Chapter 1

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"Win, the patient is critical! We need to move now!" Jimmy yelled, his voice filled with urgency.

As soon as I heard his voice, my mind snapped into focus on the imminent task at hand.

My body moved with a purpose, my movements driven by a combination of adrenaline and instinct.

At the surgery room, I immediately set about preparing the things for the surgery.

Every item and material was carefully selected and positioned, leaving nothing to chance. Once everything was in place, I moved to the operating table, where the patient was waiting.

The patient's injuries were grave, their life hanging in the balance. I had to be swift and precise to save them.

Every moment counted, and time was running out.

I worked quickly, making sure everything was ready and every instrument was within reach.

This was my job, and I would do everything in my power to save this person's life.

The patient on the operation table seemed familiar.


The surgery had been a success, and the patient was now lying in the hospital bed, stable and recovering well.

I had gone in to check on him, expecting nothing unusual, but as soon as I stepped into the room, I was met with a look of surprise and disbelief on the patient's face.

"Win?! Is that you?" He shouted.

I was taken aback by the patient's reaction.

We'd never met before, so why was he acting like he knew me?
His eyes widened in shock, but I was completely puzzled.

My mind raced, trying to understand what was happening.

Was it possible that he had mistaken me for someone else? His brain still isn't fully functional, so that might be the reason.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you seem to have me confused with someone else,"

I said, my voice calm and steady.

"My name is indeed Win, but we've never met before. What is your name?"

The patient only stared at me, his eyes widening further.

"Perth, Perth Tanapon. I am your friend from college, remember?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. In college, I only had one friend, Jimmy."

"WIN! We used to be enemies, but then we became friends! Don't you remember?!"

"Please calm down. You are still in a bad shape."

He rolled his eyes and leaned back.

"Are you feeling well? Any cramps, headaches?" I calmly asked.


"Alright. I'll be heading back then."

I left.

While I was making my way to the vending machine to buy some coffee, I saw Jimmy.

"Win, hey! How's the patient?"

"His condition is fine. He just mistaked me as his friend, that's all."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me that I'm his friend from college." I chuckled. "Weird, right?" I asked.

Jimmy's face turned into an anxious one.

"Win..uh.. His brain just isn't t fully functional, I guess."


Why is everyone so weird today? Why did he suddenly become so nervous?

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