Chapter 3: Warm Greetings

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I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.
Luke deflects the incoming hail of bolt fire from the guards as he covers Wonder Woman to free her friends. The guards while keeping their fire started to take flight and head towards with speed. This didn't surprise Luke as he expected them to be able to fly with their large wings. While the guards were coming close to Luke, he jumped into the air with the Force, he was too fast for the guards to react as he flipped his body to kick one of the flying guards down on the floor.

The guard in the air turns around with his wings and heads towards Luke, with his axe over his head to strike the Jedi. Luke anticipated this and raised his Lightsaber to cut down the guard's weapons. However, that didn't happen, what did happen was the two weapons collided.

Both halted each other as the lightsaber made the two blades spark. Luke was puzzled at first, then realized the weapons they use may be Beskar or some Beskar-like metal. He thought this would make things a little harder. Luke's thoughts almost cost him his life as he was cut off with a strike to his left by the left. Luke quickly deflected the strike with his blade and the two continued to exchange blows.

The Force warned that the Jedi was in danger from behind. Luke while still engaging with his opponent felt that the other guard got back up and was flying high speed towards him. Luke at the last second before the flying guard could attack, Force jumped straight into the air. The guard that he was engaged with was confused at first before he saw his comrade coming towards him, making both of them collide with each other to the ground. Luke landed on the floor, seeing that both of the Hawkmen getting back up, Focused on the Force to push the two warriors away. The two guards yelled out as they were pushed back by an unseen force with extreme power and speed. Both of them crashed against the Cell block's wall, knocking them out.

Luke being done with his two opponents, turned around to view the Justice League fighting. Five out of six prisoners were now free. Luke noticed Wonder Woman engaging with a Thanagarian, both of whom crashed into the room's wall as the area they landed in was crushed. Luke took note of the extreme raw physical power these people have as he noticed two more individuals a cell down Wonder Woman.

A man with an all-red suit head-to-suit with a white circle and a yellow lightning bolt in the middle, helping to carry a non-human. The non-human looks like a cross between a Nedimoidian and a Cerean, with their elongated head and green skin followed by red eyes. Most likely a male with his body physique.

He saw two human males engaging with one Thangarian. The one human wore a black-grey suit, with a black cape, boots, gloves, and a cowl. The cowl itself as whole where it shows his white eyes, with two long animal ears on his sides. The final detail was the black-winged animal symbol in his chest, no doubt some bat. The other human or he thinks with his senses, wore a blue body suit with a red cape. Followed by a red triangle insignia with a red symbol in the middle, hugged by yellow in the middle. Both men were heavily built with muscles.

Before Luke can reach the group, he feels a group of individuals with intentions to harm them behind a large door. Luke quickly turned to the directions as he saw Wonder Woman throwing her Thanagarian opponent to the door. The blast door opened and revealed five more Thanagarians armed with melee weapons. The Jedi with his quick reflexes reached out to the Force with his free hand to focus on shutting the door with his mind.

The Thanagarians didn't even take a single step outside of the threshold into battle as an unseen force suddenly closed the blast doors with speed. Luke took note of a nearby control panel to the doors, he used the Force to imagine the panel being crushed. The panel groaned as the electric components started to be crushed and spark, disabling the blast door from opening.

However, he saw from dents being formed on the door, the Hawkmen were trying to open the doors themselves by brute force. Luke sensed that others were stunned by his ability, with the man in black analyzing Luke with his eyes.

"That'll give us some time." The Force sensitive thought to himself.

Luke gazed back at the group as the dark man and the man in blue stood over their Thanagarian guard with melee weapons. He then noticed the man in all red deactivated a force field, that imprisoned his comrade.

"Took you long enough!" The freed prisoner said, still handcuffed.

The man himself had a dark skin appearance, wearing a green and black uniform, with some green symbol surrounded by a white circle. The red man also picked up a melee weapon dropped by the guards. All six were now free, now turning their attention to their rescuer.

"Who are you?!" The men in black demanded to Luke. He felt the others were asking the same question in their minds, Wonder Woman also wanting to know more about the Jedi.

Before Luke could explain himself to the others, the blast doors were blown apart as even more Thanagarians rushed into the room through the smoke. Followed by a slightly larger Thangarian holding a heavy blaster canon. Luke reached to the Force and pushed all the Thanagarians back. All of them let a surprised shout, but this didn't stop the larger Thanagarian from accidentally pulling the trigger. The canon let out a long yellow laser that went into the roof of the ship. The ship rocked to the side as the laser made a gaping hole that was followed by an extreme vacuum outside of the ship.

