09 Estella

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It was finally time for another hockey game, and I was late. So late. Like, they were in the last round before they finished the game, unless they went into overtime. I promised Chris I'd be here, God he's probably so mad at me right now. I can finally see the ice, and silently pray Nick stuck around and saved a seat for me.

Wearing Chris' jersey always got me stank eyes and scoffs as I passed people, but it seemed to be no problem tonight. Weird.

I carefully make my way towards the row Nick is hopefully in, ignoring the curses shouted behind me as I block people's view. Thankfully, I spotted Nick in his usual seat, but he was alone. The two seats beside him were vacant, Levi and Sam must've canceled on coming.


"Wow, look at you showing up like 2 hours late." Nick glared at me as I sat down beside him.

I frowned, glancing at the ice before turning to him fully, "I'm sorry Nick. You know I have my finals coming up and my songs have to be the best this year." I apologized, noticing how his face softened.

Being a music major meant there was even double the amount of pressure when finals came around. The end of the year "talent show" meant a lot to me, and with all the complaining I do, Nick knows that.

"Fine, just try not to let it happen again." He smiled at me, making me release a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "I can tell you about my date with Levi."

We spent the next half hour going over his date, and I found out Sam and Levi did in fact cancel, since they had some test they were panicking about. Nick had confessed he was already starting to really like Levi, and could definitely see a future with him. I couldn't be happier for the two, already counting down the minutes until I could ask Levi all about the date as well.

Before I knew it, the game had ended with our team winning. Nick and I made our way through the crowd, heading towards the locker rooms again. Matt drove Nick this time, so we had to wait on them in order to leave. Matt and Nate come out a few minutes later, coming to stand with Nick and I.

"Stella, what are you doing here?" Matt asked, a confused expression on his face.

"Chris wanted me here." I shrug, not so sure myself. I should've just not come, but I felt bad making Nick go without anyone the entire time.

"Oh." Nate awkwardly replied, glancing between Matt and I.

I stared the two of them down, "You both know something you think I won't like." I announce, making them both roll their lips into their mouths simultaneously. I knew it.

I don't give them a chance to reply as I barrel past them and enter the locker room. From my last visit here, I kinda know the layout. So when I pass all of the lockers and don't find Chris, my heart starts to sink. I retrace my steps and approach the bathroom I became very familiar with all those weeks ago. I listen for signs of movement, and I can barely hear a breathy moan before I'm opening the door.

"Nice." I scoff, making Chris look away from the girl he was clearly busy with. He looked shocked that I caught him, but I don't even care. I slam the door shut and power walk away, ignoring Chris shouting my name. I quickly exit the locker room, disregarding Nick as I storm down the hallway.

I needed to get out of here before I lost it.

I feel so foolish for even thinking Chris and I could be more than just fuck buddies. Him wanting to actually get to know me has thrown me off, most players I've fallen for don't bother with that kind of thing. Now I can't help but think back on all the times we shared, where I could picture my future with him and it all breaks my heart even more.

"You cannot be serious right now." Chris laughed as he leaned against the counter next to the fridge.

I rolled my eyes, scooping another spoonful of peanut butter onto my plate, "I've never been more serious in my life." I shrugged, screwing the lid back on and move to put the jar away, but Chris snatches me up before I can. I let out a quiet squeal as I wasn't expecting the action, nearly falling on my face as Chris tugs me into his chest.

"I think you're kinda crazy." He grins down at me, easily snatching the jar and setting it behind him. "Peanut butter can't be your favorite food."

I shake my head, bringing my arms to rest on his chest, "It's so good, have you ever had a peanut butter and banana sandwich?" I ask, making him quirk an eyebrow in a questioning way.

"No." He replies, making my jaw nearly drop to the floor.

"You seriously haven't lived." I scoff, unraveling myself from his arms so I could go back to my snack. He shakes his head at me with a smile on his face, and I can't help but appreciate this moment.

Getting to know Chris has only made me more attracted to him, knowing the little things about him makes our relationship that more intimate. Something I thought Chris wasn't fully capable of.

I was shaken out of my thoughts as I approached the exit of the building, "Stella, wait please!"

I ignored Chris and walked faster, slipping outside and hopefully blending in with the crowd. I step in line with a group of students, who give me weird looks but I ignore that too.

I needed to get out of here without being caught by Chris.

Feeling a hand wrap around my arm makes me sigh in defeat, turning to face Chris who was panting. Good, I'm glad he had to work harder than he was expecting to catch up to me.

"Stella," he breathed, "Give me a second."

I rolled my eyes, yanking my arm out of his grip, "It's Estella to you." I watch as his face falls, his breathing slowing down.

"What the fuck?" He asks, throwing his hands up in the air. He almost hit a guy in the face, and if it was any other moment than right now, I would've laughed.

I just stood there and stared at him, "Why are you even mad right now?" Chris asks, an exasperated expression on his face.

I shook my head, "I'm not mad." I reply, looking away from him I notice I'm still wearing his stupid fucking jersey. I quickly slip it off, and hold it out to Chris to take.

"Then what's going on? And no I want you to keep that so you can keep wearing it to my games, baby." Chris refuses the jersey, my heart feeling heavier at the nickname.

I take in a deep breath, "I'm just disappointed, Chris." I whisper, refusing to meet his eyes as the crowd around us fizzles out.

Chris just looks at me, confused out of his mind. I don't know why, but I'm surprised. I should've known he wouldn't think anything was wrong if he got caught fucking someone else.

"Can we please go home and talk?" Chris asked quietly, trying to take a step closer to me. My sadness has turned into rage by now, so I toss him his jersey and turn away from him.

"There's nothing to talk about."

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authors note ..
finally updated 🤞🏻

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