Chapter 7

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As the bright morning sun shone softly on the day of the eagerly-awaited concert, an air of anticipation and excitement could be felt in the air.

The early morning hours were spent patiently waiting outside the concert venue, hoping to be one of the first in line at the ticket counter.

Even though it might still be a little early, I know there will be a long line later in the afternoon, so my plan is to be there early.

After waiting for four long hours outside the concert venue, the ticket counter finally opened. I was lucky enough to be the third person in line, which made my heart race with excitement.

When I stepped foot inside the concert area, I couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline.

The stage was large and spectacular, and I couldn't wait to see my favorite artist perform.

I was to excited that I completely forgot that I was here to talk to Bright.

The atmosphere of the concert arena was electric and filled with energy, and I was swept up in the excitement of it all as you waited for Bright to appear on stage.

All of a sudden, the stadium went pitch black, and then - like magic - Bright finally appeared, leaving everyone in a state of mass hysteria after waiting so long just to see him.

I could hear the cacophony of voices screaming themselves hoarse just to show their love and appreciation for the artist, all of them united in the moment as time seemed to stand still.

The moment he started to sing, everyone started to sing the lyrics along with him, including me.
People even started to record him.
It was the best.

"You might win but you already won my heart.

This is my favorite lyric of his new single "Win my heart." It just makes me want to love someone.

As I was enjoying my time, I realized that I still somehow have to talk to him.

That's when I got an idea.

After the concert concluded, I proceeded to enact my ingenious plan.

I approached the two security guards stationed near the podium and politely inquired if I could obtain a selfie with Bright.

They swiftly rejected my proposal with an adamant declaration:

"Absolutely not."

To change their mind, I employed my persuasive tactics, pleading with them and even resorting to begging.

"Pleaseeee, I'm begging youuuuu," I begged.

"No that's the answer. Leave before we kick you out."

"But Bright knows me, you know?"

This caught them off guard, as they paused for a moment before questioning my assertion.

"How so?" one of them inquired.

"Go ask him." I simply replied.

They whispered something to each other first, however one of the guards went to ask Bright, while the other one was beside me, waiting.

My plan is working.

Life without you [BW]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat