Chapter 7: Visions

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Warning, this Chapter might be slightly edgy compared to the source material. You don't really have to read it.

I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.

Luke realized that he was in a dream. He noticed that he was in a pitch-black abyss but noted that he was the only thing that existed. This didn't last for too long as the black pit started to be covered in a thick white fog.

He felt something in the Force that indicated this was actually a vision. He didn't do anything, how only stood there and observed the dream that was taking place around him. Looking and trying to remember any big details. Visions can be hard to understand, some could be accurate of the past, present, or future while others can be just broad strokes of whatever the Force was warning about. Luke will have to observe everything that is happening to know what the vision is saying.

The fog covered his sight, everything turned to a grayish haze. There were no specific details he would recognize other than it would just be a natural mist made after a heavy rain storm.

He then senses ripples of the Force in the dream that a figure is coming to him from the deep mystery of the mist. He stood there as the figure was slowly coming into view and he noticed their features. He noticed the set of wings behind them, then an hourglass body, a feminine physique. He originally thought it was Shayera, but that was disproven.

When the figure came into view, he was correct at first, it was a Thanagarian, but it was not Shayera Hol. The female wore what Luke instantly recognized as Thanagarian battle armor. She wore a complete set of armor, including the helmet that hid the upper portion of her face. It was all similar to the armor he'd seen before but Luke notes the portions of the armor that were normally red seen by him worn by the soldiers, were actually white. He deduced that it symbolized her rank or status.

The female Thanagarian stopped a few paces in front of Luke. She had a noticeable scowl on her face. He could sense from the Force that she was angry, angry at him specifically. That she wanted to kill him, for all that he's done. Then she spoke.

"Help us." she angrily said.

Luke was confused about the contraction of wills. She wanted to kill him but wanted his help at the same time.

"I don't understand," Luke confessed.

The female warrior continued with gritted teeth and stepped closer to Luke, "Help us."

"I still don't understand," Luke pleaded, "Help from what?"

The winged woman went to Luke's face. She grabbed him by his arms in a tight grip, almost like a vice. Luke didn't struggle, he knew it was a dream but still was surprised at the sudden urge of violence from her.

"HELP US!" She yelled at her face and threw Luke to the ground.

Luke suddenly hits the hard ground that he doesn't remember being that solid. He looks at the ground and sees it almost look like a road, a street road. Luke got up and looked towards the woman. She continued her assault with her eyes of hatred for him but didn't move.

He then sensed another person coming toward him. They could see that they were in great pain in agony and that they wished to be free. He turns his head in the direction and notices that it is another Thanagarian, this time a male.

He too wore Thangarian battle armor and it was the standard issue. However Luke notices the armor itself was damaged. From burn marks to cracked pauldrons and roughed-up parts that looked like they wouldn't protect him anymore. He notes it could be all from some sort of battle he was in. The man's body was in the same shape, with cuts, bruises, and blood around his body. He then saw the man was in chains. He had a metal collar on him that had a single red little light on it. Then the man's hands were bound to a heavy set of metal harsh cuffs.

The man pleaded to Luke in a language he didn't understand. Luke thought it was maybe the native language the Thanagarians spoke. But he could feel from the Force the man was pleading to Luke, begging to free him.

The man stepped closer and closer as Luke was unsure what exactly it all meant. "Please I can help but I don't understand from what?"

The man went beside the woman, both of them side by side, then pointed in a direction above Luke at the same time. He turned around to whatever they were pointing at and the mist parted ways to reveal it.

It was a city or a set of very tall skyscrapers grouped up. They were sleek and dark in appearance. All looked like black obsidian obelisks that signified power and status. Elegant but demanding, beauty but control. They dominated at whatever lay below in the mist with him. Some were short while others in the middle were very tall, to show they were the main towers. Luke decided that it wasn't human in nature nor of Earth origin, that maybe it was somewhere on another planet where he was.

Luke then felt a ripple of the Force that rocked his heart. He placed his hand on the right side of his chest and kneeled a little as he felt suddenly weak. It was a sensation of pure embodiment of distress, agony, and suffering that he had never felt before. It made him want to empty the contents of his stomach from the pure toxicity of the feeling.

The feeling was the overwhelming collection of millions of voices speaking at once in a rhythm, all crying in torment. Some wailed in agony from their daily pains and the wretched days they had to endure. Few cursed their tormenters to the same level of suffering that they went through or worse. Others begged whatever gods and deities they worship to deliver themselves and their children from their torture.

All of these voices had one thing in common, they cried for freedom. They scream into Luke's head for anyone to hear their cry for help. They seek freedom like how an animal dying from dehydration would desperately seek a single drop of water. Most yearned for their independence while others that have never been born free craved this unknown feeling.

The voices ran through his head like speeding traffic. Blitzing his thoughts of every experience and memory they had. All of them were different, but the one thing that made them similar was their description of their lives in bondage. Some detailed the long, tiring, and menial hours, with no hope of relief and treatment that animals won't even get.

Some recalled the horrible sights they'd seen. They retold cruel and disturbing accounts of others being punished and made an example of. Despite wanting to do something to help their brothers and sisters in chains they were ultimately powerless against their masters. They were not much more than property, objects to be used, and thrown away when their time was up.

A couple of them sobbed their stories of their defilement. Having to commit shameful acts to please their cursed masters. Not wanting to deliver their owner's carnal desires but knowing the full consequences of not doing so. Their masters' wrath would come down on them and their loved ones if they didn't make their masters' pleasures true.

To Luke, these voices did not feel like random beings speaking to him. It felt as if an old friend or a member of the family told him a sorrowful story of their troubled past. A dark history of their pains inflicted by another. Sights and horrors that they wish not to see again. Dreaded memories that did not want to resurface but had to tell Luke. But instead of these voices telling him one at a time, they were all happening at the same time with millions of voices. Emotions and feelings overlaid with each other in a few seconds that impossibly overwhelmed Luke.

Luke thought the level of sadness he felt for those beings was impossible to describe. It was a flood of overloaded senses and empathic emotions that Luke began to cry in his own dream.

It reminded Luke when Obi-Wan was in a similar state when he felt Alderaan's destruction. Luke realizes it was the same feeling, a cry from the Force, a disturbance that rippled into the Force itself with an explosion of total despair and sorrow.

He couldn't take in the total barrage of sorrow and fell to his knees, using his hand to brace himself from fully collapsing. He grasped for air as he tried to recover from the darkness that assaulted his feelings. It was something that he never felt, it was a new level of senses, a new level of pain and emotions to experience. He thought the Force-lighting from Palpatine was one of the worst experiences he had ever endured, but this was entirely different.

After some time, Luke was on the ground slowly recovering from the horrible sensation. He got back on his two feet as the two Thanagarians kept standing there like statues. When he stabilized himself, the echoes of all of the torment he felt still distressed Luke. However, he was focused enough that he noticed the dream started to shift around.

The mist started to dissipate to reveal multiple structures around Luke. After some time, the fog showed that they were buildings. When it cleared, Luke suddenly realized that he and the two Thanagarians were standing in a street in some city.

It was clear to Luke that they were not human in origin or anything that would be made on Earth. The buildings themselves looked as if they came from the undercity on Coruscant, but they seemed more archaic than the sleek modern designs on the ecumenopolis. The majority of them were colored like obsidian. Luke looked around the vacant street and saw that some buildings housed shops and street vendor stores, with light-up signs and extractions. But everything he saw was empty. It was him and the two Thanagarians, there was no other sign of life in the city.

Then Luke sensed many beings approaching him, their thoughts were the first thing he sensed. They came from the dark alleys and empty buildings that inhabit the city. They were all of various alien races and genders. Some looked near-human while others looked like they came straight out of a sea. A couple was just as short as Yoda while very few others had the height akin to some of the street lamps. Many had ragged clothes, and dirty uniforms that looked like is used for mining. The very few that were female that was near-human with slight differences, were dressed in revealing exotic lingerie and silk dresses to please whomever they served.

The only thing that they had in common was the silver thick metal collars that gripped their necks. The very same collar the male Thanagarian wore. Some didn't have necks so they had improvised collars or bracelets to compensate. To Luke, it was clear that these people were slaves, and the overwhelming cry for help came to them.

The two Thanagrians stood there and watched as the begging people in slavery went to Luke. They poured into the streets in thousands, it was at the point where Luke couldn't see where the street was. They went to Luke, reaching out toward him to their various humanoid and alien limbs. Their faces looked to Luke with hope, that he could save them. They spoke in so many languages and dialects. A couple spoke in English and most spoke in words Luke couldn't understand.

However, from the Force, he can sense that they were pleading with Luke, begging him to free them from their slavery. They surrounded him, each and every one of them trying to reach him. Luke was in the center of attention as he tried to struggle against the bodies that grabbed him. All of their desperate cries made it harder for Luke to put up a fight. He was overwhelmed by hands and arms grasping his body as they surrounded him. Luke couldn't fight and he was consumed with darkness and the pleas from damned souls that cried to be free from their chains.

Luke woke up from the dream in his bed. He gasped for air heavily as he rose from the bed. Luke was in his underwear, he was sweaty from the intensity of the dream. After a couple of moments of calming his thoughts, he realized that it was around 3 in the morning. The birds were barely heard in the forest as the insects outside still chirped. He also noticed that he was actually crying from the dream. A stream from his eyes reaches down to his chin.

Luke put his feet down on the floor as he sat on his bed thinking about the dream. The vision itself had to be important, there were details in it that were too specific to be ignored. Luke felt that whatever it was about, it was so important that the Force itself had to warn Luke. He's not sure what the warning could be about, but he is certain that he will have to be prepared for it when it comes.

This Chapter isn't supposed to make sense and the vision he had will come to play later. The next Chapter will be more exciting with Luke going on to his first League mission.​

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