Chapter 8: Kaznian Nights - Part 1

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Warning, this chapter might have some political things in it. However, this is stuff that the characters in the story might view things, they are not my political stances.

I do not own any of the Star Wars and DC characters and ideas represented in this work.

R2 was in his room overviewing the plans of the League's new Javelin ship designs. He and Master Luke have been improving and refining the designs themselves since they've lived on the island for almost a month and a half. With their expertise in flying different starships over the years, they managed to drastically improve the schematics compared to the original version.

R2 and Luke did improve the twin engines of the ship. Luke also had R2 pull plans from his memory banks to design a deflector shield generator for the ship. The Astromech did have to simplify for the engineers in Batman's company to actually replicate and make, due to the planet's level of technology. The shields should be able to protect the hull decently well, it might not survive in a full-blown battle, but something that can be relied on regardless. R2 also upgraded the ship's computer systems with his engineering skills downloaded in his computer core.

That leads to the hyperdrive. Hyperspace technology in this Universe was similar compared to Luke and R2's Galaxy. Both hyperspace drives need preparation for navigation computers and calculations to safely jump. Both tap into an alternate dimension to perform faster-than-light travel in space. Thankfully, the navigation computer on the soon-to-be-made Javelins will have enough space to download and store hyperspace routes, provided by Green Lantern of course.

Then that leads to the ship's weapons systems. The main armament was a set of dual concussion missile launchers at the bottom of the ship. The secondary armament was twin heavy repeating blaster cannons at both sides of the ship. R2 bugged Luke into putting more weapons on the Javelins. Stating that the ship was large enough to put enough ordnance on the wings, more firepower on the front end of the ship, and was capable of adding a gunner position on the top of the hull. But Luke objected, stating to the Astromech droid earlier that. "We're building a ship to help and protect, not trying to blow a hole in the planet, Artoo" Luke said to R2.

Speaking of his master, R2 noticed that Luke had been acting weird lately. At first, R2 thought it was the news of them maybe not returning back to their Galaxy. He assumed Luke was taking it hard since It did for R2, if anything, it felt like losing all of his friends back during the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan, Ashoka Tano, and not ever seeing Anakin Skywalker again was the hardest for R2. He'll miss Captain Solo, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca. Even with their arguments and snarky comments, R2 will miss C-3PO. It took some days for R2 to recover from the loss, but he finally accepted that they would never see them again. R2 experienced loss before and got back up, he can do it again.

However, R2 originally thought Luke was going through the same thing, but he realized that it was something different. Luke was no stranger to tragedy, despite the first time hearing the news from Dr. Fate, Luke managed to have his chin up. Whatever Luke was feeling now was recent. It happened a couple of days ago in the morning, Luke looked like he was disturbed and shaken by something. R2 was concerned that day so he asked his master about it. Luke said he had a dream, a vision, and that he would need time to think about it.

R2 knows that the Force is well above his knowledge and is thankful that it wasn't too serious. R2 then got an alert from the teleporter that the League gave to them. The platform was connected to R2's computer, making it easier to run diagnostics on it. R2 read the coordinates and immediately knew who was coming to their island.

Luke was calmly meditating on one secluded spot on the island. It was an open spot that lacked any trees in it and was surrounded by bamboo. He was floating in the air, using the Force to achieve clarity. Rocks floated with him in the air, with no hint of anything supporting them. Luke would go into deep meditative traces in this spot at some points during his stay. He found it more comforting and peaceful in this part of the island than his usual meditation sight at his house.

However, Luke would go to this spot more than he would have due to the disturbing dream he experienced a couple of days ago. He's been spending his early mornings till the evening to try and unravel the dream piece by piece. So far he has dissected the dream into parts that represented different things. Portions of the dream seemed more or less symbolic, representing something rather than being a specific thing. There were details in the dream that were oddly specific and seemed to imply that they already existed or were soon to come.

Since there were details that came to him in this dream one after the other, he theorized that the events were signs and would happen in order in real life. After days of nothing but meditation with a break in between, Luke thought of the events that might happen in the future that he will encounter.

The first sign is that he might come into a deep mist, he is unsure if that was part of the dream or if it will be the first thing that will send the events into a spiral. After that, he will encounter a female Thanagarian in white battle armor. She would be asking for help at the same time wanting to kill him. She would be followed by a badly damaged male Thanagarian, most likely in servitude. Luke thought, unlike the female, being someone specific, he may represent a group, possibly the Thanagarian race. Of course, Luke has no proof other than his clothing having the looks of battle-damaged armor being in slavery, and that he spoke a different language, probably Thanagarian.

Both stated they needed help from a threat, a threat that lay in a dark city. The city, and most likely the planet it resided on, was ruled by whoever lived in those dark spires the two pointed at. Then there was the disturbance he felt. Luke believed that he might not encounter that horrible feeling anytime soon. If Luke is correct, a disturbance like that only happens when massive forms of life are extinguished in a short span of time, Ben feeling and explaining what he felt when Alderaan was destroyed is an example. He hypothesizes that the Force itself amplified all of the emotions and thoughts of those who were suffering on that planet and made Luke feel their torment. If anything, it was to warn Luke and give him something to think about on how much suffering there is in this Universe.

The slaves were the last thing Luke saw before his dream ended. All were of various races and genders, humanoid and non-humanoid. Luke safely guessed that the city was a slave trading hub. An area where criminals and scum can sell living beings that had free will to be sold like cattle. The spires that overlord the city were probably the leaders and even oversaw the operations.

This leads Luke to a major question in his head, "What am I supposed to do?"

Luke thought that whatever was going to happen in that city, in that world, was so important that the Force warned him about it. The Force wouldn't just make Luke experience one of the worst sensations he has ever felt without some purpose to it. It was clear that the planet was generating something that the Force abhorred, slavery or otherwise.

Then there was the vision itself, knowing about the future from force-visions was a double-edged ability. Yes, it could help any Jedi in the future but solely relying on it could change their behavior in the present. He remembered having his first force-vision, Luke seeing Han and Leia in pain made him inclined to rescue them, despite Yoda and Ben's plea not to. He did save them, well at least he did save Leia at first and then Han later on but that was one of Luke's lessons he found the hard way. He cannot put total faith in the visions. Feeling all of that immense pain and torment from those souls crying for help gave Luke doubt over whether it could be accurate or not though.

Luke wondered to himself if he should bring up the dream to Shayera. The last time he saw her was a few days after they saw each other again back in the tower of fate. The only reason why he wants to tell her is because of the two Thanagarians in it. If anything, the female soldier in the dream might be of some importance and Shayera might recognize her. But he wasn't too sure if Shayera would actually believe Luke and him maybe reminding Shayera of her people might dower her mood.

For now, he will keep it for himself and continue meditating on it. If that day comes when one or more of those signs come to him, he will let the Force guide him.

At some point a few minutes back, Luke sensed someone was coming to him from one of the trails that led back to his house. Luke wasn't alarmed since some of the League might visit him occasionally, he deduced that Artoo might've told them where he was. Then they stood there watching Luke as he floated. Luke immediately recognized the person.

"Do you need something, Bruce?" Luke asked while he was still floating, eyes closed calmly.

Batman walked up to Luke, who now gracefully landed on the ground with the rocks. Batman watched Luke get up and went to him before he responded, "How's the island?"

Luke smirked, "It's not too shabby, Artoo seems to be enjoying it more than me though."

Batman nods, not giving an actual proper reaction. Batman moved his hand to his caped body and revealed a set of files. He hands the files to Luke and explains the reason he was there. "There was a bombing in Kaznia yesterday, it happened at their parliament building, no one died thankfully, but the target was no doubt Queen Audrey."

Luke opened the set of files as Batman explained the situation. He remembers learning about Kaznia when researching Earth's various nations. Kaznia, being a country in Southern Europe, a region called the Balkans, basically epitomized a Balkan nation. Ethnic tensions, religious violence, political infighting, and corrupt politicians.

What Luke also remembers is one of the League's recorded files on a villain called Vandal Savage. A supposed human who is immortal changed the outcome of the Second World War where he was the world's undisputed leader, the League defeated him after repairing the timeline. Afterward, he somehow infiltrated Kaznian politics and became close to King Gustav. He planned to usurp King Gustav, marry his daughter, the now Queen Audrey, and then use Kaznia's space program to mount an orbital rail gun to hold the world hostage, making him the undisputed world leader, again. The league stopped him and Queen Audrey imprisoned him.

Luke looked up to Batman as he turned the pages of the files, "I guess whoever planted that bomb isn't fond of the Kaznian government and the monarchy."

Batman shook his head, "It was most likely the North Kaznian Liberation Front, the NKLF," Batman went to Luke and flipped a page to the NKLF's dossier, showing their history and known capabilities.

"They were formed in the 1980s when the country was still under Yugoslavia. It's an alliance of Northern Kaznians who wanted to separate from the rest of the country. After the regency took control years ago, they started to act up. In recent months they started to increase their activity, especially in the northern part of Kaznia."

Luke nodded to Batman's quick history lesson. "So killing the queen would be their motive."

Batman nodded, "They're classified by Kaznia and the UN as a terrorist organization, but Northern Kaznia finds them sympathetic to their cause. Northern Kaznia for the most part wants to separate from the country and the Queen will be holding negotiations between the Northerners and the Southerners in the coming days."

Bruce stepped forward and told the reason why he went specifically to Luke with this information. "She asked the League for assistance, and since you've said that you had experience with negotiations and assassinations, this will be up of your alley." Bruce raised an eyebrow, "You in?"

Luke pauses to give thought to Batman's words. Luke did have some experience and resolving conflicts in the New Republic words after the fall of the Empire. And he did stop a few assassinations attempted before, no thanks to his precog. Luke did say he would help the League whenever they needed it, even though they haven't really needed him lately since nothing came up since he joined, he did make a promise.

Luke made up his answer, "I'm going have to research the country for the rest of the day to get a better view of the situation. But I should be ready tomorrow."

Bruce nodded, "Good, we'll brief you when you do."

"Can someone please give me another drink!" Queen Audrey called out in exhaustion to one of her maids with a noticeable Slavic accent.

One of the maids bowed to obey their queen "Yes, Your Majesty," the maid proceeded to exit Audrey's office. Other than the two guards at both ends of the room, Audrey was alone for the moment. She went further into her rotating seat as she held her head from her headache that seemed to be popping up recently. The stress of leading a country that would explode into a civil war was getting to her.

It was one thing when she ascended the throne when her father was paralyzed by that bastard Vandal. It was another when her father passed away right after and left her have a can of worms that could bust any minute. But she missed her father, despite his blunt way of ruling and uptight rules, he still was her father and deeply cared for her.

After picking up the pieces from her father's rule and Vandal's treachery, Audrey has been trying to keep her beloved country together. She did all she could, being in parliament meetings, visiting the different cities and towns to get their opinions on current matters, addressing the ever-constant economic problem that burdened Kaznia for the longest time, and making plans to jump-start the economy. It got better, slowly but surely. The political opposition parties have been calm ever since Audrey took the throne and the international community's opinion on Kaznia has somewhat improved since then.

But there was always something, as when Audrey thought her country escaped from the several problems it faced, the country was now ever so close to a civil war. Northern Kaznia, made up of predominantly Catholic Kaznians and Hungarians has been causing civil unrest. The starters of this unrest was no doubt the NKLF, since Audrey became Queen they have been causing mayhem in the North. From causing minor protests to shootouts with the Kaznian authorities. It was small incursions at first, something that the local police were capable of dealing with but it gradually turned into a point where the Kanzian military had to be called in to keep the peace.

Audrey never wanted this, she never wanted her people to fight each other. It didn't matter if they were Northern or Southern, Catholic or Orthodox, they were her people and it was her responsibility to take care of them. If a queen couldn't protect her people, then what use is that Queen?

She did her damn best on resolving the conflict, she talked to parliament about giving Northern Kaznia more autonomy than it already has, but the Southern majority denied any more autonomy. She talked to the Nothern faction of parliament and pleaded to ask their people to calm themselves and pursue better options for conveying their frustrations. Some of them weren't the ones openly calling for violence, but others did wish they could leave Kaznia as a whole. Of course, they were not the ones instigating the violence, it was the NKLF, but even then the North wouldn't have caused this uproar if there wasn't a problem.

They had their differences in the past but she thought Kaznia could still be united, they just need to see that from their thick-headed skulls. But it was clear that none of them was going to anytime soon when the parliament building was bombed two days ago. Audrey gave a tired sigh as the maid returned with her drink. She asked the Justice League for assistance afterward, if anything she would need a super-powered bodyguard in the coming days. This wasn't the first time when she was targeted and it won't be the last. Audrey had a bright hopeful feeling that it would be Wonder Woman they sent. Sure she and Diana hadn't seen each other in months since she got the throne, but the short time frame that they did spend together made them close.

