Poppy is a roybel

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(A carriage stops in front of the school and a girl gets off of it)

Female narrator: Look! It's Poppy O'Hair! [She flicks her hair] Twin sister to Holly O'Hair, [Poppy turns around and Holly gives her a hug] and daughter of Rapunzel. [The two sisters enter the school] And it's her first day at Ever After High. She doesn't have a legacy. Holly got the Rapunzel legacy because she's older by a hair.

Male narrator: You always get to say the interesting part!!!!!!

(In Baba Yaga's office, she is assigning class schedules at the same time)

Baba Yaga: Have you decided on your classes???

Poppy O'Hair: I'm sorry, but no. On one hand, Magicology sounds like a blast! Literally. But Hero Training sounds hexcellent too! Who wouldn't wanna spar with a dragon???

Baba Yaga: Well, Poppy, you must choose today. Classes start tomorrow.

Holly O'Hair: [Runs up to Poppy] How'd it go with Baba Yaga???

Poppy O'Hair: I kinda got throne for a loop. She said I had to choose a destiny by the end of the day.

Holly O'Hair: Maybe it'll help if you ask everyone what they love about their sides of the story! [She puts a hand on Poppy's shoulder]

Poppy O'Hair: Thanks, Holly! You're fableous. [Hugs Holly]

Zion: Poppy interviews me in the hallway Well, I'm on both sides. I want to follow my mother's legacy to become queen of Rosas and be a ballerina but I also need to follow my father's legacy to become a magic mirror but I'm not doing that. And if you're a royal you get to follow you're destiny that your parents left but if you're a rebel you don't got to follow you're parents footsteps you can be you. And be who you want to be. You have to hide your true self. I said Thanks, Zion. Poppy said No problem. I said

Third person's POV: (Apple is the next to be interviewed. Poppy and her sit together in the castleteria)

Apple White: Being a Royal isn't easy - you have to work hard to keep your kingdom happy! [Poppy scribbles down notes] But, you do get to date princes and live in enchanting castles—of course, you may have to eat a poison apple to get there.

(Outside, Poppy interviews Tiny)

Tiny: If you're a Rebel, you don't have to be bad. [Poppy writes] Or dislike beanstalks, or the people who climb them.

(On top of a balcony, Poppy interviews Briar who is getting ready for ziplining)

Briar Beauty: Well, if you're a Royal, you live everyday to its fullest! Woohoo!!!!!!!! [She jumps off]

Cerise Hood: [Cerise enters] But isn't it more important to be who you want, and not hide who you really are???

Poppy O'Hair: Totally wicked point. [She reaches out to Cerise's hair and she backs away] Who did your highlights???

Cerise Hood: Uhm...my mom, ugh... [She puts on a helmet and gets on a zipline] Gotta go! [Ziplines away]

(Poppy walks into the student lounge and Holly meets up with her)

Holly O'Hair: So...have you made your choice???

Poppy O'Hair: Well, I've decided... I'm not gonna decide on a side!!!!!

Students: [All gasp]

Baba Yaga: Wait a spell! You must choose something.

Poppy O'Hair: After talking with everyone it's clear: [Everyone walks toward Poppy] being a Rebel or a Royal is totally hexciting! So, I'm going to flip the script [She hands her notes to Baba Yaga] and choose both sides like Zion did.

Students: [Cheering]

Daring Charming: I like your style. I've been trying to decide my [Holds out one mirror.] best side, and I choose both [Holds out another one] too. [Poses]

Ever After High: Cursed WishingWhere stories live. Discover now