Luke was about to reach something to brace himself but was too late and was caught in the vacuum. He was sucked out of the ship with other Thanagarians but didn't see any of the League. Luke was falling and fast, he managed to control his body and spread his arms and legs to help the drag. Luke notes he was above a city and the ship he was blown out of was losing height. He noticed he was about to hit the roof of a skyscraper from below in a matter of moments. Luke moved his body to have his head and arms facing the roof, and with the Force, pushed himself upward to help absorb most of the falling momentum. He then manipulated his body to land with his feet on top of the roof, with his lightsaber deactivated.

The Jedi observed his surroundings, he saw that he was the only one on the roof. He took up his view to the sky as the ship crashed into a nearby body of water in the city. Luke was thankful that their actions of escaping didn't cause innocents to lose their lives if the ship crashed straight into the city.

After he was relieved of the ship crashed in the water, Luke's senses flared up when he detected physical power. Not directly from the Force, Luke noted that the source of coming from the group of individuals flying in the opposite direction the ship crashed. Luke recognized the Justice League, he was thankful that they managed to get out.

While he did sense their level of strength in the ship, he felt it was in a weakened state. Now they were free and he could feel their physical power come back to them. The man in blue was the strongest of the group, as he had the dark man on his back and was carrying the red man. Wonder Woman was caring for the non-human and the green man with both arms.

They were fleeing the scene, seeing how they were captured once by the Thanagarians. He knew that the Hawkmen would be looking for him and the League now that they were free. The Jedi will have to hide from the coming Hawkmen and find the League.

Luke walked to the edge of the roof and viewed the city around him. Compared to backwater planets like Tatooine, it was a step better, but to Coruscant, it was a shanty town. He then knew it was best to leave the roof and go to street level to have better chances of hiding in the alleyways. He went through the roof exit and traveled down to the building staircase.

Minutes passed before where he reached the main lobby of the building. The building was occupied by workers, who gave him stares and strange looks. He ignored their views as he exited the building through the main door. Luke was now outside on the sidewalk while people passed him with no mind or strange glances on him.

Luke observed the city around him, The main type of transportation he could tell were vehicles with wheels on them instead of the Speed craft he was used to. He looks around and sees no form of droids or machines in general. He'll occasionally spot a person talking what looks like a personal comuncater, albeit a little boxy.

"And people thought Tatooine was a backwater planet," Luke jokingly thought. For first impressions, this planet seems peaceful. However, he is not sure if the rest of Earth can be considered the same. Luke started to walk across as he tried to find a way back to the Justice League. Hopefully, they didn't leave the city, but Luke can only pray to the Force they don't for his sake.

The ship that transported Commander Talak, Lieutenant Hol, and Kragger, touched down in the Command Ship's hanger bay. They walk down the landing ramp as they are greeted by a soldier to give Talak a report.

"Commander, there's been a security breach aboard the prison shuttle. The Justice has escaped with the help of prisoner Skywalker," The soldier reported to Talak.

Talak went from surprised to irritated as he faced Kragger on the matter. "I thought Skywalker was harmless?" Talak questioned his subordinate for failing to fully probe this Skywalker.

"We did, we confiscated his weapons. We didn't pick up on any abilities he might have had," Kragger explained to his superior.

Talak knowing full well that the Justice League and their new friend will cause their 5 year plan to go to waste, will have to take extreme precautions to recapture them before they can destroy the operation.

"Take a strike squad back to the surface," Talak commanded Kragger. "Search every house, every building, look at every rock! Find them!"

"By your command." Kragger obeyed as he made his way to prep for the search.
To Commander Talak, things just get worse and worse as he commands a bunch of mindless idiots.

"Who knows, maybe they'll get tired and go home," Flash said almost like he believed it and he did. After the escape, the Justice League managed to evade the Thanagarians for hours before going into a clothing store. J'onn commented earlier that the Hawkmen covered the city inch by inch of patrols. Then Flash had to make a comment that he truthfully believed.

J'onn J'onzz and the four Justice League members stared back at Flash for a moment. As they think that will never happen.

The Flash shrugged. "Yeah I know, but a little optimism at a time like this couldn't hurt."

Before anyone could say anything, a voice was heard that was amplified by one of the Thanagarian tanks outside on the street.

