent some of his "Civil Unrest Teams" to settle down major protests and work stoppages of North Kaznians in those villages. They systematically butchered the majority of the villagers, stating that the villages were under terrorist control to the outside world.

Nardoc remembers seeing the aftermath, the pictures and videos the Regent tried so hard to cover up. Nardoc wasn't there, but he remembered Szekeres, Varga, and Laszlo were though. They were the few NKLF fighters who tried to stop the onslaught but couldn't put up a major fight.

Szekeres continued, "You know what Nardoc? I find it ironic that we will do the same thing to the Regent's bastard people as the same way he did it to us," Nardoc's eyes widen in shock at what he's hearing. "You remember when the Regent wanted those fancy suits from that American, Lex Luthor?"

Nardoc remembered the scandal of the Regent trying to buy those Lexcorp battlesuits years ago. Nardoc didn't answer to Szekeres though as the old commander finished his statement. "Well, Nardoc, Let's just say we got some attention from people of interest who were sympathetic to our cause." Szekeres turned his face into a grin.

Nardoc had to process what Szekeres was saying. He knows Szekeres's determination, he will always want things his way. Nardoc thought that Szekeres was always backward, but not mad. Now he's just gone completely insane. Szekere was going to be the very same monster that he hated these decades, he'll just be another Regent.

Nardoc managed to cough up the courage to stand up, "Szekeres...we can't do this."

Szekeres stepped closer to Nardoc, "If I hear another word that's isn't "Yes, Sir." I'll make you'll get replaced in a "sudden" absence."

Nardoc moved away back to the wall with Szekeres's threat. He looked down, not thinking what to do. The hallway was quiet as the NKLF members still watched as the older commander towered over Colonel Nardoc.

"Yes, Sir," Nardoc replied in a defeated tone.

Szekeres looked over to Nardoc for several moments before leaving towards the direction of where they were taking Queen Audrey. When Szekeres was out of sight, the NKLF members then continued to their business, walking past each other and a defeated Nardoc. The Colonel stood there, looking at his feet. His only thought was that this wasn't what he was fighting for.

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