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The day the San Jose Sharks drafted me was the happiest day of my life. It’s what my life had been missing; it’s what I had planned for my future. When Jake and I got here, it was all parties, and there were so many women. The women were not what I had expected, but I knew they were only out for the money I made, and I was good at it. Because I was so good, I never received any complaints about how I played. Jake was the next best player besides me, but he joked around more than I had in the early days.

Until we faced the threat of losing our spots on the team, we spent more time messing around than playing, and that's when we reconciled our respective goals for the future. Jake, do you remember when I told you about that one girl who bumped into me at the cafe the other day? Yeah, but what about her? Man, there was something about that woman that I can’t seem to get out of my mind. Well, have you tried again since that day to find her? Well, no, and why not?

Well, because I didn’t want to seem like the stalker watching her every move, it seems kind of creepy, don’t you think? Well, yeah, but what did she look like? Man, this woman had curly hair that fell past her shoulders. She was on the thicker side, which made me want her even more. She had the most perfect shade of pink lips. Okay, down, boy. You don’t need all the dirty details of the things you would do to her. Ha, ha, ha, very funny, Jake. I just don’t know if I’m ready for that kind of commitment with her or anyone else.

I just can’t get this incredible woman out of my system. Why don’t you just go to the cafe and hope you see her, and maybe you can see her and get her out of your system? You got a point. Jake, but there has been so much that has happened in my past that I’m not sure I’m ready to let anyone in. But I thought to myself, "What if I could possibly be with someone like her?" Would I be willing to risk opening up to the possibility? I just let it go. If I was meant to run into her, then it would happen, but I didn’t want to bump into her on my terms; I wanted it to happen when I least expected it, so I just went on with my day.

I went to the local gym and tried everything I could to push her out. For a while, it worked, until I found myself at the local diner, The Crave Cave. I had only been once or twice, but as me and Jake walked in and over for Samantha to set us in a back corner booth, I’m sending my new server, Sarah, who will be with you guys shortly to get your orders. But it hadn’t dawned on me at first that it was Sarah I had met 2 days ago at the local cafe, but the moment she came out of the back of the diner and walked from behind the counter, stopping mid-way when her eyes locked onto me, I could tell she was a bit confused.

I nudged Jake and whispered, This is the girl, bro, the one from two days ago. He looked at her the same way I had the first time I met her, when she crashed into me and drenched me in iced coffee. That day was, without a doubt, one of the best of my life. Hello, boys. What can I offer you? As she looked at me when she said it, In my mind, I knew what I wanted, and it made me hard under the table. Thankfully, she couldn’t see; she probably would have run the other way. I looked at her and told her to have an iced coffee with a special double cheeseburger with fries, and Jake spoke up and said, "I want a diet coke with the burger and fries."

As she went to walk away, it was nice seeing you again. When Sarah turned back around, I could tell I affected her the same way she has affected me. She was blushing, and it was the cutest damn thing I had ever seen. I couldn’t help watching her walk away; her curves hung in all the right places, and it just did something to me that no other woman ever had before. When I looked over at Jake, I knew he felt what I felt. Don’t even think about it. Jake, that woman will be mine soon. I looked at him, and he was just grinning.

Tyler, I see why you have this obsession with that woman; she’s like a princess that fell from heaven. I know, Bro, but she’s off limits, and soon enough she will know it. After Sarah (God, I couldn’t even stop saying her name) brought us our food and managed to walk away before I could say a word, I knew I was going to leave her my number and hopefully hear from her, but I knew it would be a long shot. I also found it odd that she hadn’t even noticed who I was; fame came with territory, but I’m guessing she doesn’t care about that.

Tyler, Tyler, when Jake brought me back to reality, I left the ticket and money with my number on it. I turned around to take one last look at the girl of my dreams, and I realized that was likely all she would ever be, as we stood outside in the evening breeze. I wondered what being with her would be like but I knew it would only be a dream and it would never become a reality. 

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