Chapter 12

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Jisung let out a huff as he jumped off the bouldering problem he had finally managed to climb up. Chris had set the route yesterday and after way too much chalk and a lot of new blisters on his hands, Jisung had finally reached the top.

"Honestly surprised it took you that long." James, a fellow GB climber, chuckled as he took a sip of water, he'd just been practising his speed climb. Chris had been relentlessly setting up harder challenges for the whole team, each specific for each of them. Chloe had been tasked with making it to the top of a lead climb in a set amount of time, James and Daniel had to work on their speed times, racing each other over and over. Jisung had been given a hard bouldering task.

"It was a struggle, lots of the holds were glossy so I had to find the best positions to hold onto them and use them to my advantage." Jisung scrunched up his eyes as he looked back at the bouldering problem as Chloe and Chris were chatting beside it.

"I might try it out later, it looks kinda fun. Although compared to your skills, I don't think I'll make it to the top." James shrugged.

"Don't sell yourself short! Honestly, I didn't think it would be as hard as it was. And I know you have a weird knack for those glossy holds, I don't know how you hold on, freaking Spider-Man." Jisung joked as he downed the last of his water.

James scoffed lightly with a small smile growing on his face, "Spider-Man would annihilate us all in a climbing contest I wouldn't even want to attempt going against him."

"You say that, but I reckon he has a weak spot somewhere." Jisung playfully pretended to ponder.

"Well, I should probably get back to speed, Chris is staring over here, and I don't fancy being made to do any discipline today." James pushed himself up, giving a stretch and a small groan as he picked up his chalk.

"I'll come and join you in a minute, just gotta fill my water." Jisung shook his empty water bottle lightly indicating it was void of any water.

"Sure." James gave a short nod before heading off in the opposite direction as Jisung began the walk to the water fountain.

Heading over to the water fountain Jisung filled up his bottle halfway before downing it all again to fill it to the top.

"Jisung! I need to talk to you." Chris approached the climber as began screwing on his bottle cap.

Jisung hummed and looked up at Chris was carrying his clipboard looking pretty serious.

"You good? I haven't done anything wrong right?" Jisung raised an eyebrow as he shook off the water from his hands which had been spilling from his bottle.

"Nothing bad I promise, but I reckon it's best if we talk in my office." Chris pointed his head in the direction of his small office in the back of the gym. It was up a flight of stairs on a small balcony so he could look over the practise when he wasn't needed down there. Particularly when it was a free climb session, and everyone could do what they wanted. As long as they were climbing Chris didn't mind.

"Okayyy." Jisung was still slightly sceptical about it but followed Chris towards the office, as they began climbing up the stairs Jisung felt slightly uneasy about the situation.

Surely if it was good, he could just tell Jisung in the gym, the only time he's ever had a meeting or a talk in Chris' office was when he was signing on to accept him as their new coach, and usually to drop off paperwork for competitions, and having meetings about sponsorships or schedules.

Jisung shuffled into the small office area, his back to the climbing gym, as the door shut, he could still faintly hear James and Daniel joking away with each other as they did a speed climb.

Climbing Up to You - MinsungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin