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Upon seeing San's face, Klee absolutely panicked. She got down on her knee, tore her ring off her finger, and offered it to him in fear.

"I will!" Cried Sans, hugging Klee with tears pouring out of his skeleton eye sockets.

"I love children! The flowers are singing, the birds are blooming, and kids like you.. Should definitely be proposing to me."

"Do YOU think Klee PROPOSED to SNAS?" Dora asked you in a condescending shrill voice.

The author squirmed in disgust.

"Peedo!" Klee screamed and kicked at Sans, and exploded herself into the distance to find Bakuno.

"I don't do pee. I do weed." Sighed Sans.

Five minutes later, Bakuno teleported with Klee to kick San's non-existent butt. His.. His skeleton butt. His tailbone. His Undertail.

Bakuno defended his adoptive daughter with the power of his explosion in 30million shades of pretty princess pink. Sans had been defeated in 0.01 milliseconds.

Soon enough, Bakuno, Klee, and Dora exploded themselves to Bakuno's burnt down house, where his burnt and crispy mumsy had turned into a lifeless skeleton that was actually still alive.

His mummy despawned and teleported to Sans, where they had a happy skeleton family life for the rest of their skelly days. They were never bonely ever again.

There, Bakuno grieved the Helly Kitty crumbles all over his brown burnt rug.. That was once so pink and pwetty.. "Helly Kitty.." He choked in utter most pain.

"We have something AMAZING to show you, Bakuno!" Screamed Dora, making everybody's ears bleed.

Klee put a paperclip over Dora's mouth to spare them the pain of 35million shades of red liquid pouring out of their ears. Then glanced at Bakuno. "I know how much you've wanted to avenge the Helly Kitty cookies, father.."

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