Chapter 6

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Daarji did not utter a word and handed him a piece of paper,............IT WAS A MEDICAL REPORT!! 

Daarji was In need of a kidney or else he would had 2 weeks to live. 

Angad: "We can find you a kidney right? We will all take a blood tests, one of us has to have the same blood group as you" he said while sobbing uncontrollably. 

Inder: "I wish it were that simple, son. But none of us have the same blood group as his . The doctors say none of you can donate your kidneys." 


Inder: I've already looked into it, son. The transplant registry, potential donors... Nothing has worked so far." He said trying to console his son . 

"Then I'll explore every option,.I won't give up on you daarji."  

Angad couldn't help but choke back his tears and rushed to his room.

 He  sat alone in the dimly lit room, his hands trembling as he clutched the piece of paper that held hisg Daarji's medical report. His heart felt heavy in his chest as he read the words again, as if hoping they would somehow change.

"Two weeks...," he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible in the silence of the room. Tears welled up in his eyes as the reality of the situation sank in. His beloved Daarji, the pillar of their family, had only two weeks left to live. A single tear traced a silent path down his cheek, reflecting the anguish that gripped his heart. 

"Ring Ring" his phone rang, a small smile played on his lips,It was Sahiba,he desperately needed to talk to her and answered the phone almost immediately. 

"Hello" he heard her sweet voice say. 

He couldn't help it,he broke down into tears. 

Sahiba: "Angad,what's wrong " 

Angad narrated the story about how Daarji needed a kidney or he will be gone. 

Sahiba: " Ok Angad come down,what blood group is he?" 

Angad:  He's an A negative 

Sahiba: Perfect, I'm an A negative too, I can donate to him!! 

Angad : (tears welling up in his eyes): "Are you serious? Sahiba , that's... that's incredible! I can't believe you'd do that." 

Sahiba :Of course I'm serious. I love you, and although i havent met him,your daarji seems like. A a nice person . I want to do everything I can to help him." 

Angad: Thank you. Thank you so much, Sahiba . You're amazing. You've just given us all hope."  

Sahiba: We'll get through this together, okay? I'll do whatever it takes to help your Daarji 

Angad: I'll tell my family the good news and you come meet us at Pancham hospital in an hour. 

Sahiba:, Alright,And dont worry w e'll get through this together, okay? I'll do whatever it takes to help your Daarji." 

Angad: " Thank you Meri Jaan "

As he hung up,his face lights up with a mix of relief and gratitude as he realizes just how lucky he is to have such an incredible girlfriend by his side. 

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