thirteen (actually this time)

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a.n wow sorry about that last chapter i don't know how that got there, but don't worry that actually didn't happen, this is actually where we left off after chapter twelve, sorry for the misunderstanding that was so weird

I crumpled to the floor as the hold around my neck vanished, not sure what was going on, but knowing I had to get down. Screams filled the room as something wet and warm splattered against my face, and bile rose in my throat when I saw the man who'd been holding me now lying in a pool of his own blood. Dead. I could feel something warm and sticky over my neck. His blood, where it must have sprayed when he'd been shot. My chest heaved. 

"Everyone down!"  Someone shouted, and I looked up to see six cops streaming in through the back door. I lifted a hand to my face, shuddering when my fingertips came away spotted with blood. A cop crouched down in front of me and I flinched before realizing he meant no harm. 

"Are you hurt?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Here." He helped me to stand upon my trembling legs, starting to lead me away.

"Wait!" I stopped, turning back to look at the man lying dead. "He...he has..." A sob rose in my throat as I tried to speak. "My..." I couldn't. Tears running down my cheeks, I pointed to his pocket.

The cop crouched down, digging in the pocket and then lifting his palm to show me the two rings. I nodded, shoulders shaking as he stood up and placed them in my hands. I cried silently as I slipped both of them back onto my finger, letting him lead me through the front doors.

"Taylor!" I could hear Travis yelling for me, and looked up to see him still being held back. "Let me go, that's my wife!" He shoved at the people holding him. "Taylor!"

"Travis!" I sobbed, almost tripping over my own feet as I stumbled towards him. Travis pushed through the cops and they finally let him go, moving aside as he ran to me. 

"Baby." He sobbed, pulling me so close I couldn't breathe. I clung to him, sobbing into his shirt as his arms went around my back and stayed there. "Oh god, you're okay baby, you're okay." I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or himself. Probably both. "You're okay." One of his hands slid up into my hair, holding me close like he thought I might vanish. "You're okay baby." He mumbled, over and over like he was trying to convince himself as well as me. Then I realized.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I pulled back to look at him, frowning. "You know you're on bedrest!" My hands gestured, annoyed. "I swear to god Travis, I tried so hard to get you to rest and you get in a car and drive? What the hell am I going to do with..."

Travis kissed me, cutting me off mid-sentence. He pulled me close again, kissing me like he'd never loved anyone more, like he'd been so damn terrified of losing me that he didn't care I was splattered with blood. I sighed, giving in and letting my shoulders relax. God, of course he'd come. He'd probably heard that I was involved in an armed robbery and rushed out the door. Of course he'd come for me. He'd always looked after me, just like I'd always looked after him. I shouldn't be mad about that.

"Okay." I sighed when he pulled back after a very long moment. "But you're staying put for the next few weeks, I mean it." I raised my eyebrows. "Okay?"

"Okay." Travis sighed.

"Good. Go sit in the car."

"What? Taylor..."

"Travis, I'm fine." I reassured him. "I'm not hurt, I promise. It's not my blood. Go sit in the car, and I'll be there soon."

Travis lingered, obviously not wanting to leave me, but I shot him one more look and he sighed and did as I asked. I was passed over to a medic who asked a few questions as she cleaned the blood off my face and neck, gently touching my neck to make sure I was alright. Luckily, I was completely fine, and was let go after giving a statement to the police. Travis had been smart enough to sit in the passenger seat, knowing I'd never let him drive home.

"Oh damn." I muttered when I started the car. "I never actually got the snacks." Travis laughed in disbelief.

"Baby I don't think that's important right now." He pointed out. "You just had a gun shoved in your neck. I think we can forget about the snacks." His hand found my thigh as I pulled out of the carpark. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I glanced at him for a half second before letting my eyes drift back to the road.

"Baby you just watched a man get shot dead in front of you. I don't think you can be fine after that."

"I'm trying not to think about it right now Travis." I whispered, fighting to stay focused on the road. "I just want to get home and deal with this later." Travis nodded, falling silent. I drove us home, and when I drove through the gates, I caught a glimpse of a familiar blue car parked off to the side. I pressed my lips together as I parked in my regular spot. "You didn't." 

"Well she was going to find out sooner or later." Travis said as we got out of the car. "I...called her on the way."

"Of course you did." I sighed, handing him the keys as Tree got out of her car. She looked like she was ready to kill me and hug me at the same time, which was never a good combination. "Go inside and get some rest."

Travis sighed but walked off, leaving me and Tree alone as she walked up to me. I cringed, waiting for her to start yelling, but she just pulled me into a tight hug instead.

"You're so damn lucky Taylor." She told me as I hugged her back. "Do you have any idea how worried we all were? How worried I was when I got a call from Travis saying you were alone with no security in the middle of an armed robbery? That a news site was posting pictures as it happened and that's how he found out?"

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Damn right you're sorry!" Tree pulled back to look at me. "Taylor, you could have been killed! I don't know why you think you can just go places alone, and I know you wish you didn't have to, but you do." She sighed. "I know it sucks to have people taking care of you, but this is what happens when they don't. I didn't know if you were okay! All I knew was that there was a picture of you being literally held hostage with a gun on you! God!" She pulled me close again. "I'm so glad you're okay honey, but don't you ever do that to me again."

"I won't." I promised. 

"Good." Tree sighed. "I'm also going to get you to see a therapist for a few weeks...don't." She held up a finger when I opened my mouth. "You're not fighting me on this. I'll send you your appointment details when I sort them out. You're going whether you like it or not."

"Okay." She knew best, I had to be honest with myself. Tree always knew best. "Thank you, Tree, really." Tree nodded.

"Now go." She motioned to the door. "That man is worried sick about you and I know he's supposed to be resting. Go take care of each other."

I nodded, blinking away tears as Tree patted my arm and turned back to her car. With a sigh, I went inside, finding Travis on the couch. Finally where he was supposed to be.

Without a word, I shrugged out of my jacket, throwing it into the laundry as I passed, and climbed up to lie next to him on the couch. Travis rested his unbroken arm around me, pulling me half on top of him. I rested my head down on his chest, careful not to bump any of his bandages. 

We lay there for a while, just holding each other. Thankful that we were okay.

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