Chapter 2

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Angad:"I want to get married"

Bebe:"To who puttar?" 

Angad: Her name is Sahiba 

Daarji: The one who decorated the prayer room? 

Angad: Yes Daarji 

 Manveer clenches her fists,trying to control her anger and stands up from her seat abruptly. 

"Angad,you will not marry that middle class girl and that Is final" 

His once bright eyes, filled with hope and longing, now glistened with unshed tears, reflecting the pain that weighed heavily on his soul. As he stood up to leave His movements were slow and deliberate, as if every step he took required a herculean effort of will. He walks back to his bedroom and thinks about how he will break the bad news to Sahiba. 

"Manveer,you should let him marry who he wants ,so what if she is a middle class girl" Inder said trying to convince her. 

"Angad will not marry some middle class gold digger who will break his heart" With that,she walked away.


Sahiba: I want to get married 

Keerat:Anyone we know Sahiba di 

Sahiba:Yes,Actually I was hired to decorate their prayer room a while ago,thats where we met . 

Santosh: What is his name puttar 

Sahiba: Angad Singh Brar 

Santosh: "Brar?!" Her eyes widened in disbelief, pupils dilating as if trying to take in the enormity of what she had just heard. 

Ajeet: Absolutely not! He said,rage evident on his face , veins bulging at his temples . His voice, usually calm and measured, was now a booming roar that reverberated through the air like thunder, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. With that,he walked away fuming. 

Sahiba sat there with shock and confusion as to why her father reacted like  that. 

Santosh: Sahiba puttar,there's something i need to tell you,you see, when you were 10,your father used to design jewlerry for the Brar's then on one fateful day,Brar Sahab accused your father of stealing and  got him arrested. 

Shaiba shoulders slumped forward, the weight of realization pressing down upon her like a heavy burden that she could no longer bear. Her eyes, once bright with hope, now glistened with unshed tears, reflecting the raw pain of a truth that had shattered her dreams. 

She went back to her room wondering how she would break the news to Angad.

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