"This is the voice of the Thanagarian occupational authority! You're so-called Justice League has violated our martial law with the help of a known fugitive, Luke Skywalker. They are to be considered an enemy and dealt with on sight! Any person found aiding or harboring them will be sumerly punished!" Citizens of Metropolis looked in shock and horror at the information they were hearing as the tank hovered over them with power.

"Ok," Flash just now realizing the situation. "So much for optimism," Flash paused before realizing what the loud voice from outside said "Wait a minute, who's Luke Skywalker? Never heard of him." Flash scratched his head trying to think if the name rang a bell.

"No idea," Green Lantern replied.

"I do," Diana Prince stepped up with her knowledge of the man named Luke Skywalker. J'onn and the League turned their gaze to her to hear what she had to say. The most interesting thing about this man is that Thanagrians wanted him.

"Luke Skywalker was the man in the orange jumpsuit that freed me and helped us escape back in the prison shuttle," Wonder Woman explained, "He explained that he was a Jedi Knight who had an incident with his starship and found himself in the solar system."

She continued, "He asked the Thanagarians for help but they imprisoned him for thinking he was a spy working for the Gordonians." She looked at Green Lantern who would of knowledge of the space more than anyone else here. "I'm guessing you never heard of a Jedi Knight either," She asked the space cop.

Lantern shook his head, "Nope."

Flash then entered the conversation with excitement, "Wait a minute? It was that guy?" Flash asked in the recent revelation. "Man, that guy had some sick moves! He was probably just as good as bats. Oh, and that green laser sword he had kicked butt, he was like WHOOSH and then WOOSH WOOSH and then!"

Before he could finish his overly child-like observation of the swordsman, the group let a loud and demanding, "FLASH!"

But Flash was somewhat right on the individual, he displayed a range of abilities during their escape. From the great skill of that interesting energy weapon, he held to using some sort of telekinesis that J'onn felt was some sort of magic. Though weakened in his state, he did feel the presence of a very strong magic user that was no doubt Luke Skywalker. It was very much like Felix Faust's and Etrigan's magical presences, maybe even akin to Doctor Fate.

Flash looked back between the group before letting a "Sorry," out of his mouth.

Batman wanted to continue the serious part of the conversation and asked the Amazon about the man, "You think he was telling the truth?"

Wonder Woman stared away from the dark knight to the floor to think about the question of trust. Then had her eyes back to Batman, "For the most part, yes. He was overly polite and said he'd help stop the Thanagarians from whatever they were doing. He swore that as a Jedi," Wonder Woman explained to Bats.

J'onn stepped in to speak out of his observation, "Whoever this Luke Skywalker is, he is a very powerful magical user."

The League stared at J'onn's statement as they started to question the strange man's magic.

Superman asked, "How exactly strong?"

J'onn gave some time of thought before giving up an answer, "Hard to say," J'onn honestly spoke, "His magic was...different to say the least. It was hard to actually know since my powers were nullified before we were able to escape. However, If I were to guess, it was close to Felix Faust and Doctor Fate's presence."

Before he could explain his detection of the strange blonde. A strong magical presence hits J'onn's telepath senses like a freight train as it comes within walking range of the group. Before anyone can say anything, the Martian warned the group. "He's here," The group looked at J'onn and tensed up as he stared in the direction of the source.

"Who?" The man of steel asked, powers still weakened state from his red sun imprisonment.

"Luke Skywalker, I presume." The telepath theorized he did use his mind to seek out the person's mind for any ill content. Though Skywalker is shown to be a mentally strong person, he has no bad intentions. And to speak of the devil, Skywalker enters the main clothing department floor through the doors inside, still donning his orange jumpsuit and carrying his deactivated energy sword on his belt.

The man of the hour raises his hands to the group to show his passive stance. The group watches the blonde as Lantern, Superman, and J'onn's curiosity piques on who he is. Batman narrows his eyes on the possibilities and reasoning of Skywalker finding them. Wonder Woman relived the man who helped them didn't get hurt. Finally Flash looks dead straight at Skywalker's weapon as if it's like a toy.

"Though we already met," The Jedi said, "I feel like it wasn't a proper greeting." The man said in a calm tone to the group, still keeping his hands up to show his good intentions. "My name is Luke Skywalker, I am a Jedi Knight, and I feel we can use each other's help."

Luke appealed to the heroes as he officially stated his name to them. All six were giving him curious looks. The man in black studied Luke with his eyes narrowed, observing his every move. Curiously, Luke didn't sense any broadcasting thoughts compared to the rest of the group, whether his mind was strong or wasn't fully human, Luke couldn't say. But he could sense a level of distrust from the man.

