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"Taylor!" I heard Bella yelling for me as I sat crumpled against the wall. "Taylor, now!"

The urgency in her voice propelled me to my feet, even though all I wanted to do was sit and cry there forever. Eyes blurry, I stumbled through the door and then stopped short. Bella was leaning over Travis, and his heart monitor was going wild. 

Not flat. Not gone. 

Everyone else stood back as she let out a sigh, putting the defibrillator down and taking it off Travis' chest. She kept doing something, but I didn't see her. I only saw Travis.

Oh please, please. I'd do anything.

I walked forwards slowly, my broken heart hopefully knitting itself back together. And then his eyes fluttered, his lips fell apart ever so slightly, and I broke down. My legs crumpled and someone caught me as I collapsed, holding me up. I cried harder as his eyes opened, blinked, confused. They focused on me and I broke down further, barely holding myself up with the help of whoever was next to me. Then Travis looked at me.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He frowned, and a bubble of disbelieving laughter escaped me at his concern.

"You're the one in a fucking hospital bed." I said through my tears, stumbling forwards and almost collapsing into his arms. Well, arm. "You scared the shit out of me you asshole." I mumbled as his unbroken arm went around me, holding me close. "I really fucking hate you."

'No you don't." Travis murmured.

"No I don't." I sniffed. "But don't you ever do that to me again."

"Alright." Travis chuckled. "What happened? I don't remember anything."

"Yeah that makes sense." I lifted my head and smiled through my tears, my hands finding his face and stroking his beard gently. God, he was alive. He was okay. "You had an accident. A...car accident. You've been here two weeks baby, we didn't know if you were going to wake up."

"Two weeks." Travis repeated, and I nodded. "Damn. Does this mean I missed Valentines Day?"

"Why the hell are you worried about Valentines Day?" I laughed through my tears as I shook my head at him. Count on Travis. Almost died, and he's worried about a silly little holiday.

"I just had something special planned for you is all." He grumbled.

"Maybe forget about that and just be grateful that you're alive." I whispered, and then looked up. Bella was watching us, her cheeks flushed red, sweat beaded on her forehead. "Because of you." I straightened up, keeping one hand on Travis' cheek. Unable to let him go. "You saved him."

"I refused to admit he would have slipped away from you." Bella admitted. "I probably wasn't allowed to do what I did; it's against protocol for safety reasons to use a voltage that high. He'll have to stay a little longer so we can make sure there's no repercussions."

"Who cares? Whatever you did worked." I wouldn't have cared if she'd broken every law in the world to bring him back, because he was here, and he was alive. "I could never thank you enough for this." I whispered. "You saved him."

"That's my job." She smiled. "We'll leave you two alone for a little while."

"Thank you." I whispered, and she nodded. Everyone trailed out, closing the door and leaving me alone with Travis. I sat down on the bed next to him, my hand finding his. "God." I breathed. "You have no idea how much you scared me Travis. I really thought I'd lost you."

"I'm so sorry baby." Travis murmured as more tears dripped down my cheeks.

"It's not even your fault." I stroked his cheek. "You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You got so damn lucky Travis, I thought you were gone."

Hope I Never Lose Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن