chapter ten

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Paige POV:

Once Kaleigh got out of my car, I wanted to leave but I couldn't. I felt terrible and unable to move, so I just decided to play my gospel music playlist. I decided once I was able to gather myself I would leave. It had been over an hour and I still felt uneasy.

I had my gospel playlist on and I took my personalized Bible out from my glove compartment. This Bible was special because it had my favorite verses in it. Whenever I got lost in my own thoughts, I would just read a few verses. It helped me find inner peace and led me back to happiness.

I looked up for a second from my reading, and I saw Kaleigh. She looked like she was walking towards my car so I rolled down my window and put my arm out, resting it on the door.

She came over and asked me, "Is everything okay? Why are you still here?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just couldn't drive away. It didn't feel right, so I just started reading," I showed her my Bible.

She nodded and said, "Well, I've cooled down. I'm sorry for earlier. I don't really wanna talk about it though. I was just gonna go for a walk to get some fresh air. Madison and I got in a fight, nowhere to go right now."

"Well, I was going to go to the facility and shoot around for a little. Wanna come? I can give you a few pointers," I offered, knowing my eyes were lighting up, hoping she would say yes.

"Sure, just don't invite Nika."

"Why? What happened to my twin?"

"She was a part of the reason why Madison and I are in a fight. I was explaining my situation to Madison and Nika just burst into my hotel room. They are always so on top of each other, it's exhausting. I know you are gonna take Nika's side. Sorry, I just have no one to talk to right now."

"Nah, I know what you're saying. They always be like that, every day. I always tell them they finna make me throw up," I say which makes the girl laugh. I'm glad because today she has been through a rollercoaster of emotions and it's only noon.

I gave Kaleigh aux for the rest of the car ride to the facility. It was a short ride, but she played good music so it was fun. She seemed more quiet than she usually was, but with everything that had just happened in the span of just a few short hours, it was understandable.

We got inside and I picked up two chairs and brought them over to the free throw line. I placed one in the middle of the charity stripe and one to the left. I sat down in the one in the middle and motioned for Kaleigh to sit in the other. I did a few shooting drills from here for about a half an hour.

Kaleigh was staring at me the whole time, not a word was spoken. I played my music through the speakers that were all over the gym so it was really loud. I got up to get water and asked if she wanted anything, she said no. But when I came back she looked sad.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked while placing my hand on her knee.

"I need advice. Please don't be biased either. I know you were mad earlier, but I need real advice on what to do," She seemed really worried. It wasn't a time for jokes, I had to be serious.

"Yeah, of course. I got you," I said, waiting for her to tell me what she needed help with.

"According to Jada, Caitlin, and Gabbie, the only thing Kate wants is me. They want me to go back to Iowa ro visit her. Jada is trying to get her to stay at the rehabilitation center for the night but she won't go unless I'm there, or she can at least talk to me. I came here for Madison, but also to get away from Kate. Madison thinks I should go back and help Kate. But I don't know. She is so controlling, like its so much different with you. You know? Wait, I mean like..." Her voice trailed off and I could tell her emotions had switched from upset and concerned to nervous.

"With me, huh? Nah, nah, nah. For real though, I think you shouldn't go too far out of your comfort zone just to make her feel better. Your feelings come first always and if you only feel comfortable calling her or not reaching out at all that is exactly what you should do. I know I'm not Kate's favorite person right now but if you do choose to call her I can be there with you to try and soften the blow," Kaleigh seemed to take in every word I said, holding eye contact very intently even after I was done talking. I gave her a reassuring smile, hoping that would prompt her to say something. I started to get nervous that I gave shitty advice, but before those thoughts could fill my mind she started to talk again.

"Finally, advice that was actually helpful," She said laughing to herself, which allowed me to let out a sigh of relief, "And I really hope you were being serious about being there when I make that call because that would really help," She looked up with begging eyes.

"I mean I was hoping I wouldn't have to but–" Kaleigh cut me off by hitting my arm.

"You're not funny," She said laughing.

"Oh you think so?" I teased.

"Just shut up and shoot the ball," she said, with some sass like Ashlynn.

"Oh, you really wanna test me?" I sat down on the bleachers, looked at her, and shot the ball. I looked at the net and it was a perfect swish, something out of a movie.

"Damn, Bueckers. I didn't know you hooped like that," Kaleigh says while walking over and sitting down next to me.

"Oh, you didn't know I was a baller? They don't call me Paige Buckets for no reason," I said this while holding eye contact. At this moment I knew I was falling for her. Looking at her gorgeous eyes was a feeling I've never experienced before. I looked down at her lips and licked mine.

"You gonna keep staring or are you gonna make a move, Paige Buckets?"

As soon as she finished her question, I leaned in and placed a soft and gentle kiss on her lips. She leaned into the kiss deepening it slightly. I began to move one of my hands up to the side of her face as she did the same to me. At this moment, I couldn't have been happier. We finally pulled away both of us smiling ear to ear. She was absolutely adorable. I now knew I had to have her.  

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