The men in green and blue were broadcasting their thoughts to Luke, both thinking if he was telling the truth or not. The man in red was solely thinking about Luke's lightsaber, thinking of asking Luke if he could touch it. Wonder Woman, the only member of the group whose name Luke knows, was relieved that the Jedi was unscathed during their escape. Lastly, Luke saw the non-human staring at the Jedi, strangely, he felt a strange feeling, as if someone was getting a readout on his emotions. Luke was confused as he didn't feel it was coming from the Force. He realized that the source of the probe was the non-human.

Luke looked back at the non-human, and the non-human's eyes widened as he realized too Luke could sense his probing. Luke wasn't offended, though not an automatic thing, people broadcast their thoughts all the time and a trained Force user can listen to them. Whether the user can listen and pay attention to people's thoughts was up for the Force-sensitive. However, to enter one's mind, whether they are strong-willed or not, must be manually done by the Force user. Though going to one's mind for specific memories and thoughts is often painful, and can be considered another slippery slope to the Dark Side.

"Mr. Skywalker, we're the Justice League," the man in blue broke the silence, crossing his arms. "I feel like we can help but we're going to have to hear your story."

Luke nodded to the man's words, "Very well," Luke agreed to explain. He then explained his story, from him and Artoo going to Hyperspace before the accident to escaping the prison shuttle. The League themselves were examining Luke with their ears and eyes. Luke can sense the feelings of tension between himself and the League fade a bit, except for the man in black still not turning his gaze from Luke.

"I'm sorry that you were caught up in all of this," the man in blue apologizes for Luke's situation. "For what it's worth, I believe you." Luke sensed he was telling the truth. He noticed the man in blue was watching Luke at his chest where his heart was during his explanation.

The man in black who was watching Luke like a hawk looked over to the non-human, "Think you can find out whether he's telling the truth or not?"

Everyone including Luke looked at the non-human for an answer. Luke safely guessed if he could probe his thoughts like a Force-sensitive would, he could enter his memories. The main question for Luke was, should he let him in? He can feel his mind was indeed powerful despite being non-force sensitive, but it was a question of trust. He can still feel their uneasiness towards Luke.

He knew trust well enough, he trusted in the Force many times throughout the years and it had not let him down yet. It wasn't telling him anything about these strangely dressed people.

The non-human responded to the man in black's answer, "He is a very strong telepath, I could but only if he let me."

He turned his attention to Luke as did everyone else who was waiting for him to answer. He could say no, he could just turn around and walk away. But that would be selfish, he would be doing it for himself. The Thanagarians were up to no good and Wonder Woman stated earlier that they tried to stop them. Both had the same goal, to protect the innocent, he just needs to show them that. The League wanted to trust him, he could feel it, he just needed to show them that they could. He needed to sacrifice his thoughts to the non-humans and give them the evidence to back up his claim.

He closed his eyes slowly breathed in once and exhaled out, opening his eyes to the group. "If that is what has to take to earn your trust, then you are allowed."

The green non-human nodded as Luke could feel him enter his mind as if someone would walk into one's home as a guest. Luke took him in peacefully, he allowed him to search his recent memories. Almost as if someone was rewinding a holo-vid, the non-human would pause at major points of interest, from the accident to how he was able to find the League. The green human done with his business, left his mind. Luke kindly greeted the non-human out of his preferbable home.

The whole exchange was a quick few seconds, the non-human looked away from Luke and back to his comrades. "I believe him."

The League nodded to his findings, all but except the man in black, "You sure he didn't cast some mental trick?"

The green alien looked back at the masked man, "I didn't sense any inconsistencies or anything of that nature."

Luke can still sense the man's paranoia over the Jedi. He wasn't too sure how he could earn his trust, to begin with. But that was something Luke needed to do, to attempt at least, especially with their recent betrayal.

The green non-human took a step towards Luke to confront him with a question. "Your telepathy and your telekinesis, is it magic-based? It is something I have never encountered before."

The league turned to the non-human due to his question and back to Luke to wait for an answer. The Jedi paused for a second to think about the question. While many throughout the Galaxy would view the Force as magic, it wasn't the correct term. Certain groups and Force-sensitives used the Force differently than Jedi and Sith like the Nightsisters' Magik. Though Nightsister Magik still derived its power from the Force. For a matter of speak, the Force wasn't magic, it was only a thing of perspective.

