Chapter 15

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Jisung fiddled with his black jacket as he made his way down to reception. He wasn't too sure what he was supposed to wear and considering he didn't even have any way to contact his new teammates he couldn't even ask for advice on what was 'something nice' like See-Yung had asked them to wear. He'd opted for some black chiffons and a plain white top and a black jacket.

Even though he had briefly spoken to the team the day before as he visited the climbing gym yesterday, not much was discussed. Jisung had been whisked away into a meeting with See-Yung and the dietician Yujin who went through in immense details about his previous diet and schedule and what they wanted to change. Jisung especially was excited about the opportunities to practice the routes and holds he struggled with, so he had already handed in a few requests for him to focus on the following week.

Scanning his card on the reception door, Jisung headed into the entrance and spotted Miihi and Jeongyeon chatting as they sat in some of the seats by the window. Hesitantly, Jisung walked over to the pair. He let out a small sigh of relief as he noticed that Miihi was in jeans and a flowy top and Jeongyeon was in a skirt and loose top. Dressed as 'something nice' and not over the top. It put Jisung at ease knowing he wasn't underdressed.


"Ah! Jisung, glad you didn't get lost, we thought that maybe you'd come with Changbin and Minho Oppa." Miihi smiled as she patted the seat beside her for Jisung to take a seat.

"Oh– I um don't have their numbers so I couldn't message them and ask," Jisung explained as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh! Let me give you mine and I'll add you to the group chat we have, and you can save theirs from the chat." Miihi motioned for Jisung to type his number into her phone.

Jisung made quick work of typing in his number and passing back the phone.

"How are you liking the dorms?" Jeongyeon asked as Miihi added Jisung to their group chat, there was a short ping from Jisung's phone as he was notified of being added.

"It's nice, the beds are really comfortable, although it's not fun being on my own. I'm very worried about spotting a spider in my room and not being able to move." Jisung tried joking as he opened his phone to save everyone's contact details.

"We don't get that many spiders, at least I don't see many. But I know Minho Oppa doesn't mind catching them. Definitely ask him if you need saving." Miihi giggled as she spotted Jisung pull a face clearly not wanting to have to ask the other climber.

The reception doors opened and Changbin and Minho walked in with See-Yung hot on their tail. They were all dressed in similar attire, Minho wore some denim jeans and an oversized white button-up up which was tucked into his jeans. Changbin wore all black slightly less nice than the rest of them with his black hoodie.

See-Yung had overdressed, he had on a suit but was missing a blazer, "Right, we may as well head out if we are all here." See-Yung grinned as they all quickly began making their way over to one of the minibuses.


The restaurant was a lot fancier than Jisung had imagined. He felt completely undressed. He could see in the window there were people dressed in full suits and dresses. The four other climbers didn't seem to be bothered at all about the difference in their clothing choices. But if this was something they did regularly then Jisung could understand why they didn't seem to be that bothered about the vast differences in their clothing.

The group all followed their coach into the restaurant where they were led into a back room which was slightly secluded and away from the more packed restaurant. Luckily it meant people wouldn't be looking at Jisung and his terrible choice in an outfit that probably stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the formal establishment they were currently in.

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