chapter two

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Kaleigh POV:

Kaleigh's friend group was mostly the Iowa women's basketball team. Since she was a junior, she had a class with Jada Gyamfi. The two ended up having to do a group project together and Jada just clicked with her. Kaleigh wasn't a huge fan of basketball but she always loved UConn because of Madison and now she has grown to be an Iowa fan as well.

It was January 2nd and Iowa was playing against Michigan State at home. Everyone always packed Carver Hawkeye for Caitlin Clark, but Kaleigh was there for a different reason, Kate Martin.

When Jada and Kaleigh had their group project, they met at Jada's house a lot and Kate was usually there. Kaleigh was able to gain a bond with Kate that was special, maybe too special. The two had been seeing each other secretly for a little bit now, but no one knew.

"Are you excited to see your girl tonight?" Avery asks Kaleigh. Avery is her funny and extroverted roommate, sometimes she can be a little bit slutty. Kaleigh loved her for it since it pushed her to try new things.

"Shh, that was supposed to be a secret. I told you not to tell anyone or she will kill me. No more roommate for you," Kaleigh said while blushing.

"It's fine if you don't want me I can stay with John," Avery said while giggling.

"Or Joe, or Will, or Stephen, or Mike-"

"Okay, okay, you can shut up now," Avery said, cutting her off.

"Fine. But to answer your question, I am excited. So can we get ready?" Kaleigh asked, so impatiently it was insane.

The girls got ready for the game together getting dressed in black and gold. Avery drove the two girls to the game very early since parking was hard to get at Carver. This year almost every game was sold out because of Caitlin.

It was a very close game the entire time. Kate looked perfect, as always. It was so hzard for Kaleigh to keep her a secret but she knew it was for the best. People on the internet went crazy for Kate and they both knew Kaleigh would receive hate comments that she didn't deserve.

There were 4 seconds left in the fourth quarter and the game was tied at 73 a piece. This game should not have been this close, but luckily Iowa had the ball. Hannah passed it to Caitlin and she hit a step back three from the logo, of course she did. She was Caitlin. Everyone went crazy as Caitlin ran around the court yelling.

Kaleigh loved Caitlin, she was a great player and an even better person, but sometimes it got annoying. Not her, but it. All of the fame and people looking at her. Her fame overshadowed the entire rest of the team, especially Kate. They all deserve as much credit as Caitlin but it would never come.

Once Kate got to the locker room she texted Kaleigh:

Kate: Meet me in the bathroom, 5 minutes ;)

Kaleigh: Of course, Kate Martin.

Kate: Don't be late!

Kaleigh: I would never be late for you.

Kaleigh rushed over to the bathroom downstairs that she sneaks onto very often now. She waited in there for about a minute before the door opened, but it wasn't Kate. It was Jada.

"Oh, hey K. I didn't know fans could even come to this bathroom," Jada says, sounding surprised to find her friend in the girls locker room bathroom.

"Oh, yeah. Don't tell anyone I don't think I'm supposed to be here. I was just waiting for someone..." Kaleigh says since she can't think of any other excuse.

"Hmm... Tell me later. I'll leave you to see your mystery lover," Jada said while smirking.

Jada knew that Kaleigh had been seeing someone but she never asked who. Kate had also mentioned to her she had been hooking up with someone recently. Now that she thought of it, was it each other?

While waiting for Kate, Kaleigh sat on the ground realizing she is going to have to talk to Jada soon about who she has been seeing. She started to freak out and overthink. Kate would kill her if she told anyone, especially one of her teammates and best friends.

Kate barged into the bathroom, almost running. Her hair was still in her famous braid with a few pieces sticking out the front, her face was red since she had just played 32 minutes of basketball, and she had her yellow uniform on that she looked perfect in even though it was her least favorite one. She looked confused as she didn't see anyone and then looked at the floor to see Kaleigh crying.

"What the fuck happened? Did someone hurt you? Are you okay? Hey, baby, talk to me, please," Kate says, very concerned as she takes a seat next to Kaleigh on the floor while holding her hand.

"Nothing Kate," Kaleigh says, brushing her off and turning her back.

"Kaleigh Anne Curran. What is wrong?" Kate asks very intensely. In this moment she is so mad she could fight anyone, especially for Kaleigh.

"Jada. She found me here. It was my fault, I came early so I wouldnr be late for you and she found me. I told her I was waiting for someone and she is gonna ask me about it later and I'm freaking out. Im sor-"

"Don't say that. It'll be okay. It's only Jades. We can tell her if you feel comfortable, I know she won't tell anyone. I promise everything will be okay," Kate says, wrapping Kaleigh into a hug, pulling her head to her chest, and kissing her on her forehead. 

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