The double doors in Audrey's office in her newly built manor opened to reveal two important men of the Kaznian government. One of them was General Olanic, chief of the Kaznian Armed Forces. He was tall and was built despite him being in his 50s. He had a long black mustache with white lines at both ends of his hair to show his age. He wore his military service uniform with supported medals and awards. Audrey thought Olanic was a good man, of course when he's not being stubborn. She thought Olanic was a little too conservative, in political terms, and in how it came to solving problems. Problems that deserve a delicate touch, not a "roll the tanks in the streets" touch.

Next to him was the Kaznian Prime minister, Zebic. A man in his 60's, shorter than Olanic who was a mountain compared to Zebic. He was in his formal black suit and had white balding hair with glasses, he looked more like a grandpa than a Kaznian bureaucrat, Audrey joked to herself. But he and her father were great friends before he passed away. Sure he can be timid sometimes but he still supports her and the decisions she made since she became queen. Zebic was the voice of reason compared to Olanic's view of head bashing the problems away.

Zebic had his hands to the side while Olanic stood in parade rest in a military style. Zebic bowed his head towards Audrey, "Your majesty, one of the members of the Justice League has arrived and is waiting in the hallway."

Audrey is piqued up by this and rises from her seat, excited to think it could be Diana again, "Really? Is it Wonder Woman?"

Olanic grinned at the comment, Zebic stood up from his bow, "I'm afraid not, your majesty," he replied, Audrey frowned. Zebic continued, "It is one of the League's newest members."

While Audrey is disappointed about not seeing Diana anytime soon, she knows her responsibilities of being a Queen for her people come first. Audrey sighed, "Very well, you can bring them in."

Zebic bowed his head, "Of course," he then opened one of the doors to the hallway and poked his head out, "You may come in now, Mister Skywalker."

With that, Audrey's new bodyguard from the Justice League entered. Since Zebic said that they were the newest member, she was expecting someone with a colorful wardrobe or leather-tight spandex. Instead, the Justice League member who came in looked like some guy.

He was averagely tall and built, not too skinny but had no protruding muscles that Superman would have. His wardrobe wasn't spectacular either, he wore all black, boots, pants, belt, tunic shirt, and for some reason wore one black glove on his right hand.

His looks meanwhile weren't too bad though, he didn't wear a mask like other superheroes do, and he had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was in his mid-twenties Audrey observed. If anything, he kinda looks like one of those surfer guys she partied with when she was on a trip to California a year back. He wasn't "OH MY GOD!" handsome, but more of a boy next door handsome. She didn't see any weapons on him with the exception of a sliver tube attached to his belt. Audrey honestly thought it was a flute the first time she saw it.

Despite his appearance that showed him anything but a superhero, she knew that the Justice League and especially Diana would risk Audrey's safety with a nobody. But something was different with him though. Audrey couldn't explain it, but the man had a peaceful aura to him, that he wouldn't be able to hurt a single fly if he tried. The man went to her as Olanic and Zebic went to the side to let the hero introduce himself. He bowed more down than any of her servants usually do, almost like how some Asian cultures bow.

He then spoke in a calm tone, "It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness." He stood up and gestured a hand to himself, "My name is Luke Skywalker and I am part of the Justice League."

Audrey responded to the polite hero, "Queen Audrey," she introduced herself, "Thank you for coming, Mister Skywalker."

She then gestured over to Olanic and Zebic, "Luke Skywalker, this is General Olanic, Chief of the Kaznian Armed Forces and next to his Prime Minster Zebic."

Luke turned over to Zebic first, both giving each other a handshake. He then went to properly greet Olanic, but the General was uninterested in the arrival of the hero. Still, he took in Skywalker's hand, albeit less warmly than he would usually greet others.

Olanic then spoke towards Skywalker, crossing his arms and giving him a look that wasn't impressed, "When the League said they'll be sending someone, I thought they would be sending someone a little bit...older."

Luke Skywalker didn't give any bad expression towards Olanic, Zebic silently facepalmed, and Audrey rolled her eyes and called out Olanic to behave, "General..."

Olanic continued, "All I'm saying, if the Justice League would send someone that would look like he came straight out of a western goth store, then the League must be short this time." Olanic remarked to the hero.

Skywalker didn't show a hint of bad faith to Olanic then smirked, "Looks can be deceiving, General. But I have to say that you are not correct." Luke refuted the Kaznian General, "The League isn't short-staff at the moment, they actually sent me as they thought I would be better skilled and equipped with dealing with your conflict."

Olanic narrowed his eyes at the hero, "If I recall correctly, Skywalker, The Queen asked the League for a temporary bodyguard for protection, not get involved with our dealings." Olanic said in a cold remark.

Zebic stepped in between the two facing Skywalker, "Please excuse the General, Mister Skywalker," the Prime Minister apologized to Luke, "General Olanic is just concerned about Her Majesty's protection over a member of the League we've never heard of."

"Ahem," Audrey stopped the three men from their conversation and they turned their heads toward the Queen of Kaznia. She was tapping her foot out of frustration and had a hand on her hip. It was one thing when they were concerned about her, it's another when both were questioning the skills and confidence of Justice Leaguer who was sent to protect her.

"I hope you all know, that I'm standing right here and I can call who's able to protect me and not, right?" She raised an eyebrow.

The two Kaznian figureheads stepped away from the Leaguer and apologized to their Queen.

Zebic bowed in apology, "I beg for your forgiveness, Your Majesty."

Olanic sternly said, "Apologies," and slightly bowed.

Audrey crossed her arms to them and looked at Luke Skywalker.

He also bowed to Audrey, "I apologize for my rudeness, my lady."

Audrey smiled at the polite blonde, "There's nothing to apologize for, Mister Skywalker, if anything these two should apologize to you." She looked back to the Kaznian men.

Skywalker spoke up, "Please, call me Luke." then he looked back at the General and the Prime Minister, "I understand you are skeptical about me and what I can do. The only thing I did noteworthy with the League was stopping the Thanagarians from taking over the Earth two months ago."

Luke sternly looked at the two men and then back to the Queen, "But know this, I will give my own life to protect you. You have my word as a Jedi Knight, my lady."

Audrey slightly blushed at the idea of this man near her age saying that he would give his life to her. Yes, she had guards and soldiers swear to her that they would give their lives for her protection. But when Luke said it, it felt genuine, that he would do it without hesitation. It didn't help that he stated that he was a Knight of some sort. She didn't know what a Jedi was, but she assumed it was something he was a part of. She thought him being a Knight and her being a Queen was fitting, to say the least.

"Uh.well...that is very appreciated of you Luke, but that isn't totally necessary." The embarrassed Queen said then quickly changed subjects, "Anyways, what are your powers?"

Luke piqued her question, and took a moment to think about it before answering her, "My powers are psychic based, I can use telekinesis and telepathy, I can also use my powers to enhance my body and strength." He then looked down to his left side where that sliver tube was, he slightly tilted it up to show it in a safe direction. "I am also skilled in a weapon called the lightsaber, though I think it's best not to show it here unless I have to use it."

"Oh, well I think if the League deemed you good for the job then I shouldn't have to worry about anything," Audrey said.

Zebic fixed his tie and went to Queen Audrey, "My Queen, the Parliament will be having the assembly at the capital building soon, I suggest we head there before it starts."

"Oh," Audrey said, forgetting about the Government assembly, "Right we should."

Audrey went to her desk and grabbed her purse. She then exited her office with her two guards, with Olanic, Zebic, and Luke beside her.

They went through the hallway of the recently built manor that was destroyed months ago by the orbital station Vanadal made. It wasn't as big compared to the castle, but it was nicer.

Audrey, wanting to know more about her supposed 'Knight', went closer to Luke as they were coming to the main entrance of the mansion.

"So" Audrey curiously said to Luke, "Have you ever taken a ride in a Limousine before, Luke?"

Luke rubbed the back of his head, "I'm afraid I haven't, Your Highness."

Audrey got a little excited to show a newcomer her personal Limousine "Oh you'll absolutely love it! It was gifted to us by our cousins over in Belgium, and it has a fabulous TV screen." She squeaks almost like a nerd, "Oh and the surround sound is amazing, I can't wait to show you."

Luke smiled at her, "I'm sure you really get happy when you ride it."

Audrey gave a devilish grin, "You have no idea."

Despite being the party-goer Audrey was before she became Queen. The royal Kaznian party girl that would light up an entire nightclub would still break through from all of the responsibilities of a Queen, from time to time.

Luke has now been in Kaznia for 3 days. Queen Audrey, was polite enough to offer Luke a guest room in her mansion until his assignment was over. Since then Luke has been accompanying Queen Audrey throughout those 3 days. From her mansion to the Kaznian capitol building since the Parliament was bombed several days ago. Luke would get stares and dirt looks from the Kaznian officials and guards, but Luke took no heed of them. His mission was to protect Queen Audrey and help keep the peace of Kaznia, not play a P.R. bit.

Kaznia itself was a poor country. Luke knew that money wasn't everything, but he also knew it couldn't hurt to have some. While the capital city was decent to the couple of cities he's been to, the country, however, wasn't so nice. All of this was economical terms, however. The cities and the countryside had both advantages and disadvantages against one another.

Queen Audrey showed Luke the various museums and pieces of history around the capital, including a fancy restaurant Luke pleasantly enjoyed. She also toured Luke some parts of the countryside. While not as developed compared to the rest of Europe, the Kaznian country said otherwise in terms of beauty. With rolling hills, deep valleys, and bountiful vineyards, Kaznia might not be rich in economic terms, but it is rich in culture and simplistic natural beauty.

The day before Luke arrived in Kaznia, he took the time to study Kaznia's long history and demographics to help him understand the crisis better. Kaznia today was in Southeast Europe, better known as the Balkans. Today it borders the countries, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, and Romania.
Cultural, Kaznians are part of the ethnic group called the Southern Slavs. While there were various ethnic minorities in the country, like Croats and Romani, the largest minority group was the Hungarians in the north, making up roughly 25 percent of the country's population.

Linguistically, the main tongue of Kanzia is Kaznian, which is an offshoot of the greater linguistic family of Serbo-Croatian, making them even more related to their Slavic cousins. While Religiously, Kaznians practiced Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Hungarians and Northern Kaznians however, largely practice Catholicism.

Luke did learn Kaznian's history, in a broad term of sense, it seems like Kaznia has barely any time to be an actual country and governed itself. The Kingdom of Kaznia was founded around the 9th century by the Kaznian Royal Family. It was its own kingdom until the 11th century when Hungary took control of the country. This was where Hungarians started to settle in the northern part of the country. The country stayed under the rule of Hungary until the Ottomans added to their expansionist Empire around in 16th century. Then the region turned over to the Habsburg Empire.

The Habsburg Empire then turned into the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Hungarian part of the Empire added Kaznia to their realm. Kaznia wouldn't be able to return to its freedom until after World War One. The Kaznian Royal Family in all of this time, stayed within the country with limited power as their overlords changed over centuries. After the dust settled from the First World War, the royal family finally took power in the country.

Kaznia was finally free in almost a thousand years until the Axis powers invaded the country in 1941. The royal family had to flee towards the neutral country Switzerland. During the occupation, Nazi Germany, Hungary, and their collaborators committed vile acts of genocide and extermination of the people of Kaznia. Despite Kaznian-Hungarians being "reunited" with their Hungarian brothers during the occupation, a surprisingly good portion of them resisted the Axis powers just like the rest of occupied Europe. The region was liberated in 1944 by the neighboring partisans of Yugoslavia and then the approaching Soviet Army.

While the Communist forces did liberate the country, they also committed other heinous acts that were almost no better than the Nazi occupiers. After the War, the Soviet Union "suggested" Kaznia to be absorbed into the Socialist Slavic federation that was Yugoslavia at the time. Kaznia did resist but it was ultimately futile. The royal family couldn't return due to the socialist view of monarchy in general. Kaznia was part of Socialist Yugoslavia until its eventual collapse in 1991. After the fall, Kaznia managed to earn its freedom back and was thankfully neutral during the ethnic wars that followed the collapse.

However, Kaznia wasn't entirely spared from the violence that plagued its neighbor during the 90's. While the Royal Family was in Switzerland during this time and was planning to return, one of the country's former generals announced himself as regent and proclaimed the family was "unfit" to rule Kaznia. He ruled Kaznia with an iron fist, taking a lot of rights and committing crimes against religious and ethnic minorities of the country.

Thankfully, the international community sanctioned him and there was a military coup that took him out of power in the mid-90s. The royal family finally got back and King Gustav led the country. His rule was a lot better but still harsh to the economy and towards ethnic minorities. After Gustav's stroke then soon death, Princess Audrey took the throne as Queen Audrey.