"While many consider the Force as magic," Luke answered as the group raised their eyebrows, "The power I use is derived from the Force, so it's only called magic by those who view it differently."

The League didn't say a word as they took a moment to think about Luke's explanation. The man in black stepped forward to Luke, "Can you explain further?"

Luke stopped all of his thoughts to think about the man's question. There are still those who in the Galaxy, in a primitive world or not, as not heard of the Force. Whether because of ignorance or not having a real involvement in their lives. "But it does," Luke thought to himself. The Force is very much a part of their lives. Luke can only remember what was taught to him by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda when he too was ignorant of the Force.

Luke looked back at the group with confidence and wisdom of his knowledge. "It is an energy field that every living thing creates," Luke explains, "It surrounds us," Luke uses his hand to his area, "It penetrates us, binds us," Luke using the hand to put it on his chest, "It is the energy that ties every living creature in the universe together."

The group looked at Luke to understand what he said. He knows some people won't believe the Force as being a fact, less than an idea. But he felt that they respected his beliefs.

"So you used the Force to shut that door back on the prison ship?" the man in green asked.

Luke answered with a "Yes."

The man in blue stepped up, "So what can you do exactly with the Force?" the man in blue asked his question.

"There are many abilities one can use the Force with, but is based on the one's connection to the Force itself, spiritual and mental" Luke explained, "In theory, someone who has the Force with can be limitless on what they can do," This surprised the League.

"But that is only if one believes they are truly one with the Force and that line between them and the Force is blurred. It is an ally, a companion, not a tool to be recklessly used. A relationship that I have to respect." Luke stated, surprising the group with his maturity despite him being a little younger than them.

"However," Luke continued, "If you desire to know what I can do, I can use the Force to push my body to the limits, it can warn me of danger to myself, and I can call on it to lift and push objects. There are other things I can do, however, all require great concentration and focus to do so."

"Soooo uuuhhh," the red man budded into the conversation, "Green laser sword, that space magic or?" The group looked back at the red man, Wonder Woman, and the non-human rolling their eyes, thinking the comment was ignorant despite Luke's explanation.

Luke chuckled at the question. "It's alright," gaining the League's attention back on him, "If it makes it easier for you to understand, then you can call it magic. But, yes the Force is involved with a Lightsaber." Luke explains his weapon. He pulled the Lightsaber from his belt and activated it. The green emerald of light shrieked to life from the hilt. It sings a constant hum as he shows it to the heroes.

"Very few materials can stop a beam of a Lightsaber. It can almost cut through anything," Luke continued, "It is considered a Jedi's tool." Luke then put the weapon on its side to show the hilt, "Every Lightsaber is powered by a Kyber crystal," he explained, "A Kyber crystal is a rare mineral that has a special connection to the Force. Every crystal is different and unique, when a Force Sensitive wants to create a lightsaber, they have to personally seek out a specific crystal for them. Every Lightsaber has some form of connection between it and its wielder."

The group nodded to Luke's explanation of his powers as he shut the lightsaber down and connected it back to his hip.

The dark-skinned man spoke his question to Luke, "Just wondering, what exactly is a Jedi Knight? Been around the Galaxy, never heard of it."

Luke isn't surprised by the man's lack of knowledge despite being a traveler in the wider Galaxy. After the Jedi purge at the end of the Clone Wars, Jedi faded into obscurity, especially out in the Outer Rim. Luke remembers what Ben told him back on Tatooine.

"For 1,000 generations, the Jedi were keepers of the peace throughout the Galaxy and the Old Republic. The Jedi used the Force to keep the Galaxy stable and balanced." Luke paused before thinking if the man might know what region they were in.

"Since you said you've been over sound the Galaxy, do you know what sector we are in?"

The man answered Luke almost in a military manner, "Earth is part of Sector-2814."

Luke raised an eyebrow at the explanation, it wasn't strange to call celestial bodies and areas in the Galaxy by numbers. However, he has never heard of Sector 2814.
"Sector-2814," Luke asked again, "Is that a region in the Outer Rim or somewhere out in Wild Space?"

The man looked at Luke with confusion, "Never really heard of those regions, but Sector-2814 is the Orion Arm if that helps."

No, no it didn't help Luke at all, "Is that close or far from the Galactic Core?"

The man in green rubbed the back of his head before he answered the lost Jedi, "Well yeah, it's relatively in the middle between the core and the galactic edge for the most part."

