Part 16: The Final Match

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(I'm just going to skip to Daniel and Bobby match.)

After Johnny won against Darryl Vidal, it's finally a match between Daniel and Bobby.

The next semi-final determines

who will face the defending champion.

Daniel LaRusso, of the Miyagi-do Karate.

Bobby POV

"Bobby.." Sensei call as I'm about to get into the ring. "I want him out of the commission."

"But sensei, I can beat this guy." I said.

Sensei glare at me. " I don't want him beaten"

"But I'll be disqualified" I defended myself.

"Out of commission" he said.

I sigh defeated as I made eye contact with Johnny before making my way towards the ring.


"Goodluck Daniel. I didn't think a scrawny boy like you would be able to get into the semi-final." I said teasingly.

"You're looking at him right now" he replied.

"Get out of here. Don't get hurt,Daniel." I push him forward.

He gives me a thumbs up as he stands on the ring.

"Ali?" I whisper to her.


"If Bobby wins the fight, does that mean he has to fight Johnny or they both win the match just like that without fighting?" I ask curious.

"I'm not sure. I think they have to fight each other for the final." she responded.

I nod understand.

"Let's go, fellas. Good luck."

I saw Bobby stand nervously as he kept glancing towards Kreese. I look at Kreese as he nods towards Bobby.

'he probably told Bobby to play dirty' i thought to myself as I continued watching them.

"Do what you gotta do,Bobby"  I heard Dutch yells.

"Face. Bow. Ready? Watch the control, gentleman. Ready?"

They both hold their stances before Bobby steps forward and kicks Daniel on the knees.

I gasp covering my mouth as Daniel whines in pain.

Ma,Ali and Mr miyagi ran up to check on Daniel as I stood on the bench in shock.

"Daniel, Daniel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Bobby apologises as he kneels beside Daniel.

The referee pulls Bobby away from Daniel as he keeps apologising.

"My leg" Daniel grunts in pain holding his knee.
"Mr Miyagi, my leg hurts."

"Miyagi here" he comforts him as the medic rushes to Daniel's side.

Bobby Brown of the Cobra Kai

has been disqualified...



... for excessive and deliberate contact.

Under rule   - ...



... Daniel LaRusso has    minutes

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