All of this was a very summarized history lesson Luke had to learn a couple of days ago. More or less, Kaznia seemed to be like some countries around the world, where they ruled themselves a long time ago before they were conquered. Then they wouldn't be able to rule themselves until a long time afterward or today since the political dynamics have changed on modern Earth. Kaznia was one of them.

While Luke thought it was good for the Kaznian people to finally rule themselves. However, it seems the comradery from fighting their oppressors left them during their freedom and was replaced by a mentality of their fellow countrymen being the enemy. During Luke's reading, the Kaznian people, Kaznian or Kaznian-Hunagarian, Orthodox or Catholic, sparked revolt after revolt to gain their independence back. It seems in dire times, Kaznians had a special relationship with each other throughout the centuries despite some of the cultural and religious differences. They fought for a Kaznia, a free Kaznia, that was their reason for coming together in such hard times. That after the brutal battles and wars they fought in, they would have their children live in a Kaznia that was free from no other country. But it seems that their children are not getting the same picture.

He was disheartened when Luke heard the Kaznian Parliament assembly bicker and argue over the past days. The main Parliament building was bombed so the the assembly had to make do in another capital building.

Representatives of the different regions and counties of the country talk, including the ones from North Kaznia. Of course, they weren't part of the NKLF or any of the extremist parties, but they were not happy with their people's treatment either. The Northerners talked about giving more Autonomy and perhaps even a referendum to leave the country. Luke agrees since people deserve to have their own free will and space to live amongst themselves. However, the rest of Parliament, or what was dubbed as the "Southerners", strictly denied any attempt to do so and claimed all of the Northern Kaznian delegates as NKLF sympathizers. This continued for days straight with no clear resolve.

During this time, Luke took note of Audrey's disappointment with her own subjects. She wasn't disappointed at them specifically, she was disappointed at their current behavior. Luke could tell she dearly loved her people, whether they were "true" Kaznian or not. He could tell that Audrey loved them, that they were her responsibility to take care of, and seeing them fight over that could be easily settled through a talk, breaks her heart.

Diana did tell Luke that Audrey was once a party girl, a young woman who never had any true responsibilities, but after her father's state of not able to lead the nation, she took the mantle of Queen in his absence. Luke knew what Audrey was probably feeling, wanting to do something and not wanting to pursue their destiny. He wanted to go into the flight academy when he was still with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. He wanted something more, and he did get his wish, he just never thought it would lead to his aunt and uncle being killed. Luke didn't even get to say goodbye, what he researched, Audrey couldn't say goodbye when her father passed either.

Luke knew what having responsibilities meant too. The very first time he imagined what it's like to be a Jedi, he thought it was having adventures across the Galaxy and "lift rocks". His interpretation of the Jedi and what it means to be responsible changed when he met Master Yoda. Luke might never know what it feels like to be a monarch and its challenges and Luke doubts Audrey will ever know the life of a Jedi, but he can guess. He can guess that both have responsibilities and roles to perform that are needed of them, required even.

There will be days where it will be hard, there will be days where they wish they never had these burdens put on them. They will curse themselves and curse the world for making them do these ever-important tasks. But in the end, they can find joy in seeing people prosper under their watch, living the lives they're meant to. Luke sensed Audrey had these feelings deep in her, but the situation was toppling around her and making it difficult to express them, making them not bloom.

Luke asked for Audrey's permission to join in the talks, however, she politely denied Luke from joining. Stating that Kaznia has to solve its own problems to show the rest of the world they can self-govern themselves ever since their independence. Luke understands and has only stood next to Audrey as the talks continued for days.

Now, it was four in the afternoon, with today's assembly finished and nothing accomplished to fix the current crisis. Luke knows that these types of political situations don't just solve themselves within days, but it seems that the Kaznian delegates are going out of their way to make a conflict, not to stop it. Audrey seems to be the only few in the government to be the voice of reason, yet even the parliament won't listen to her. Audrey did have power but major decisions like this that could change the country as a whole required the entire parliament and the royalty to accept under the constitution, it was clear that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Luke with Queen Audrey and several bodyguards made their way out of the government building. There was a crowd formed outside on the sidewalk. Most were normal Kaznian citizens trying to take a peek at Queen Audrey while others were Kaznian and international news media wanting to talk with Audrey. And to a lesser extent, ask Luke some questions since it was somewhat official that the newest Justice League member was on assignment here.

Audrey pitched the bridge of her nose as they made their way out of the doors and to her Limo. "Uh, I definitely deserve a martini when I get back to the house."

Luke smirked at the Kaznian Queen as they were close to the Limo, "Giving up already, Your Highness?" He joked.

Audrey grinned at the Jedi, "Please, Mister Knight, I know my people pretty well. If they aren't gonna come together now, then maybe they will when they drink together."

Luke chuckled at Audrey's comment on her own people. Despite the serious situation around them, her days as a party girl sometimes can be seen as he observed her for the past few days.

Then Luke stopped in his tracks as the Force warned out to him. He looked around for any irregularities. Audrey and her guards made their way to the Limo and the chauffeur opened the door for her. Audrey took note of Luke not being next to her and looked concerned at him.

Luke realized that there was a plot and it was no doubt to take Audrey's life. He observed the buildings around him to check for snipers but noticed the government snipers stationed on the roofs to oversee Audrey's protection. He sensed that it couldn't be the guards and realized it could be someone in the crowd. He used the Force to scan the crowd around them. There were too many to go by one by one, he just needed a quick probe to get the one that might do it. He did his best to go as fast as possible to scan every one of their intentions.

He was unsuccessful until he sensed, that someone wanted to kill her nearby. He turned to the assailant, he was across the street next to a telephone pole where a crowd was viewing Audrey. The man was in a grey hoodie, with black tinted sunglasses and a ballcap. He was staring at the Limo's general direction. He could sense his nervousness, his ambitions, his plan to kill Audrey with a press of a button. Luke noted that the man lifted something from his pocket and had his thumb over it, about to press it in a moment.

Luke eye's widened, realizing what the man was going to do. Luke thought he didn't have time to reach him and put Audrey out somewhere safe while trying to isolate the bomb. He needs to get rid of the limo and fast.

Within a blink of an eye, Luke reached out to the Force with both of his hands. One was to pull Audrey, the guards around her, and the chauffeur toward him away from the limo. The other hand was aiming at the vehicle to lift it above the air as far above the street as possible.

Audrey was going to walk to Luke to ask about what he was doing before she was lifted in the air with her guards following suit and heading towards Luke. There were a few gasps and screams from the audience but Luke paid no mind to them. The guards went beside Luke as Audrey was caught in his arm. Then the car was lifted straight up to the air like a bullet.

The bomb in the car exploded, tearing the fancy personal car into shreds. Luke saw this and best to contain the explosion. An orb of invisible Force energy contained the explosion as he placed the torn limo into the street that was thankfully empty for Audrey.

By now the crowd was panicking and was in a frenzy. Many ran away while others simply recorded and watched the events. Audrey's guard went to her as she was still in his arms.

Luke went down to her, "Are you alright?"

Audrey just realizing what just happened, nodded, eyes still in shock.

Luke then turned his head to the would-be Assassin, he was making his way out within the panicking crowd. This was something Luke would not have. With the guards to protect her, Luke told Audrey, "Excuse me for a second, Your Majesty."

Luke then gently placed Audrey to one of her guards and Force jumped in the direction of the failed Assassin. He landed on one of the street lamps gracefully and noticed that the Assassin had gone into a coffee store. Luke dropped down and entered the store.

Luke when entering realized that the Assassin was desperate. The Assassin held a waitress at gunpoint, holding her close to him with his other hand so she wouldn't escape, and was screaming at Luke in Kaznian. Luke obviously didn't know what he was saying but understood from the Force that he was gonna kill her if Luke didn't back off.

Some of the customers stood there in their seats screaming, hiding behind cover, or running away from the situation. Luke wasn't gonna let this Assassin escape and he's not gonna do it at the expense of this woman's life. Luke quickly used the Force with a simple but fast gesture to manipulate the man's hand that was holding the pistol and use it to pull it away from the woman's head.

The Assassin's hand moved up so fast and so forcefully that it practically cracked his wrist in the opposite direction it should be able to move. While the Assassin had a finger on the trigger and pulled it, it was thankfully at the same time that Luke flicked the Assassin's wrist up and it was fired into the ceiling. The waitress screamed at the shot being fired and so did the customers. But with the pain of his wrist being dislocated, the Assassin dropped the gun. The waitress with other customers ran out of the shop.

The Assassin did his best to stand up despite the pain coming from his one nonfunctioning hand. He grabbed a little handle and activated it, flipping up a switchblade, and pointed to Luke. He yelled at Luke to stay back in Kaznian while trembling in fear.

Luke at this point...was not impressed by the slightest bit. Luke didn't even need to use his hands to use the Force. He used his mind to force the blade out of the man's hands and simply crushed it in the air in front of the Assassin. The balled-up piece of metal fell to the ground as the Assassin was even more terrified of Luke.

Luke walked towards the man, sliding the piece of metal away with a simple kick. He kept a calm look towards the Assassin as he made his way to him. The Assassin at this point lifted his hands up in surrender. Luke stopped a few paces away from him.

"Who sent you," Luke sternly demanded.

The Assassin didn't speak, he was absolutely terrified of Luke. The Jedi sensed that the man was gonna kill himself before he would be captured or worse, be left alone with Luke.

Luke then realizes what the man is gonna do in his thoughts. He was gonna use a suicide pill that was disguised as one of his teeth and break it before his capture. Realizing that he might not have time to hold down the Assassin and keep him from breaking the seal. Luke quickly closed the gap, pulled back his right prosthetic hand, and delivered a blow to the man's head. Luke made sure not to overdo him augmenting his strength to deliver the blow since his right robotic hand could do most of the work.

His gloved hand connected to the Assassin's head and the man dropped to the ground immediately, knocking him out cold. Luke went to him and did his best to search the man's mouth for the cyanide tooth. He saw a loose tooth at the right front corner of his teeth. Luke carefully pulled the tooth to make sure it wouldn't burst in his mouth while applying enough strength to pull it out. An audible snap was heard and the tooth was pulled.

The suicide tooth was a thin piece of plastic that had no doubt contained heavy poisons that would kill the Assassin if he failed his mission. Luke thanked himself for coming up with the idea of knocking the Assassin out, otherwise, he would have to pull the tooth when he was awake, probably screaming and squirming.

When Luke searched the man's thoughts before he went cold, Luke found out he was involved with the NKLF. Something that didn't surprise Luke. Two of Audrey's guards quickly went into the shop with several Kaznian police officers behind them, pistols at the ready.

Luke went to them and offered them the suicide pill then explained, "The person who was going to blow the car up with the Queen is on the floor, he's part of the NKLF." Luke gestured to the unconscious Assassin, "He was gonna kill himself with this suicide pill but I stopped him in doing so."

One of the guards nodded and got the pill out of Luke's hand for evidence. The guards and officers went to the Assassin to detain him while Luke went outside to see how much damage the explosion caused.

Everyone in the crowd was gone, the only people in the street were law enforcement and Audrey's guards on standby. There was also the fire department washing away the now devastated Limosouine. He was thankful that he contained the explosion in a Force barrier above where it was crowded.

Luke sighed, the other thing that could be heard was the sirens of Kaznian police and fire departments heading this way. Luke looked around and saw Audrey was nowhere to be seen, probably in a safe location. He will no doubt have to ask one of her guards where so he can make sure she is safe while explaining what happened.

Luke didn't want this to happen. He was hoping that it wouldn't lead to his, that this crisis could be ended peacefully, but he figured some people have different ideas.

Nardoc was overviewing shipping schedules and information of various separatist cells throughout Northern Kaznia to be resupplied. He looked at and studied multiple forms of reports that stated how much of the underground groups around North Kaznia have and don't have. He will have to ask the supply to give the units enough rifles and ammunition to the groups so they can be prepared for an eventual conflict.

Nardoc was one of the top commanders of the Northern Kaznian Liberation Front. If anything, he was practically second in command, just bottom of Szekeres, leader of the movement. Nardoc joined the movement back in the mid-1980s when Kaznia was still part of that joke of a country, Yugoslavia. While the NKLF didn't achieve that much during those times, Nardoc rose through the ranks after the collapse. His will to liberate his people from the Slavs made Nardoc more willing to do more work than any of his peers, which caught the attention of the leaders of the NKLF and quickly promoted him.

Nardoc was up all day doing this work, and he barely got any sleep the day before. He was nervous, about everything. He was worried about the NKLF being properly equipped. Sure they had just enough guns and ammo to last them months, but it was likely a war would break out in the coming months or even weeks. They got by using old forgotten Yugoslavian and Soviet supply caches sprinkled around the countryside and did manage to get some leftover weapons from the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo.

He didn't think it would be enough. Nardoc thought if a war broke out, the battlefield would be in Northern Kaznia. Villages, towns, and cities would be contested grounds between North and South Kaznia. With the level of equipment the NKLF has, Nardoc doubts that they would mount a proper defense that will last them a month before ammunition and supply dry up. There were sympathizers in Hungary and other Catholic countries, but their donations wouldn't be enough.

He thought of a logical route, but Nardoc though didn't think it was entirely logical. The only way North Kaznia would be free was to conduct a guerilla war against the South and fight the Slavs on their turf. Sure, they would have the advantage of slightly knowing the terrain better and stretching out the equipment and supply in the long term instead of doing a conventional war.

Nardoc however was not blind. Nardoc read various military memoirs and books before about guerrilla warfare. That underground groups staging raid attacks and sabotage against a larger force would make the latter conduct reprisals against the civilian population. It was a brutal cycle of violence that mirrored itself in history. It happened with the Germans and what they've done in occupied Europe. It happened with the Americans and what they've done in Indochina. It happened with the Soviets and what they've done in Afghanistan. And it might happen with Southern Kaznia and what they can do to Northern Kaznia if Narodc and the NKLF aren't too careful.

Then there was the possible war in question. In the back of Nardoc's mind, he didn't want a war. It can not be mistaken that he dearly loves his people and wants to protect them from their Southerns who seemed to enjoy oppressing them recently. That was the reason he joined the NKLF in the first place. However, a little whisper in his head told him something. That it doesn't need to be like this, that there's another way of doing it peacefully.

Nardoc ignored the whisper. He needed to free his people, though he wouldn't be a violent monster in doing so. He saw the examples in Yugoslavia, people fighting for their freedom in turn murdering the other side's people. The Albanians, Croatians, and Serbs, their language have been killing civilians in the past decade. Nardoc will do anything he can to liberate Northern Kaznia but he will draw a line at killing any civilians, Hungarians, Kaznian, or otherwise. He will not let his people be reduced to such barbarity. He'll die doing so.

Nardoc was interrupted when one of his lieutenants entered his office.

"Sir," the slightly younger officer informed his superior, "We have a situation in Novi Sad."

Nardoc stopped looking at his papers and looked up, "What are you talking about?"

The officer slightly straight his back, "There was a bombing attempt on Queen Audrey, one of the Justice League members stopped it."

Nardoc eyes widen at the news. He quickly turned to his TV and switched it on. He turned the channel into the main news channel of Kaznia. It showed a newscaster explaining the events that happened not too long ago. Apparently, a hero who was the newest member of the Justice League, Luke Skywalker, thwarted an Assassin's attempt to bomb Queen Audrey's Limo when she was about to enter it. She was saved at the last minute by the new hero and the Assassin was captured by him.

At first, Nardoc wasn't impressed by the looks of this Skywalker when he saw some photographs of him on the TV. If anything he just looks like some blonde guy in all-black. But then there was the recording of him stopping the bombing itself. It happened fast, really fast, he was almost a blur. He reached out both of his hands, Audrey and her guards were lifted in the air and came to him. At the same time, the limo went into the air almost as if it was nothing. Skywalker then jumps into the air and lands on the other side of the street where the video ends.

Then the newscaster reported that the Southern government accused the NKLF for attempting the assassination and would respond in kind. Nardoc gripped the edge of his seat realizing what was happening.

This wasn't good, it was not good at all. Not only did he not know of this, but the government would now retaliate so, and the opinion of the NKLF would decrease drastically from them thinking they were trying to kill the Queen. Worse, they have a member of the Justice League to help them. It was bad, he thought they had a chance of gaining their independence. But now with the bombing and an actual Justice Leaguer helping the South, their movement is practically crushed.

Nardoc shut off the TV as he facepalmed himself. When the parliament was bombed days ago, Nardoc did his best to find out if the NKLF had any involvement. He talked to his men, and his peers if they knew anything, and even went to Szekeres to ask him personally and he said they had no involvement. Apparently, it was some Northern Kaznian who wanted to do his own thing and thought bombing Parliament would fix things right there and then. But If the NKLF had any involvement this time, if the Assassin was actually part of the NKLF, then it's over. At that point, it probably doesn't matter if the Assassin was NKLF or not, General Olanic would justify that they did it and put in martial law in the North.

Nardoc has to find out if they have any involvement. He exited his office and went through their secret headquarters. The NKLF HQ was an abandoned defunct Soviet Airfield. After Kaznia's independence, the airfield has been left alone since then. The NKLF quietly took it over in the underground service tunnels and warehouses to be used as their command base. He went through the concrete hallways and tried to think about what to do.

He had no doubt that there were members who would love to see Queen Audrey and members of the Kaznian government dead. Nardoc thought he at least started with Szekeres. He would know something that would be major as an assassination attempt on the Queen. He could at least know people in the movement who would do it without hesitation.

Nardoc entered Szekeres' personal quarters, his office was neatly made with maps and reports all around. Narodc went in and Szekeres was not alone, Nardoc's peers Varga and Laszlo were sitting next to Szekeres. Szekeres himself was sitting at the other end of his desk, smoking a cigar.

He was pushing his mid-60s with gray hair and a beard, he also wore an eyepatch on his right face that he got when he was still in the military. Szekeres was a prior senior officer in the Kaznian Socialist Guard during the years when Kaznia was part of Yugoslavia.

Nardoc and Szekeres meet after the collapse when Skzeeres soared through the ranks due to his military background. Nardoc thought Szekeres was a good man, albeit a man who was a little hard-headed and who seemed to be stuck in the past. Nardoc was under Szekeres but Narodc would often be Szekeres' advisor in certain situations. If anything Skzekeres would tell Nardoc if they have someone in the ranks causing trouble for them, right?

Szekeres looked up to Nardoc, "Ah, Nardoc!" The old commander said while puffing a cigar mid-sentence, "Need any assistance, old friend?"

Nardoc closed the door behind him and explained why he was there, "I need to talk with you, sir...alone."

Szekeres looked in between Varga and Laszlo, "Scram," he waved them up, "I'll talk with you two later."

Varga and Laszlo stood up and made their way out of the office. While doing so, both of them gave Nardoc nasty looks at him. Nardoc had been fighting with Varga and Laszlo for years. Both of them have been trying to play kiss ass with Szekeres and being yes men to him ever since Narodc and he has been close. It didn't help that they would introduce Skzeres to violent courses of action. Nardoc couldn't blame them, they lost loved ones back when the bastard Regent was still in power years ago. But if anything, they seemed to want to lash out at those who have nothing to do with it.

Both of them left the room, leaving Nardoc and Szekeres alone. Szekeres gestured to a seat, "Come, Nardoc, what brings you to my humble abode," Szekeres jokingly said.

Nardoc took one of the chairs and sat in it. He then relaxed to confront Szekeres about whether he knew anything about the bombing. "Szekeres, did we do it?"

Szekeres cocked his head to the side, the cigar still in his mouth, "What's that?"

Nardoc repeated himself, "I said, did we have anything to do with the bombing today?"

Szekeres rubbed his chin then took a puff out of his cigar to help him think. Narodc sat there, thinking this wasn't the time for Szekeres to joke around. Szekeres finally answered, "I think I'm having trouble thinking with my current age." He twirled the cigar in his hand, "You wouldn't mind helping me remember, don't you?"

Nardoc's expression soured. For some reason, Szekeres was oblivious to the turn of events that was happening in Novi Sad and was playing it as some joke. He went up from his chair and went to Szekeres' personal TV. He turned it on and coincidently it was on the new channel explaining the bombing hours ago.

Nardoc turned to Szekeres and pointed to the TV, "That Szekeres!" Nardoc explained to the old commander, "Did we have anything to do with that!"

Szekeres looked at the TV, then looked back at Narodc, putting the cigar back in his mouth. Szekeres puffed the rolled tobacco product for several moments and sent a large cloud out. He then started to laugh, like he heard a joke, a damn good one too. Szekeres even teared up from his laugh, several moments passed when Szekeres was finally finished with his laugh.

Szekeres placed his feet on his desk, trying to get comfortable, he finally replied to Nardoc, "So this is what you're concerned over."

Nardoc called back, "This isn't a game, Szekeres."

Szekeres puffed his smoke, "I know," he rubbed his chin, "Sure we did."

Nardoc stood there looking at Szkeres. He wasn't too sure what Szekeres just said. He blinked a couple of times before asking, "Excuse me?"

Szekeres went further into his chair, not really taking the conversation seriously. "We placed the bomb in that brat's fancy car if you're asking about that, then yes."

Nardoc turned the TV off, and both of them stared into each other for what seemed like forever. He then finally got the courage to ask Szekeres, "Why?"

Szekeres responded, "Why?" He got up from his chair and went to Nardoc, "Why do we do all of these, Nardoc?" He gestured all around him. "Why do we fight at all?"

Nardoc spoke up, "We're fighting for our people."

Szekeres continued, "So why are you so confused and conflicted about killing that no-good royal tramp?"

"Sir," Nardoc commented, "We're trying to liberate ourselves not be like them, I don't like the Queen either but she doesn't deserve to be killed. And the bombs! Everyone is gonna point their fingers at our people and they will suffer for it, that bastard Olanic is probably drawing up plans for us because you gave them ammunition to do so! Now we have the entire South against us and they have a Justice League member with them, you're asking a war that we're still not prepared to fight!"

Szekeres listened to Nardoc, the younger officer finished off with, "You destroyed our entire chance of liberating our people for what?! Because you don't like the queen?"

Szekeres stared into Nardoc as silence filled the room. Nardoc realized that he might've gone too far in explaining his thoughts to his commanding officer, but he also knew that Szekeres thought it was not a problem that he got the entire of Southern Kaznia against the North.

Szekeres finally spoke up, "Listen, my boy Nardoc. I appreciate your concern over this. But let me tell you that we've always done the things we do for the betterment of our people. The Queen may not have done anything to us, but her family certainly did and they will pay for that dearly. That is why I ordered the hit on her."

Nardoc watched Szekeres silently, Szekeres retorted himself "Actually, it was Varga's and Laszlo's idea to do so." Nardoc wasn't surprised.

"But," Szekeres continued, "You don't have to worry about our people when they no doubt attack, my friend. I have an ace up my sleeve that will ensure that we will make the South listen to us." Szekeres told his top Lieutenant.

Nardoc got tired of not being told everything, If anything, Szekeres probably had some involvement in the bombing at the Parliament building days ago. Not only did Szekeres lied to him, but he also withholding information from him, from everyone.

"Is that what this is? Do you want to play a game of secrets when there's a war that might happen in days?"

Szekeres smiled, "Secrets save lives Nardoc, you out of all people should know that. In time though, you'll see. And if you're so worried about that guy who failed to kill the Queen today, he was just some nobody from Novi Sad that we paid junk change. He doesn't even know anything other than that we're NKLF."

Nardoc didn't have anything else to say nor want to say anything.

"Is that all, Mister Nardoc?" Szekeres asked.

Nardoc shook his head, "No, sir."

"Then make yourself useful somewhere else, I got plans to make here." Szekeres gestured to the door.

Nardoc helped himself to the door and left his office. Nardoc stood there in the hallway, looking down in defeat. He was thinking about the direction of the NKLF. Yes, they had committed violent actions before, but only out of self-defense. Now, Szekeres was putting it in a direction that might change the view of his people for the longest time. Nardoc was not sure now, that this was the same freedom movement he joined all those years ago.

Notes​Ok so, Im guessing some of you are asking, "What the fuck is going on?" and to answer you, I have no idea. If you feel like this chapter was politically heavy, then that's fine. Others might be thinking of the Kaznian lore I kinda had to develop. Well the episode we see Kaznia doesn't have a lot going on other than being some random country in probably in the Balkans that has bad politics and an ethnic war at some point. And I did my research and it's located in the region of Vojvodina in Serbia. And other than Audrey, another named Kaznian was Olanic in the episode 'Hawk and Dove' that really sounds South Slavic, and other Kaznian Nardoc, doesn't really sound anything. But he was supposed to be Nothern Kaznian, now in real life Vojvodina, the northern part of the region has a lot of Hungarians, the name Nardoc isn't too far off so I kinda filled in the gaps. Basing Kaznia's history over Vojvodina's. If you find that weird well, I'm a history guy so idk Im dumb. If I got some names or words wrong let me know. Damn, this probably isn't my best chapter since I spent have of it in 'history lessons'. Anyway don't know when the next chapter will be put up since I feel like I've written myself in a hole.

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