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I couldn't believe I had run into Tyler, who most definitely wasn't who I was expecting to just pop into the diner I had started to work at 2 days prior, and it was kind of weird in some ways because all he and his friend wanted to do was just stare at me like I was a piece of candy, which irritated me to some degree. When I went back to the counter after taking their orders, my co-worker Danielle, or Danny for short, Hey Sarah, yeah, Danny, what's up? Well, for starters, how do you know Tyler and Jake?

I don't really. I just bumped into him a few days ago and accidentally bumped into him and spilled my iced coffee all over him. Danny just stood there with her big puppy eyes, acting like she was dazed in a way I couldn't understand. Then, Sarah, do you not know who those guys are? Is it my responsibility to identify Tyler and Danny? Well, let me give you some insight into who they are. So she went into her personal bag, pulled out her phone, went searching the internet, turned into who they are.

So she went into her personal bag, pulled out her phone, went searching the internet, turned to me, and handed me the phone. I gave her this concerned look, but only for a moment when I happened to look down at the phone and see picture after picture of the both of them on ice in a hockey ring. My head rose up so fast because I was in so much shock that I couldn't believe that I didn't put two and two together when I saw him at the coffee cafe, which kind of makes sense. I watch hockey from time to time, but he didn't seem familiar at the time.

Danny, how did he find me here? Just as I asked that question and looked up with the sense that I was being watched, we met eye-to-eye and I wanted to look away, but he was so beautiful and captivating that it made me not want to look away, but after a few minutes I forced myself to look away because I didn't want to seem like some fan girl obsessed, so to keep me sane in these moments, I began to go around the diner, cleaning the tables and gathering the dirty, nasty dishes that other customers left behind. I felt a familiar presence behind me, and when I turned around, there stood Tyler, almost so close we could have kissed, but I pushed the thought out of my head. Hello Tyler, hello Sarah. Can I help you, Tyler? Well, yes, you can, Sarah.

Well, what might that be, Tyler? Well, I wanted to see if you would like to go out to dinner after your shift. I just stood there in complete and utter shock that I was being asked out by one of the hottest hockey players on the planet, and he was asking me out. I looked at him. Tyler, are you asking me out on a date? Well, I guess that's what you could call it. Well, considering Tyler that I am extremely busy and other things, other things? Yes, Tyler, other things I'm going to have to pass; he just looked dumb enough that I would even have said no considering who he was, and to be frankly honest, I wasn't sure I was ready to be with anyone just yet.

Something I went through as a child that my parents never knew about still affects me to this day, and now that I don't have to explain those things to them, I can start to heal from it or try anyway. But I didn't want to drag anyone else into it, especially Tyler. Without another word, I turned and walked away before he had a chance to stop me. I continued with the rest of my shift, trying to not get Tyler all jammed in my own head, but the fact that he was still here wasn't helping anyway. That man, Danny, is insane. Why would you say that, Sarah? I only just met the man a couple days ago, and he just asked me out to dinner, and I just turned him down.

She looked at me like I was insane for turning him down. Are you insane, Sarah? What? He has never been turned down by anyone before; well, now he has. Yeah, well, he's not going to let it go, and from the looks of it, I don't think he wants to let it go. How can you be so sure? Well, he hunted you down to the place you work. What else do you need to know? You make it sound so bad like he stalked me. Well, if you think about it, he kind of did. I looked at her as she was giggling because this was funny to her, and in a sense, I think it was funny as well.

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