Chapter 3

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With a heavy sigh, he plopped, determination flickering like a dying ember amidst the darkness of his despair. He knew that he must find the strength to be honest with her, to share the burden of their unaccepted love and face whatever consequences may come. He took out his phone and was about to call her when He heard a knock on the door. 

Inder:"Puttar,can I come in"

Angad: "Sure" he said and hurriedly wipes his tears 

Inder: Look,I know you're upset about your mother's decision ut she's just looking out for you.

You see,when your mother and I got married,her brother fell in love with a middle class girl and they got married.A few months after their marriage,she cheated on him and they got divorced and she took everything from him and left him penniless.He fell into depression and later ended his life. 

Angad's mouth opens in shock the weight of  the realization. 


Sahiba brought out her phone contemplating whether she should call him now or wait till tomorrow when she heard a knock on the door. It was Seerat and Keerat 

Seerat: (placing a hand on their sahiba's shoulder) "Hey, sis, we're here for you. We know how much this meant to you, but please don't lose hope."

Keerat:"Yeah, we've got your back. No matter what happens, we're in this together." 

Sahiba : (sniffling) "Thank you, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

Keerat: "That's what sisters are for, right? Now come here, let's hug it out." 

(They gather in a tight embrace, offering comfort and support to their sister in her time of need.) 

Seerat: (looking at the phone in Sahiba's hand) are you gonna call him? 

Sahiba: "ya"

Keerat:"Alright,we'll leave you to it" 

With a shaky breath, she dialed his number, the sound of each ring echoing in the silence of her room like a tolling bell. Each second felt like an eternity as she waited for him to pick up, her stomach twisting with anticipation and dread.

"Hello," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, tinged with a hint of sadness that he couldn't quite hide.

"Sahiba, I need you to come to our favourite park.i want to tell you something Important. 

Sahiba: "I'll be there in 10 

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