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The author began to cry, as they did not know any Batman lore. All they knew... Was that one line in a deep voice, from their older brother IRL.

"I am.."

"Batman." 👁👄👁 Klee repeated for clarity.

Bakuno glanced from Klee to the author, back to Klee again, then back to the author once more, then back to Klee, then back to the author. Then back to Klee, then back to the author.

The author was sobbing uncontrollably by now, their eyes as puffy as an overweight Burger King Big-Boy, and their face 20millions shades of princess pink.

"No Klee-" Bakuno choked, finding a speckle of empathy inside his explosive soul for just a moment..

"You are Toad. From Super Mario Brothers."

It has been done. He has singlehandedly changed Klee's identity to soothe the author's lack of knowledge on Batman. The author has been saved.

"Is Toad destructive? And attractive?"

"Yes, Klee. You are Toad." He smiled like a sizzling chicken nugget.

"Now, we must achieve our goal... AVENGE THE HELLY KITTY COOKIES."

But Klee did not reply. Instead, she opened up Gensin Impact on her kid fire tablet, and began spending the 1million primogems on a new character that had just been released.

"KLEE. NO!! Think of Helly Kitty..." Bakuno sobbed like a dying rat, curling in bubbling vomit in the noon-day sun of Australia.

But his cries were unheard, and he went silent like an already dead rat, as he witnessed the character Klee had just won the 50/50 on..

Klee opened the character tab and clicked on their profile, and an eerie but sickeningly child-friendly voice line occurred...

"Hola, Soy Dora!"

{SATIRE} My Hero Preschool ✨🦄Where stories live. Discover now