Chapter 5

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Han let out a loud huff as he was being brought down from his speed climb, this whole day hadn't been going to plan. First, he and Lix were rudely awoken by their neighbouring climbers who thought that blasting music at five in the morning whilst they were getting ready was appropriate. Then during breakfast, the food they were served didn't fit into Jisung's extensive diet plan, which meant he had to go ahead and break his streak. Of course, Felix had told him it wasn't a massive deal, but it was.

And Now, Kacper was badgering Jisung about his speed times.

"Come on Han, get a move on, you're aiming for the Olympics aren't you?" Kacper watched how Jisung angrily untied the harness and walked over to his bag and water.

The coach followed the boy despite needing to watch the other climbers to give them feedback. Jisung could sense Kacper looming over him as he sifted through his bag for a bandage for his knee, as he had slipped on the speed climb, his knee was already beginning to bruise so he wanted to get some cream on it asap.

"Han, look at me" Kacper spoke up.

Jisung shut his eyes for a second to compose himself before standing up with the cream and bandage to look at the coach. Kacper looked far more threatening than he did yesterday and it spooked Jisung out a bit.

"You need to improve Han, how many times have you been told this? You haven't improved at all since last year, I bet Chris is fed up with teaching you, after all being the speed record holder, he should've had you whipped into shape ages ago. He clearly goes too soft on you, you know you shouldn't even bother trying to get into the combined if your times are staying this slow.." Kacper pointed his fingers at Jisung, almost jabbing him in the chest.

Jisung gulped as Kacper continued to shout towards him, by now the other climbers in his group had started to watch Kacper and Jisung's very much one-sided conversation.

"Go back up the wall and get a better time, right now" Kacper pointed back to the wall and Jisung ran a hand through his hair and turns around to get and get hooked again.

"How hard is it to learn the route on the speed climb?! It's the exact same every time Han, why are you still slipping up, this isn't what a pro climber should look like if you can even call yourself that" Kacper turned back to the group at the speed walls.

"What are you all looking at? Get back to work! Those times aren't going to improve themselves!"

Jisung grabbed his bag and stuffed his bandage and cream back into his bag, there was no way he was going to stay there and have Kacper shout at him again, he'll just come back later.


"Ji? What are you doing?" Felix sat up slightly as he heard the shuffling around that Jisung was attempting to do quietly, keyword: attempting.

"Go back to sleep Lix" Jisung mumbled as he tied up his laces.

Felix rubbed his eyes lightly to see the outline of Jisung's body moving around in the darkness of the night, joggers and a loose hoodie on as well as shoes, the boy was picking up his climbing bag.

"Where are you going?" Felix asked with a hint of concern in his voice. Felix was well aware of what had happened earlier in the day, almost all the climbers had seen the GB climber get shouted at and Jisung grab his bag and leave.

The Aussie had no idea where he went after he had stormed from the climbing centre.

"Just to climb for a bit, nothing much, just to rest my mind for a bit, I can't sleep" Jisung pulled his bag onto his shoulder.

"Want me to come?" Felix asked as he yawned lightly, already attempting to get out of the warmth of his bed.

Ji held up a hand to stop the climber from moving, "It's fine Lix I'd rather be on my own"

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