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Cape Canaveral
19/03/2016, 21:22 EDT

Nightwing was glad Storm wasn't on this mission because they needed the reactions to be very realistic and Storm would probably kill someone for realism, which was not wanted.

As he performed CPR on Artemis's "dead" body, Miss M and Superboy ran over.

"She's dead," he announced after the thirtieth count. Perks of being raised as a billionaire's ward, he could act pretty well.


Mount Justice
19/03/2016, 11:42 EDT
10 hrs earlier

Nightwing stood beside Storm, Superboy and Mal stood behind them, also looking at the screen above. They were waiting on Miss Martian, La'gaan, and Artemis.

"They're both gonna wind up our responsibility, aren't they?" Mal asked, he sounded exhausted.

"Not necessarily," Nightwing replied, turning to face the other two men. It was a picture of Bart and the newly found Roy Harper, original Roy, not a clone. "Bart—Impulse—is staying with Jay and Joan Garrick in Central City, occasionally going to stay with Storm. Roy," Nightwing gestured to the picture of the sleeping redhead, "the original Speedy, is recuperating at Royal Memorial Hospital in Star City. Arrows Green and Red are both watching him."

Mal nodded, then turned to Superboy. "They're both gonna wind up our responsibility."

"Doesn't everything?" Superboy said just as tiredly. "I mean, where are we on identifying the Light's new partner?"

Nightwing sighed again, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "No progress." All their attention was grasped by M'gann giggling softly and La'gaan right with her.

"La'gaan, don't eat so fast."

"I can't help it, Angelfish," La'gaan replied, tossing another whatever-it-was in his mouth.

Nightwing felt Storm's hand on his back and he felt a little better at the fact that he was stuck in the middle of this silly love triangle. He turned to Storm, watching her eyes as she watched M'gann.

Her hood was down and her windswept hair was not held back, so the hair fell down her back, reaching just past her shoulders. Nightwing brushed a strand out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, causing her to look up at him.


"You looked annoyed," Nightwing replied.

Storm's eyes glimmered with laughter. "Well, yeah, but at least I'm not going on a mission with Loverboy and Lovergirl, don't forget Angsty over there," she nodded to Superboy. Nightwing chuckled, then the two focused on the other four.

"-choke," M'gann was saying.

"If only," muttered Superboy. Storm and Nightwing exchanged glances of amusement, well Nightwing was full on smiling at Superboy's murmured words.

"Here, let me." M'gann held up a crab cake and fed La'gaan.

"If that's not true love, I don't know what is," La'gaan said, smirking at Superboy. "Chum."

Nightwing rolled his eyes, the annoyance back in full force. Good news was that Storm doesn't take their bullshit.

"You know what else is true love?" Nightwing's heart stopped for a second—he knew it was stupid because her eyes were glinting with that annoyance, but for some reason he wished she said me and nightwing. "Me and this weird desire to punch everyone who says "Neptune's beard"."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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