Me and Kitty's curious tale

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(At school, things are as bustling as usual. Blondie walks over to Apple's locker)

Male narrator: You can't be serious! There are definitely more Rebels at Ever After High than Royals.

Female narrator: Wanna bet? [Blondie holds out her MirrorPad and it catches Apple's attention] What about Apple White? [Apple poses and birds fly to her] She upholds Royal tradition while always being the fairest of them all! [Blondie is impressed]

(Raven is standing next to Apple's locker and is slightly annoyed with how typical Apple and Blondie are acting)

Male narrator: Sure, but Rebel Raven Queen [She mimics Apple's pose and does a funny face, but finds that the birds unexpectedly fly over to her as well] happens to be rewriting her destiny!

(Flash to Briar sleeping in class)

Female narrator: Well. Briar Beauty is a Royal through and through!!!!!!

(Flash to Cerise scaring away the billy goats gruff)

Male narrator: Cerise Hood: total Rebel.

(Flash to Blondie and Ashlynn, the former looking at her MirrorPad and the latter considering shoes)

Female narrator: Blondie Lockes! Ashlynn Ella!

(Flash to Cedar jogging and Hunter in the woods)

Male narrator: Cedar Wood, Hunter Huntsman...

Female narrator: Holly O'Hair!

Male narrator: Uhh...Poppy O'Hair!

(Waving from below)

Madeline Hatter: Aha! Exs-coodoo-loo! Down here - it's me, yes. [She taps her chin] What about Zion and Kitty Cheshire??? [Gestures over to Kitty, who is napping and Zion who is cloud gazing underneath the tree Kitty is in] They're kind of hard to categorize.

Male narrator: Kitty and Zion??? Ah, well, they're obviously Rebels!!!!!!

Female narrator: Kitty Cheshire and Princess Zion are royals!!!!!

(Maddie crosses her arms)

Male narrator: Y'know, let's just watch Kitty and Zion. Shall we??? [Kitty opens one eye and notices that the narrators are debating and Zion looks up at the sky and notices the same thing that Kitty has noticed] And we'll see that they are rebels!!!!

Female narrator: Royals!!!!

(Out in the fields, the Royals are preparing for a game together)

Female narrator: That's Kitty and Zion playing on the Royal Croquet Team. [Kitty tosses a ball of yarn in replacement of the usual croquet ball] I'm right!!!!!

Male narrator: Ah-ah. But mixing things up - [Lizzie hits the yarn ball with her mallet and the yarn goes everywhere] that's...pretty rebellious!!!!!!

Kitty Cheshire: [Kitty giggles while Zion snickers and the Royals around them are not amused]

(In the Mad Hatter's tea shop, Kitty and Zion receive their tea from a floating tea kettle and they sip on it, along with having a chat with Duchess)

Female narrator: Well, there they are having tea with Duchess Swan. Who is a Royal.

Male narrator: Madeline Hatter's very rebellious Wonderland Tea Shoppe??? And, look. [Kitty throws a paper plane] Only a Rebel would cause this kind of trouble [The plane hits Hunter in the head] in class.

Female narrator: [Hunter notices and believes that it is Sparrow who threw the plane] Being mischievous is [Hunter jumps Sparrow and the two start brawling] Kitty following her story. Which all good Royals do.

[Kitty smirks and watches the chaos unravel]

(Kitty is taking a catnap on Zion's lap as Zion is also in the tree cloud gazing and Maddie climbs up on the tree)

Madeline Hatter: [She appears] Hey, Kitty and Zion!!!! [Giggling] Can I ask you something? See, the Narrators have been watching you, and―

Kitty Cheshire: [She wakes up] And they want to know if I'm a Royal, or a Rebel.

Male narrator: She knew??? [Kitty closes her eyes again] Ah. No fair! [A branch cracks and Maddie is alarmed]

Female narrator: Not cool! [The branch Maddie is standing on lowers]

Zion: Well, then you should debate more quieter.

Madeline Hatter: Ahh!!!!!! [She hits the ground and her eyes spin around for a bit. She giggles]

(At the bottom of the tree)

Kitty Cheshire: [Appears next to Maddie] We would tell them, but...where's the fun in that? Chaos is keeping people guessing - and that makes this kitty purr...[She disappears]

Madeline Hatter: [Laughing]

Kitty Cheshire: At the top of a tree. [Reappears] Time for a catnap. [She closes her eyes]

Zion: Back to cloud gazing.

(Zion says on the grass and starts cloud gazing)

Male narrator: I'm confused. Are there more Rebels, [Kitty disappears from her first tree] or Royals??? [She reappears on another]

Female narrator: [Duchess enters and she is dancing on water] Uhm...hey, there's Duchess Royal!!!!!!! [She leaps out]

Male narrator: Oh, yeah??? [Maddie laughs loudly in the background and appears behind a bush] What about Madeline Hatter herself??? You can't get any more rebellious than that! Am I right, or am I right???

Female narrator: I'm right.

Ever After High: Cursed WishingWhere stories live. Discover now