Chapter 4

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Angad:"Hi" he said,sadness evident in his voice

Angad:"I need to tell you something Important 

Sahiba:"What's wrong" 

He gestures her to sit on a bench nearby and and takes her hand in his. 

Angad: "It's about our marriage,. I... I spoke to my parents, and... they're not okay with it."They want me to marry someone of the same social status as us , someone they approve of." 

Sahiba:" Actually I wanted to tell you the something.Something happened between our families years ago and my dad's still holding a grudge and won't approve of our marriage." 

Angad:"What are we gonna do now" 

Sahiba: "I don't know. I wish I had all the answers, but right now, I'm just... lost. All I know is that I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to fight for us."

Angad: "I love you too. But this... it's not going to be easy, is it?" 

Sahiba  "No, it won't be. But we'll figure it out, together. I promise." 

As they stood beneath the soft glow of the streetlamp, the air around them crackled with anticipation, a palpable tension hanging between them like a veil of electricity. Their eyes met, locking in a shared moment of silent understanding, as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them in its wake.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, he reached out a hand to cup her cheek, his touch gentle yet filled with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. 

And then, in a heartbeat that seemed to stretch on for eternity, their lips met in a tender kiss, a gentle collision of longing and desire that set their hearts ablaze. It was a moment frozen in time, a symphony of sensations that swept them away on a tide of emotion. 



At the breakfast table, tension hung thick in the air, palpable and suffocating, as the family sat in strained silence. The clinking of utensils against plates echoed loudly in the quiet dining room, each sound magnified by the absence of conversation.

His family members exchanged nervous glances, sensing the storm brewing beneath the surface of his Anger. They dared not speak, lest they incur his wrath, instead focusing on their own plates with  concentration, trying to ignore the elephant in the room. 

Angad left for work fuming without uttering a word to anyone. 

When he got to work,As he settled into his desk, the familiar routine of work stretched out before him like an endless expanse of monotony. But today, even the mundane tasks that once brought him solace felt like a burden, a reminder of the emptiness that gnawed at his soul. 

Then his phone rang,it was Sahiba,a smile played on his lops and he thought only sahiba could make him smile. 

Angad: "Hello meri jaan" He said playfully 

Sahiba : Hi Angad 

Sahiba: Do you want to meet later 

Angad: "Sure,when and where" 

Sahiba: "Our favourite cafe by 2 pm"

Angad: "Sure meri jaan"

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