Chapter 11

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"Okay, so the plane has a short lay over at South Korea, and then it should be a non-stop flight back to the UK." Chris explained as the pair walked through the airport making their way to one of the lounges. It was mid-morning which meant the airport was bustling with people and Jisung wasn't prepared to have to talk to anyone today.

He'd had barely any sleep last night, after Minho falling in the water and almost drowning, well, what felt like it, Jisung couldn't get a wink of sleep. Every time he had shut his eyes, he kept picturing Minho falling off the climb and he couldn't help but imagine what it would've been like if there wasn't water below.

Fiddling with the wire of his headphones Jisung barely listened to Chris as he guided them into the business class lounge.

"You look exhausted Ji, try and eat something and get some rest before our flight we have about an hour before boarding starts so don't rush." Chris led them towards the far corner of the lounge. Jisung pulled his cap down as he noticed a few people were staring at him probably wondering why he was in this lounge. Most people in attendance there were wearing suits or formal wear. Which didn't make sense if they were on the long-haul flight. A couple of people were in more casual clothes, but it was easy to spot they were high-branded clothing, nothing from Primark which Jisung usually raided for his joggers and hoodies.

Glancing down at his own clothes, the fact he was wearing his GB outfit may also be the reason for the looks. Chris always made sure he was wearing his GB clothing when out in a public space, it helps give him 'exposure' or something. Jisung hadn't really been listening when he was being lectured on the importance of public image.

Collapsing on a seat in the corner Jisung wasted no time in kicking off his shoes and curling up into a ball and switching on a game on his phone. He had currently been obsessed with Stardew Valley. Momo had suggested he tried to play more games to help his brain focus and get distracted by something different other than climbing, and people. She had suggested he downloaded Stardew Valley, and the boy was now hooked.

The game had such an immersive setting from being exhilarated from mining and fighting monsters to just chilling and making his farm look pretty.

It wasn't long before their flight got called to board and Jisung had to reluctantly pack his phone away and shove his headphones in his carry-on so he could get on the plane quicker. The sooner the flight was over the better.

"I tried to get you a middle aisle seat, but they were sold out, you are in the window seat. Once we can take our seatbelts off, I can switch if you want. You won't have to worry about the view at least for most of the flight." Chris explained as they queued up.

Jisung let out a small hum as he glanced around, he spotted the South Korean team queue up just in front of them. It's no surprise they chose this flight rather than a quicker one stop flight. Probably slightly cheaper and they would most likely be flying business class so it would mean they wouldn't have to wait for everyone to depart off the plane before they can leave. This way only a few people should be getting off when they stop at South Korea.

Jisung let out a deep breath as they began walking down to the aircraft, he already regretted packing away his headphones, the noise of the plane and engine was already a bit annoying just from walking towards the entrance way. Giving a small smile to the flight attendance he showed his ticket and was escorted to his seat.

"Please let us know if you need anything, we also have a menu and ordering on your own screen, so you don't have to get up and try and grab our attention. Once we have taken off, we will be giving out a welcome drink, would you like alcohol or a juice? We also have fizzy drinks if you'd prefer those." The flight attendance smiled their British accent coming through.

Climbing Up to You - MinsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora