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It was going to be a long road for Travis to recover, I could see that immediately. He hated being treated delicately even though he had three broken bones and a concussion, and everyone was fussing over him. I knew he hated it, but every time he tried to fight back I just shot him a look and he shut up real quick. He knew I'd make his life hell if he resisted care, and he was a hell of a lot more scared of an angry wife than he was of being fussed over.

Travis was discharged just under a week later, and I cleared most of my calendar for two months so I could stay home and take care of him. I shifted all of my interviews and events, and moved studio sessions so that I could do them from home. It was probably a little over the top, but I knew that if I wasn't home to keep an eye on him, Travis would try to do things he wasn't supposed to do in his condition.

On the second day that we were home while I was on a video call with Jack - working on a new song - I heard a noise from the kitchen. Pausing, I listened, trying to determine if it was a cat or Travis. Then I heard Travis swear to himself and sighed.

"Travis Kelce you better not be on your feet when I get out there!" I called out, putting my guitar down.

"Uh oh, she's on the warpath." Jack laughed at me from my computer.

"I'll be right back." I held up a finger, and he held out a hand for me to proceed as I left the room. "Travis." I groaned when I walked out and saw him in the kitchen. "For god's sake, you know you're supposed to be resting."

"I know." He sighed, and grudgingly moved back to the couch when I pointed at it. 

"What were you trying to do? You know that's what I'm here for." I told him, going over to where he sat down.

"I didn't want to bother you." Travis mumbled as I leaned over him, lifting his shirt and very lightly brushing my fingertips over his ribs. "Baby I'm fine, really."

"Shh." I pressed a finger to his lips. "What do you need?"

"I was just getting water."

"Okay." I straightened up, grabbing a glass. Then I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, wrapping it in a thin tea towel before going back over. "Here." I handed him the glass and lifted his shirt, gently placing the ice pack against his ribs. "Keep that there a while, we don't want it getting inflamed." Travis sighed but nodded. He looked miserable, and I smiled sympathetically as I sat down next to him. "I know you don't like it honey, but it's for the best." I whispered, stroking his temple slowly. "It's just for a couple weeks and then you can do a little more."

"I know." Travis sighed, resting his head back. "I know you're only trying to help baby, I'm sorry I'm making this harder than it needs to be."

"Shh." I kissed his forehead. "It's okay, you're just used to being on your feet. I'm almost done with Jack in the studio, so how about once I'm finished we do something huh? Caramel popcorn and a movie?" It was his favorite, and I knew it'd help him to cheer up. Travis managed a small smile and nod, and I smiled, glad he was agreeable. "Ten minutes max okay, I promise." I leaned in to kiss his cheek and then got up.

I quickly wrapped up the studio session, but we were pretty much done anyway so it wasn't an issue. When I was finished, I went into the kitchen to find some snacks for the movie to find we'd run out last time. Promising Travis I'd be back soon, I grabbed my wallet and car keys. I must have forgotten to pick up any the last time I'd gone shopping, which was a while ago since I'd spent all my time at the hospital. I was only going to the supermarket down the road, which I'd been to a million times, so I didn't bother security to come with me.

When I got there, I sighed to myself when I saw some paps rushing into the carpark. God, didn't they ever get bored of it? I was just going shopping, it was hardly interesting footage. Rolling my eyes, I smoothed my expression over and got out of the car. They took pictures from a distance as I walked inside while pretending not to notice that they were there.

I hummed quietly to myself as I picked out a few things, all of Travis' favorites. I knew he felt awful, so maybe this could at least put a little smile on his face. That was all I wanted.

"Find everything you...." The girl at the counter trailed off when she looked up at me, her green eyes widening. "Oh my god." She whispered, and then flushed red. 

"Hi." I smiled. "I love your hair, it's just gorgeous." She must really take care of it; her luscious brown curls made me a little jealous. 

"Thank you." She smiled to herself as she rang me up. "Umm, would it be okay if I asked to take a photo with you?" She asked tentatively once I'd paid. "If that's okay, I don't want to bother you."

"Oh no honey, of course. It's those guys that are bothering me." I laughed, inclining my head in the direction of the paps. She laughed nervously, but her shoulders relaxed slightly. We took a couple photos, and she thanked me over and over as she slid her phone back into her pocket. "That's okay sweetheart." I smiled at her as I picked up my bag. "You have a great day."

"You too." She smiled as I turned for the door, but quickly stopped in my tracks.

There were three men in fucking masks pushing through the door. Holding guns.

"Oh...fuck." I whispered to myself. Talk about wrong place wrong time.

They blocked off the door, and I glanced around. There were only a few people in the store, maybe six or seven. My eyes caught on the emergency exit, but I pressed my lips together when I saw one more masked man blocking that door too. Then a laugh hit my ears, and I turned to see one of the men looking right at me. 

"Well, look what landed on our front step!" He laughed, walking slowly forwards to where I was standing. "An A-list celebrity with no security? We got lucky today boys!" 

Fucking hell. The one time I didn't take security with me. I knew I should be more scared of the masked man with the gun walking towards me, but all I could think about was how mad Tree was going to be when she got hold of me after this.

If I made it out.

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