This information didn't make Luke feel better, he went from guessing he landed at some star system that wasn't too far off-course, to being somewhere in the Outer Rim, and finally feeling like he was lost in the Unknown Regions. He knew the man was telling the truth, and wanted to know more. But he knew also that could wait, he could find a way back to the Known Galaxy after the Thanagrians are stopped.

He let out a sigh and looked towards the man in green, "Thank you."

The man in blue spoke up, "Well then Luke, I feel like we can trust you to some level since you helped us escape." He looked back to his friends, "Right?" All nodded but the man in black, who still did not fully trust the Jedi. "Since you already introduced yourself, I feel like it's fair for us to do the same," the man in blue stepped close to Luke and extended his right arm, "People call me super, but my real is Kal-El."

Luke kindly shook the man out of respect and replied with a nice, "Pleasure, Kal-El."

The man in red took his turn to greet Luke in a way that surprised the Jedi, the man in red turned into a red blur to Luke's side to have a handshake. "Flash."

Luke didn't feel any Force technique like the Force speed used by Flash, he safely assumed that he could do that as his abilities. Luke took in the speedster's hand, "Right."

The dark-skinned man stepped up, "Green Lantern, but I'm really John Stewart."

Luke nodded in response.

The non-human stepped forward and did something that didn't completely shock Luke. The non-human changed shifting his form to a similar but still non-human body, now clothed. The new form still has green skin and red eyes, while having a human-shaped head. His new clothes were a blue cape, connected red straps boring an X that showed his torso while wearing blue shorts. Luke being around the Galaxy after leaving Tatooine, has seen a couple of changeling species. The non-human spoke up, "Martian Manhunter, but you can call me J'onn J'onzz."

Luke smiled at J'onn, "It's an honor."

Wonder Woman while already introducing herself to Luke, still stepped forward, "I know we already met, but my real name is Diana Prince."

"That's a lovely name, Diana," Luke commented on the Amazon's name.

The man in black was the only one left not to state their name to Luke. He can feel he was hesitant at first from his expression but only uttered one word to give his name, "Batman."

Luke responded, "Nice to meet you, Batman," though the Dark Knight can't say the same.

With introductions out of the way, Superman spoke for the situation they're in, "Since that's done, we're going have to get back on the storm we're in,"

Luke nodded in agreement, "Yes, I said earlier to Diana that I will help you stop the Thanagarians whatever they're up to. I promised her as a Jedi," Luke looked back as Wonder Woman nodded, remembering their conversation back at the prison cell.

Superman stepped in "We appreciate that you helped us escape," The League nodded to be thankful for Luke being there, "We don't doubt that you can't hold yourself in a fight, but you already helped us back on the ship, we can help you get back your friend and fix your ship."

Luke kindly responded, "I understand your concern for me and yes, I don't need to help any further." Luke gave the League members a serious look to show his commitment to helping, "But, if we all think the Thanagarians will do something to harm the people of this planet, then I will put myself at risk to protect them, I can never look the other way," Luke stated the fact that he will protect the innocent from those who intend to harm.

The League gave Luke looks of respect for his dedication, including Wonder Woman, "That is honorable," Her face shifted to a look of disgust and anger as she thought of one League member who wasn't with them. "Wish someone else had a mindset like you."

The moment she remarked on a specific league member, Luke sensed John was in pain with despair and confusion. Lantern looked at the floor with his head down to think about what she said. He couldn't pinpoint who, but he felt Lantern had a specific connection to someone close, and is now feeling as if he lost them. From what Luke remembered, Wonder Woman stated that they were betrayed by Shaerya Hol, one of the Thanagarians who had been a spy ever since the League was founded. Luke wanted to talk to all of them about it but knew they were still reeling from the betrayal. He will have to wait till this incident is over.

"All right, Diana," Superman stopped the Amazon from reminding them of their betrayal. He sighed back to Luke, "Ok, then, If you want to help us, then we won't stop you," He looked at his team to ask them, "Right?"

Flash nonchalantly said, "That will be cool."

Martian Manhunter responded with "I see no problem with it"

Green Lantern replied with a "Y-yeah," still thinking in his thoughts about someone dear to him.

"It will be a good thing to have more bodies with us," Wonder Woman said.

The silence was instilled in the room before Batman was the last to say his opinion in a monotone voice, "For now, yes."

"Then it's settled," Superman said.

Luke nodded to the group's acceptance of letting Luke help them fight the Thanagarians, "Right," he looked between the group for the next step, "So, do we have some sort of plan?"

Batman stepped in to come up with an idea, "Since the Thanagarians are looking for us, we're gonna have to go underground."

