Fang Song

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BoBoiBoy barge in the cafeteria with a smile on his face and everyone looks at him weirdly.

BoBoiBoy: "Fang, I made a song for you"

Fang: "Why?"

BoBoiBoy: "Why?, what"

Fang: "Why did you make me a song?"

BoBoiBoy: "Do you remember,when we first meet, you made me a song now am making a song for you"

Fang: "Okay, Lets hear it"

BoBoiBoy nodded and played the song.

Everybody say, Yippee Yo
Yippie Yeah

Pang is an alien and his kind spacey
coming from the universe to party and go crazy.

Pang is an alien and his kind spacey coming from the universe to party and go crazy.

BoBoiBoy: So did you like it.

The whole cafeteria burts out laughing even Kaizo is laughing and hitting the table.

Fang: "I hate you"

BoBoiBoy: "I love you too"

Kaizo: "Can you pass me that song"

BoBoiBoy: "Okay, Captain"

Fang: "Bob, no"

BoBoiBoy: "Bob, Yes"

And they keep arguing and in the end BoBoiBoy Win's and Fang is crying on the corner.

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