Chapter 10

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A/N - Just a quick note that if you are scared of water or can't swim there is a content warning!


"Ahh Ji! Finally, you're here. I'm going to show you all around my hometown!" Felix jumped onto Jisung as the Great Britain climber only just made it to the hotel.

"I'm so terribly sorry I had to take an eighteen-hour flight to be here." Jisung smiled sleepily. He managed to get some sleep on the plane, luckily he didn't have a window seat so he managed to plug his headphones in and write in his journal. He managed to review his notes on his speed climbs as well as notes he had made on his last lead session with Chris.

Momo had also told him to make sure to distract himself by designing his own lead climb to help him zone in on the new skills and strategies he had learnt over the last couple of months since training with the South Korean team.

"Do you wanna crash first? It's a bit late so I don't mind waiting until tomorrow when you are probably recovering from jetlag a bit more." Felix followed Jisung up towards his room.

"We could go out for food? The plane food wasn't great so I'm pretty hungry actually." Jisung hummed as he tapped his card onto his hotel room door, it took a few times but soon the lock beeped and flashed green and he could enter. Quickly slipping the key card into the light switch activator, Jisung dumped his stuff on the ground.

"Did you wanna change first?" Felix asked as he looked through Jisung's small welcome package, free chocolates and a selection of hot drinks.

"Nah. That'll waste too much time, just get me to some food lixie!" Jisung chuckled as he quickly grabbed his wallet and phone.

"Does Chris know you're going?" Felix asked as they began walking down the hall after they double-checked the door locked behind them.

Jisung thought for a second before taking the stairs, "Nah, he doesn't need to know. Besides I'm with you and you know where we are going so as long as I can get a decent amount of sleep before the Cliff Bar tomorrow we should be good." Jisung grinned as he let Felix lead him out into Sydney. It was a cool evening. Still warm enough to walk around in just shorts and a T-shirt, although it didn't surprise Jisung when he saw people walking around shirtless.

"You fly back pretty much straight away don't you?" Felix asked as he pressed the button for the crossing.

"Um yeah, like the day after? Jet lag is going to get to me. Luckily I went to sleep on the way there, and I should be okay with sleeping tonight. I'm more worried about the journey back as I'll want to sleep but if my body clock doesn't recover I'm going to be buzzing on the plane." Jisung conversed as he looked at his surroundings.

He never really got to spend much time in each of the countries they competed at. Maybe a day before or a recovery day after he gets a few hours of free time to explore, but it was never enough to tick everything off his bucket list.

"Oh! Well, I'll show you the Opera House then! There's a few good restaurants along the strip."

"Sure! That sounds fun, you'll have to catch me up on all the training you've been doing the past month or so. I feel like it's been ages since we saw each other." Jisung chuckled lightly as he followed Felix down a set of stairs towards the harbour.

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"I've been working more on my lead, it's been going okay but because I'm so used to doing speed climbs I have to keep reminding myself not to rush up the wall and make mistakes," Felix explained as he took a large bite out of his burger.

Jisung had opted for the vegetarian option, a nice chickpea-based burger filled with tomatoes and lettuce. It wasn't his favourite but his diet had been changed slightly and he was cutting down on meat for a little while as he continued to train on his speed times and lead stamina.

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