Chapter 11: Catching the Demon's Eye

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I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.

A raven-haired woman walked across the exquisite corridors of a castle-like mansion. Her heels echoed through the stone walls that were decorated with many artifacts around the world.

The woman reaches her destination. She cracks open the wooden door and reveals a quiet study on the other side. There was no furniture in the room other than the rug in the middle and artifacts on the walls. On the left side of the room was a large window that showed the outside world. Tropical forests lay below, with mountains far away. From certain points of view, the Caribbean Sea can be seen. Forward of the entrance laid a fireplace roaring with burning wood.

No one was in the dimly lit room, except for one. A man, an older man in fact stood at the window silently, gazing at the world outside. The man was in his late years, having white receding hair and a wooden cane to support himself. The ages haven't given the man mercy, having a wrinkled face and eyes that look like they have seen centuries of history fly by. The old man dressed like no other, wearing a green business suit with a red tie while donning a green cape with a golden chain to hold it together, to show his superiority and his regal tastes.

The old man didn't budge nor turn to see who had entered his study, already knowing who it was. The woman closed the door behind her for their private conversation. She walks a few paces to him and stops. She bows to give her respect.

"I have troubling news for you, Father." The woman said with an unknown accent. Her voice sounds like it can melt ice and woo that is sharp as a dagger.

The only response the older man given was the tilt of his head to show his curiosity and his upcoming disappointment.

The woman with silky black hair reported to the elderly man, "I'm afraid our support for the separatists in Kaznia has been undermined and ceased by the Justice League."

Silence entered the room, the crackles of the fire was the only response she got after several moments. The old man finally spoke with his question about this recent failure. He replied with a voice that showed his composure and age yet a hint of emotionless curiosity.

"The Detective and his League?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, but it was not the six that destroyed our effort in the Kaznian crisis." The man turned his head back, and the daughter continued, "The Justice League enlisted a new member a short while ago. Our agents could not find anything of his past save for his name...Luke Skywalker."

The man stared out to the window, the name of the Detective's new lackey rang in his head that seemed like it mocked him. Something was different though, a feeling of warning from his mind and instincts told him this new "hero" was different, much different. A feeling that he got when the Detective thwarted and disrupted his plans. He expected this strong feeling from either the Kryptonian, the Amazon, the Martian, or even that Speedster who could never seem to stop talking. Yet this new player, this Skywalker, was giving him a shiver in his spine, even though he didn't know what he can do.

"What about the Lexo-Skel suits we provided to Szekeres? Are they salvageable?"

She walked over to the wall opposite the window, there she grabbed a remote and pressed a button. A painting on the wall flipped to the side revealing a computer screen. She pressed another button to show multiple images of the Lexo-Skel suits he provided to Northern Kaznia.

The old man turns around to examine the fate of his gifts while the woman explains, "It seems that Skywalked disabled all seven suits to critical damage or beyond repair."

She presses the button to change different pictures taken after Skywalker's battle with the mechs. Some looked like they were hacked to pieces, and some looked like they were crushed like how one can easily crush an aluminum can. One was beheaded while another looked like pieces of scrap.

"Including the special prototype?" The white-haired old man asked his daughter.

The woman changed the screen to the fate of the prototype that was like no other Lexo-Skel suit. Instead of the gleaming sliver armor that can shine one's eyes from the reflection of the sun's rays, the suit was charred and burned. It looked like more of a burn victim now than a revolutionary piece of military technology. It had a prototype energy shield around it, being able to absorb large amounts of kinetic energy to protect the suit. Now it seems it's worthless.

The old man narrowed his eyes, "Is there any way to recover what is left?"

"The UN has taken custody of the remains, but I am confident of our agents on finding and bringing them back before they can trance a link to us."

"And what of General Szekeres?" the old man added, "He had a slight idea of our donation and who we were."

"I thought so father, I already dispatched agents to gain his...silence."

"Good, Good." A nagging thought has been poking the elderly man's thoughts like an unwanted guest. This Skywalker was giving his instincts warnings. He wasn't sure why, but he didn't like it. "Are there any pictures of this Skywalker?"

The daughter nodded and clicked the remote to switch the channel. "Yes, father. This was taken during the second bombing at the Kaznian parliament building. He used his metahuman powers to save the Queen and capture the bomber."

A grainy video of the incident showed itself on the screen. The video showed a man using some sort of telekinesis to pull the Queen to him, lift the car into the air before its explosion, and the jumping across the street to run after the bomber. It all happened very fast and the video barely caught any of it. However, the old man got a good look at this hero.

The hero was probably 26 or 27, blonde, Caucasian, and wore an all-black costume. It wasn't a ridiculous costume like these other heroes parade around, it was very similar to the one his shadows wear. Strangely, he saw a sliver of metal cylinder clipped to the left side of his belt.

Curiosity rose in the man's face. "Any explanation for his abilities?"

"Far as we are aware, his powers seemed to be telepathic based. The videos we have show that. We are trying to examine the type of weapon that he used to dispatch some of the suits. It seems to be a new weapon that hasn't been seen."

The man stood quiet. Out of all of the plans and goals being distributed by meddling heroes, why was this one the most concerning? The detective is the biggest threat to his plans despite his attempts to win him over to be his successor, yet this boy is giving the old man something to worry about.

"Any new results of the search in Gotham for the pit?" The old man tried to change the subject to get rid of his worries about Skywalker.

The woman made a hesitant look to answer to the old man. She answered hoping that the old man wouldn't be angered by the news. "Our agents in Gotham have gone...silent. Their last report was their search leading them deeper to Gotham's sewers."

The old man moved his head slightly, "Is the Detective behind this occurrence?"

The woman shakes her head in correction, "Bruce would have said something of our intrusion into his city. It wouldn't be his nature to take down our agents and not say something to us."

His daughter was right, the Detective would announce his achievement of finding his agents and how they should "stay out of his city". But his shadows disappearing was not the work of the Caped Crusader. This was different. Someone or even a group could be skilled enough to capture his shadows before they could send any word out. It wouldn't be just any of the criminal scum or the low-life rabble that made up that wretched city that could get to his army.

"Do we have any leads on who is doing this?"

The woman moved her head from side to side, "No, we've sent other agents to investigate and recover anything from the search parties. They found nothing that can link to any groups or Bruce."

The old man thought about what his daughter said. If this was a group, they were indeed professionals, they might have enough skill to hide from him and even from the Detective. However, he doubts that will not last long. They will pay, whether from the blade of one of his shadows or the Detecive finding their presence.

"Continue your search, Talia. I want those who are disrupting my plans in that city to be found and killed. We need that Pit, Talia, the Society depends on it."

Talia al Ghul bows to her father, "Of course, Father."

"Now leave me," The father commands.

Talia obeys her father's wishes and leaves the room. The old man, Ra's al Ghul, stares into the window.

"Why was Skywalker upsetting me?" He thought. Maybe it was because he's a new hero, increasing the numbers of the horde that is the Justice League. Maybe it was because of his powers, something was giving Ra's to think about. Or maybe it was because his feelings, his instincts, said that Skywalker would be a problem for him in the future. It was faint but noticeable to Ra's.

In a final time, Ra's said Skywalker out loud, almost like he was testing how to say it, in a mixture of disgust and curiosity. "Skywalker..." Ra's narrowed his eyes.

Yeah short and simple, just an interlude. The next Chapter will introduce a character for Luke to meet.​

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