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"Hola! Soy Dora the Explora! The explora.. Of your heart." Dora winked at Bakuno. 😉😉(🚩oh no)

"No. I'm done. I'm out of this. I'd rather marry the Map." Bakuno threw off his pink girly cat headphones and exploded himself into the distance.

Klee watched in horror. "Look at what you've done, Dora! Tsk, tsk... Poor Bakuno has been through so much lately. His house burnt down, and his Helly Kitty cookies crumbled all over his pretty pink carpet." She sighed.

"I'll be.. Dora the exploda! Then Bakuno will love me!" (🚩🚩ok girl)

"Oh.. Yes that is true. He only adopted me because I explode things." Klee replied. Suddenly, a lightbulb flashed over the child's head. "Oh! I have an idea!" The lightbulb fell, bonked her on the head, and landed with a thud on the ground. "Ow."

"Now... My idea." Klee smiled. 🙂

The lightbulb exploded.

"We'll build Bakuno a new house.. With a new gaming setup.. And bake him a new plate of Helly Kitty cookies." Klee nodded with fiery determination.

"Yo no hablas inglés!"

"Speak ENGLISH, Dora." Screeched Klee. She screeched so loud that Dora's ears bled. But Dora the Exploda simply took out a tiny plastic cup, put it to her ear to capture the blood, then casually drank it to look cool.

"Alright- first things first-!" Klee froze when a hand tapped her shoulder. She slowly turned around. Her pupils shrunk into tiny dots in raw fear. She saw...

Snas from Undertale.

I have to mention, that his left eyeball was glowing 25million shades of baby blue.

{SATIRE} My Hero Preschool ✨🦄Where stories live. Discover now