Wonder Woman remarked, "How exactly do we hide when the entire planet is looking for us?"

J'onn next to a clothing rack picked up a piece of clothing to give his opinion on the matter, "They're looking for the Justice League and Skywalker," he looked between them and Luke. "Without our costumes," The Martian then shifted to a human appearance, an average-looking male wearing a brown coat. "We are merely ordinary citizens," he finished his statement. Luke nodded to J'onn and Batman's plan, however, Flash voiced his concerns.

"Hold on a second here," he raised his hands in defense, "What about the whole secret identity thing?" He looked at Luke for a moment, "I mean, No offense Luke but we just met you," then looked between his costumed comrades, "And I trust you guys, but I'm not sure I'm ready to-."

Before Flash could explain his reasonings for keeping his secret, Batman with a tired sigh walked over to the Flash and pointed to the speedster's chest, "Wally West," He pointed to Superman, "Clark Kent," and then proceeded to pull down his dark cowl, showing a handsome man with black hair, "Bruce Wayne."

The Flash's eyes widen as almost if he wasn't expecting his name dropped. He looked back at Luke, with a silent look to see if he could keep it a secret. Although the Jedi of before never had any identities to begin with, their only real connection of identity other than the order was their birth names. None of them knew their families, if they did it was during their early childhood.

Luke knew the importance of keeping a secret, Obi-Wan and Yoda separated him and Leia from each other to protect them from Vader. Then fabricated that both of them died during their birth with their mother to any who guessed what happened to the children. Both of them never knew their real parents until a couple of years ago. It was a decision both Yoda and Ben didn't like but had no choice. Luke knew that sometimes keeping a secret wasn't a sign of distrust, it was to protect their loved ones.

Luke looked at Flash and smiled at him, "Don't worry, I know that you have loved ones you might want to protect from your actions. I will never tell anyone beyond this room, you have my word."

Flash took a few seconds to think of Luke's words. He could feel that he was conflicted, but since his name was dropped, he wondered if he should go along with it. But in the end, he felt that the Flash would regret this but knew these people wouldn't danger his personal life. Flash looked back at Batman and said, "Show-off," then took off his cowl, revealing a mid-twenties man with red hair.

Batman, Superman, and Green Lantern went to gather appropriate clothes for their disguises as Wonder Woman stepped up to Wally West, "Red hair," she said as she ruffled up Flash's hair. "It suits you."

Flash smiled back at her, "You think?"

A piece of shirt hits Wally's head to interrupt their chit-chat.

"Change, Now!" Bruce said coldly, Luke for a second almost felt a level of jealousy as Bruce walked by passed the two.

Luke smirked at the interaction, very reminding him of the talks between Leia and Han would have. Luke thought when he would get back to his friends, he would need to tell them of this experience.

Luke looked around the store as the others did, he found a black jacket in his size with a blue shirt, blue pants, and a pair of white shoes. He took off his flight suit and put the disguise on. He also put a red hat on, since the Thanagarians would of a good picture of his face. Then he got a backpack to put his flight equipment in. Finally, he hid his lightsaber in his jacket's inner pocket.

As he was done, he noticed the others were ready. Clark was dressed in a blue suit with a pair of glasses. Wonder Woman wore a baby blue long-sleeve shirt and tied her hair in a ponytail. Wally was dressed casually with a green jacket and black pants. J'onn with the same look when he last morphed. Bruce was dressed in a black jacket, grey pants, and a slightly light gray shirt. Finally, Lantern was in a grey hoodie with green pants and a blue beanie. They all nodded to each other to show they were ready to head out.

When the group exited the building through an alleyway, Luke thought the situation was a little more complicated than he originally thought. The skies were littered with Thanagarian soldiers patrolling. Some hover tanks were combing the streets as Hawkmen sentries took guard of any suspicious activity. "And I thought going through the Death Star with a Stormtrooper disguise was a bad idea," Luke jokingly thought.

The group saw this as they kept to the alleyway, "We need to split up," Lantern spoke, "They'll be looking for seven of us, not pairs," Luke thought this was a decent plan, but where to meet up was in the air.

The disguised Martian spoke Luke's inner question, though not intentionally, "A Rendezvous point?"

Bruce answered back, "We're about 30 miles from Gotham City," Bruce stated as everyone looked at him, "We can regroup at my house there."

"But try to keep a low profile," Bruce warned. He and Wonder Woman left the ally, keeping it as casual as possible.

Diana stopped and turned towards Luke, "You can come with us, it's the best since you don't even know where to go."

"I don't even know what city I'm at," Luke jokingly said as he observed the city next to him.

"You're in Metropolis," Clark stated to the lost Jedi.

"Right, thank you," he said to Clark then turned to Bruce and Diana, "Well," he followed it with a sigh, "Lead the way."

Wonder Woman smiled, but Bruce still kept the same neutral expression as when he took the mask off. The trio took the right, while the J'onn and Clark walked across the street then John and the Wally took to the right. Luke can hear Wally sarcastically say, "30 miles through Hawk-infested territory, No problem!"

Luke stayed behind the raven-haired couple as he had his backpack with his suit in it. Luke still trying to keep a low profile, kept his head low as the Hawkmen probably had a good look at his face, seeing how he was honest with his appearance and name, to begin with.

"The construction proceeds as scheduled," Paran Dul, Chief Engineer said as she was in a view screen. Reporting to Commander Talak of the generator's progress. Both Talak and Shayera were in the control station. "We have added humans to the workforce."

Talak asked the engineer about their efficiency, "Are they of any use?"

Paran's follow-up response made Shayera's spine shiver. Paran responded as if the human workforce she mentioned were nothing more than a resource, tools that can be replaced when broken, a number used on an engineering spreadsheet report as if they were objects, "They have no technical expertise to speak of, but that can lift and carry as well as any animal. We should complete the project by the target date."

Shayera didn't understand, they were on Earth so they could put the force-field generator on the planet. So Earth would be protected from the Gordanians, they were there to help not to turn Earth's people into slaves.

"Be aware that the Justice League and the fugitive Luke Skywalker have escaped," Talak warned Paran, "Stand ready for an attack."

Paran with confidence that they can defend the generator from the Justice League and some random pilot, "Let them come, It would only be suicide."

"Keep me informed of your progress," he said, "and Paran, Let nothing delay you," he ordered.

"By your command," Paran accepted her orders as the view screen closed.

Shayera was standing by Talak, keeping quiet and viewing the conversation. But she couldn't keep her silence, she wanted answers straight from Talak. "Humans working as slaves?"

Talak looked back at her with a cold tone about the situation. "Unfortunate but necessary. We are on an unforgiving schedule," He turned around and started to head over to a set of controls, "And if we're going to finish the Hyperspace Bypass in time.."

Shayera cuts over Talak because he can explain his reasonings, "Bypass!?"

She quickly made it over to her to see if she heard wrong. However, her ears were working just fine. "I thought we were building a force shield?"

Talak looked over to her with his answer, "That was merely the cover story."

She looked at Talak in disbelief, "Was I just lied to this entire time?" She questions herself in her thoughts.

"So when were you going to tell me your real plans?" She demanded an explanation of how and why she'd been deceived. "Or didn't you think you could trust me?"

She ended her questions with an accusation of her lover not trusting her. Both stared at each other as silence swept into the room.

"Come," Talak broke the silence and placed a hand over her shoulder to guide her out of the viewing room. They walked a couple of rooms down before going into the control room. Talak went to a control panel with Shayera behind him. He starts a simulation on top of one of the view screens to help his explanation.

"For decades, the Gordanian homeworld has been protected behind an impregnable defensive line." The screen showed the Gordanians's home world in its star system. The star map showed a static line to indicate the Gordanian's defenses in the surrounding systems. The line consisted of stellar minefields, fortress worlds, battle star stations, and a series of defensive fleets. Shayera knew all of this but kept her silence to let Talak explain further.

Outside the defensive line, a set of hyperspace jump points were shown, and a line indicating a route to the homeworld. "But this chain of Hyperspace bypasses," Talak continued his explanation, "Will allow our armadas to jump behind their defenses and make a direct assault on the heart of their empire."

"Earth is the last link in that chain, once the chain is completed, we can attack and wipe the Gordanian threat forever."

Shayera realized what opening a hyperspace route on Earth would do, "But if we open a hole in hyperspace, it will destroy this entire planet!" She stated towards Talak.

"Sadly, yes," Talak answered, knowing the consequences, "for Thanagar to Live, Earth must die."

Shayera's eyes widened in shock, she didn't know what it all meant. She didn't know how, how out of all the people who could say that, it came from Hro.


Notes​Yeah, let me know if you guys think I could have done the whole league trusting Luke thing. There wasn't really one thing around it at least to me. Anyway, let me know if you guys have any complaints or criticisms.

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