chapter eleven

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Kaleigh POV:

Once we pulled away, I tried so hard to get the stupid smile off my face but I couldn't. Everything about that moment was perfect. Kate would have never taken me to the Iowa facility to shoot around, nevermind kiss me. She was always worried SOMEONE would catch us, but I never understood what was so terrible about that? I needed to stop thinking about her, so I did the only thing I could think of, kissed her again. I didn't think it could get better than the first time but it did. She was so hot.

We kissed for a few minutes but got interrupted by my phone ringing. I took my phone out of my sweatpants and checked who was calling. Of course, it was none other than Kate Martin. I looked at it and showed the phone to Paige, she looked at it. She thought I was going to accept it, because she looked mad. I declined it and she giggled.

"We can deal with that later. I wanna focus on us right now," I said as I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Alright, wanna get out of here?" Paige asked me, while holding my hand.

"Whatever you want," I said as we got up to leave.

We got to the car and she had her hand on my knee the entire way back to her place. I really didn't think I would ever be able to fall for someone in two days, but I think it was happening. Everything about her was perfect and what I needed. It almost makes me angry that I'm falling in love. I'm glad she notices me, unlike Kate.

Paige POV:

I've always had bad luck with this stuff and have never fallen this hard. When she was gathering her things before we left, I secretly texted Nika to make sure she wasn't home. I didn't want to bring Kalegh there if she was, since they were kind of in a fight. I would figure that out later. Right now, I wanted to focus on her, and only her.

When we got back to my place, we went into my room. We sat down on my bed.

"I can't wait any longer. I feel too bad waiting this long in the first place. Do you care if I call her?" I didn't want her to call Kate, but I promised I would be with her when she did.

"Yeah, of course," I said, trying to keep a small smile on my face.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Jada's number. She told me that she had to call Jada because they took Kate's phone from her because they were afraid she wouldn't stop calling Kaleigh.

Jada picked up on the first ring and told us, well Kaleigh, that Kate seemed to be doing better. They weren't supposed to know I was here so I had to be quiet. This was only supposed to be Kaleigh and Kate.

"Hey, Kate. What's wrong?" Kaleigh asked, using her overly sweet fake voice. I could tell this was hard for her so I grabbed her hand.

"I need you to come back. I can be everything you need, I know you better than anyone, Kaleigh," Kaleighs breath hitched as nerves filled her body. I placed my hand on her back trying to relieve some of the stress that was building in her.

"Kate, you know it's never going to work the way you picture it. I've tried so hard these past few months to make it work and have only hurt myself in the process," She let out a shaky breath, trying to hold back the tears forming in her eyes.

"I'll be better this time, I promise," Kate said, also seeming to be crying.

"I want to believe you but I can't Kate. We tried to make it work and had a great run but this time it's really over. I'm sorry," She looked up at the ceiling, in hopes of concealing the tears that were close to falling. Once she looked back at the phone I lifted my arm putting my sweatshirt over my hand reaching to wipe her tears. She let out a small breath, giving me a small smile that I could tell was fake, but she was trying.

"Can you come and visit me? I know I shouldn't have said the thing about Paige. I'm sorry. But seeing you with someone else killed me and that was what put me in this position. I just want to talk, in person. I don't know if you're dating her or anything, but I've never liked her," I muted the call.

"Kaleigh, take a deep breath," She was visibly shaking.

She looked at me and apologized, I told her that everything was okay and it wasn't her fault. She unmuted the phone call, "Kate, I'm not leaving UConn just to see you. Maybe when I come back to Iowa I will visit you. But, please stop talking about Paige. You have no right to be talking about who I choose to spend my time with. I hope you get better, but right now I have to focus on myself. Goodbye, Kate."

After she ended the call, I didn't want to make her talk about anything that she didn't want to do so we just sat there silently. Eventually I laid back in the bed and pulled her closer to me. She ended up falling asleep in my arms.

I had to get up after about an hour because I had to get ready for practice. I gently slipped away and left her a note telling her where I was and letting her know she could stay and wait for me. Truthfully, I didn't want to leave her or get up. Practice would be good, to just shoot around and think about things. I think today was going to be a light day. 

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