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When I woke up in the morning, it was to the feeling of Travis planting gentle kisses up and down my bare shoulder. I sighed, smiling as I slowly started to wake up, rolling over right into his waiting arms. Blinking my eyes open, I looked up and smiled when I saw him looking down at me.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Hey baby." Travis kissed me adoringly. "You are so damn gorgeous in the morning."

"You are so damn gorgeous every second of the day." I murmured, sliding my arms around his neck and pulling him down for another kiss.

As his lips explored mine, I pulled him on top of me, sighing at the delicious way he settled between my legs. Grabbing one of my knees, Travis pulled it up around his waist and braced his other hand by my head as he slid slowly inside me. I sighed into his mouth, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck so he couldn't pull away.

"God I love you." Travis murmured as he fucked me slowly, barely able to take his mouth off mine long enough to say those words.

"I love you too." I tugged him back down, desperate for his lips on mine.

We lay in bed together until noon, catching up on all the time we'd spent fighting. We finally got out to eat breakfast - well, lunch - and I made pancakes and bacon since it was Travis' favorite.

"You're brave, cooking with no clothes on." Travis wrapped his arms around my naked body from behind and kissing my shoulder.

"I don't see the point wearing clothes when you're just going to take them right off me again." I pointed out, flipping the last pancakes onto the plate. Travis chuckled.

"That's true." He told me, like he was proud of himself. I smiled fondly at him, lifting a hand to rest it against his cheek as he kissed my jaw lightly.

We fed each other breakfast, unable to keep our hands off each other for very long. Once we were finished, Travis dragged me into the shower with him, even tying my hair back up for me so I wouldn't get it wet. Barely a minute after getting in, the hot steam and close quarters got the better of us.

"God!" I gasped as I came down from the high and Travis kissed his way up my neck to my mouth.

"You are so fucking beautiful when you come apart like that." He murmured to me.

"You are fucking incredible." I sighed as he placed me back on the ground. "I love you."

"I love you." He told me. "So fucking much."

Then I heard my phone ringing, the personalized ringtone I'd set to let me know when it was Tree calling blaring from the bedroom. I sighed, planting one more kiss on Travis' lips before ducking out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around myself, I dashed to answer it. Missing Tree's calls wasn't an option. If she was calling, it was important. Otherwise she'd just leave a text.


"You sound breathless, did I catch you training?"

"Uh, no." I ran a hand through my hair, taking it down as the sound of the shower stopped behind me. "What's up?" I asked as Travis came out of the bathroom.

"Well, a couple things. First of all, huge congrats on the ball. It went amazing. Website is up, things are being organized, check your emails when you've got time." Tree told me, and I made a small sound of agreement. Then Travis' lips were on my bare shoulder, his hands tugging my towel down. I let it go - knowing it wouldn't help to fight him on this - and smiled to myself, leaning back against his chest as he tossed the towel away. "And the second thing is you and Travis are plastered all over the internet right now, like, really plastered."

"Yeah?" I murmured as Travis' hands slipped around my waist as he moved his lips to my neck.

"Yeah, you know how people spread stuff about the two of you. But it's nice to hear you're past the rough patch." Tree paused for a moment. "You two...are past it right? Or did you make up for one night and then start fighting again? I never know with you two."

"Careful Tree, you're starting to sound like a reporter." I laughed quietly, tilting my head back as Travis kissed my jaw, sliding his hands onto my stomach. One hand slipped lower, dipping between my legs. "But yes." I sighed. "We are well and truly past it." 

I bit down on my lip as Travis slid two fingers inside me, gently sucking on my neck as he planted warm kisses everywhere he could reach. Tree didn't say anything for a long moment, and then she groaned.

"Oh god Taylor, seriously?" She complained. "I thought I made you promise never to answer the phone if you two were having sex! That is not something anyone ever needs to hear!"

"We are not having sex!" I laughed, trying not to react as Travis worked his fingers inside me, brushing my clit. "Not technically." I mumbled, fighting a moan. 

"Yeah, alright. I love you, but you two make me sick. I'm glad you two are okay now, but for fucks sake." Tree said, and hung up.

"Work problem?" Travis murmured as I put my phone down. I shook my head, leaning further against him as he increased the pace of his fingers, making me shiver. "I think this makes eight in the last twelve hours." He whispered in my ear.

"Eight what?" I breathed, and then let out a gasp as another orgasm crashed over me out of nowhere. "God!" I moaned, trying to remember to breathe as my thighs shook.

"Eight times I've made you cum." Travis kissed behind my ear and I smiled, turning around in his arms as his hand slipped out from between my legs.

"Tree's not very happy with me." I murmured. "And thank you for that, I have to get back in the shower now." Travis grinned, and I smacked his shoulder. "You're not coming with me." I warned. "I actually have work to do and if you come with me, we both know we'll get distracted."

"You have work to do?" Travis sighed, and I nodded. "Are you sure you can't take the day off?" He murmured, pressing his mouth to mine.

"Mhm, don't tempt me." I breathed, forcing myself to pull back. "I'm serious. I do need to work. But I promise I'll shut everything off by five and you can have me all to yourself."

"Five." Travis raised an eyebrow, and I nodded. "I'll hold you to that."

"Deal." I kissed him once more, and then he let me go with a smile.

I had a quick second shower, got dressed, and spent the day working in the office. Travis went out in the afternoon to visit Jason and the girls, leaving me to my work. Hours passed, and just as the clock struck five, my phone rang. I smiled, leaning over to answer it.

"Right on the dot, you're a punctual man." I said as I shut down my computer and closed my folder, slipping it back into its drawer. "Don't worry, I made you a promise. I just finished."

"Taylor." The voice on the other end wasn't Travis, and I frowned, pulling my phone away to check the name on the screen.

"Jason? I thought you were Travis." I laughed at myself for getting it wrong. "What's going on?"

"Look, Taylor, something's happened." Jason said, and my blood turned to ice. "You should get to the hospital. Right now."

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