Life-Changing Governmental Change

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Ishelle POV:
As the new government continues to reign and make life-changing changes in terms of the perfect and imperfect people that exist, most people are happy with the current state of affairs. The new government is called Blue Rose and the leaders are a group of men and women that are imperfect activists that are aimed at protecting the imperfect people.

As I sit in the government's office and wait for the Blue Roses to meet me, my heart is calm, but it nervously flutters faster than usual because of the fear that something may be very wrong.

"Ishelle," a young woman says kindly, "you can come in now." I nod and make my way into the room to find all these people staring back at me, which increases the previously experienced fear, until a middle-aged woman gets up to shake my hand and then my heart calms a little.

"It's nice to meet you, Ishelle," she says kindly, "I am Blue Rose. The head of the government in charge. We heard you are the one who enlightened everyone as to the unfairness of the perfect people's gifts in comparison to ours. I am glad to, finally, meet you, but there is an urgent matter we need to discuss." I smile at her because, now, my heart has calmed completely since there seems to be nothing wrong and I will be rewarded in some way, "It's nice to meet you too. What is the matter?" "Well, first, we have come up with a way to find out who is perfect and who is not," she says politely, "this will help us solve a lot of problems, but it only works once the kids are old enough. Around four to ten years of age, which limits its effects but solves our problem. It was just hard to get the testing done until now. The other problem we have is that you are the face of the cause whether you like it or not, but before you were the face of the cause, the government of the time was trying to take you to the perfect facility." My eyes widen as she says those dreaded words that I didn't want her to utter, "I'm perfect?" She nods, but her expression is not kind anymore, "So, we are willing to let you go because of your connection with the cause. Either you can help us with figuring out why you are perfect or you can go free this one time, but I am warning better run far away because we will catch you. You have 24 hours where we will not monitor you and you can escape to any part of the world you want. What will it be?"

I tense as I look at her with fear in my eyes and nervousness running through my body, "What will I have to do if I stay?" "You will stay in a facility until we can figure out what makes you perfect and how we can make others perfect," she says politely. "And what happens if you don't figure it out?" I ask her nervously as I wonder how long I will trapped. She sighs, "Then, I guess, we will all have to live with what we got." "How long will the testing take?" I ask her nervously as I fidget with my hands. She smiles smugly but shrugs and I get an uneasy feeling inside of me, "Since you gave us this period in our life, we will take blood from you and a few samples. Then, we will still allow you to escape. How about that?" I nod slowly, then I am ushered into a room where I am poked and prodded until I am left to go free.

I run like I have never run before as I leave behind those four walls covered with red carpets that the floors match. The outside is white with a blue rose on the top of it and I just want that memory to disappear from my mind. I pant as I rush further into the streets, through the crowds and into the forest as she moves further and further away from the town. My insides start to burn, but my fear keeps me moving.

I stop, eventually, because I cannot breathe, but I continue walking as I hold my heart and my stomach because they hurt like someone is trying to pull out my soul and crush it into a thousand pieces.

Once I feel like I am far enough, I notice the tall trees, the big cave, the muddy ground and my feet dragging on in it. The pain starts to dull, quickly, but the fear never leaves as my legs drag me forward.

I walk for hours on hours as the time ticks by and once 24 hours hits then I know that they are searching for me again, so I keep on moving forward despite the feeling in my legs disappearing. I carry a mini radio with me and I listen to the news channel as I assume I will get all the updates there, but time goes by and it remains quiet on the radio.

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