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I fought tears the whole time as I drove to the airport, parking in the long-term car park just in case I really was gone for a while. Once I'd paid for the park and turned off the car, I just sat there with my head in my hands and tried to get a hold of myself. I couldn't show my face in any public place looking like this.

Once I had composed myself, I made sure I had everything and got out of the car. Luckily, because it was so early in the morning, there was barely anyone around so I didn't have to worry so much about keeping my head down. I let my hair out of its plait and spread it out around my face just in case, not in the mood to be recognized today. The airport was almost empty when I walked in, and everyone I passed was staring either down at their phones or off into space.

I kept my head down, walking quickly through the airport and down past the gates to the private gates that catered to people with private jets. There was a bored looking man sitting behind the counter who glanced up when I approached. His eyes widened slightly as I stopped in front of the desk and he swallowed.

"I need a flight to L.A." I said before he could say anything, digging in my purse. "Here's my card." I slapped down my I.D on the desk. His eyes dropped down to it and then he nodded, taking the card and typing in my I.D number.

"We can get you on a flight in about an hour." He told me after a moment.


I took the card he handed back to me, tucking it into my purse and then walking through the door behind him when he motioned that I could go through. There was a little while of sitting around, but eventually, someone came to get me.

The four hour flight passed slowly, and I stared out the window the whole time. I kept replaying the fight with Travis over and over in my head, trying not to cry. I was so angry at him for being so flipped out about the amount of work I was doing. I didn't get what his issue was. I mean, sure, we hadn't been spending an awful lot of time together but I thought everything was fine. That had been our normal lately.

The hotel Tree had booked me into was nice, only ten minutes away from where the Grammy's were going to be held. Still reeling from the fight, I ordered a bit too much room service and spent the entire day in bed, eating and watching movies. I fell asleep early, exhausted, and woke up really late the next day to a tapping on the door.

Rolling out of bed with a groan, I stumbled to my feet and peered through the peephole at the door. When I realized who it was, I pulled the door open. Max bustled in, two outfit bags draped over one of her arms, a makeup and hair bag dangling from the other. I shut the door behind her and turned to see her dumping everything on the little hotel table. Once her arms were free, she turned to me with a smile before looking at me and blinking in surprise.

"What happened to you?" She asked, looking me up and down. I must look awful; tangled hair, red eyes, wearing the same clothes I'd been wearing for two days.

"I don't want to talk about it." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Okay, umm, have you showered yet?" She asked, and I shook my head. "Well, it's two thirty in the afternoon, and I have a lot to fix up. Get in the shower, wash your hair, do everything you need. I can get started on Travis while I'm waiting. Where is he?"

"He's..." I twisted my fingers together. "He's not coming. He had to stay at home."

"Uh oh, what happened?" Max cottoned on immediately, and I shook my head. Her eyes dipped down, obviously checking for the rings I still wore, trying to gauge how bad it really was.

"Just a rough patch." I sighed. Understatement. It was the roughest patch I'd ever seen us have.

"Okay, well go have a shower and you'll feel better." She could tell I didn't want to talk about it.

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