chapter nine

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Kate POV:

I heard a knock on the door and got up too quickly which made me even dizzier than I already was. I was hoping it was Kaleigh but I opened the door to Jada. Once I saw her I slammed the door in her face. The only person I was willing to talk to at this moment was Kaleigh.

Jada decided to come in, even though I closed the door. I forgot I gave her a key.

"Kate, what the fuck?" Jada said, almost yelling at me.

"Don't yell at me. Just get Kaleigh."
"She's in Connecticut, you idiot. Come with me, we have to get you help."

"Trust me, I know. I can't believe she left me," All of my words were slurred but Jada could make out my sentences.

"Why? Talk to me. What happened, Kate?"

"She left me for Paige. You're the only person I can talk to about this since you're the only one who knew about us. Don't tell anyone!"

"I won't. But what do you mean she left you for Paige? She just walked out?" Jada looked at me concerned. She held my hand as I was about to cry. I took out my phone and tried to call Kaleigh but Jada took my phone before I could. She gave me a look that made me have to tell her. Jada was good at making me use my words.

"I told her that I wanted something more serious. She said she wasn't ready because she was scared of the hate comments. So instead of talking it out she left for Paige. Maybe they were talking the whole time," I said, starting to cry. The alcohol seemed like it was starting to wear off.

"I'll talk to her. I'm sure there is something she has to say. There is no way Kaleigh Curran could ever just leave. But in the meantime, you have to go back to rehab, at least for the night," Jada says, her mom coming out.

"No, please. It was a one time thing. I'm fine. I just miss her. That is why I drank in the first place. I need her, Jada."

"I know, Kate. It'll be one night. We can call Kaleigh on the way there. I promise everything will be okay," Jada said while helping me up. I really didn't want to go but it was far away and she said that we could call Kaleigh. I wanted to talk to her so bad.

Kaleigh POV:

We pulled up to the hotel still in complete silence. Once Paige put the car in park we both just sat there in silence for a moment, and although I couldn't have been more angry with her, her presence was so comforting. I sighed beginning to look over at her and she started to open her mouth wanting to say something but before she could I cut her off.

"I can't have this conversation right now, Paige," I managed to say without freaking out.

"I know, I know. Just please text me later," She said with a slight pain in her voice. I could tell she felt bad, really bad.

"I will. I swear," I said, opening the door, walking inside of the hotel and heading back to my room.

When I walked in Madison was awake, sitting on her phone. Once she heard the door open she sat up, looking at me with curious eyes. She was giddy, like a little kid on Christmas. I almost felt bad disappointing her with my unfortunate story. I sat down at the edge of her bed, finally telling her every detail starting from the very beginning.

Madison just sat there while I talked for almost an hour. It felt good telling this whole story from start to finish. She sat there taking in every detail. I had her undivided attention. Once I was done, I was tearing up. I tried so incredibly hard to not let my emotions get to me but now I needed to cry.

"Woah, that's a lot to take in. I'm surprised you didn't tell me about Kate. If I'm being honest, I'm kind of mad, but that's a conversation for another time. What you need to do, in my opinion, is go find Kate. She clearly needs you and to talk to you," Madison replied, seeming annoyed. I probably could have told her about Kate, but I just got scared.

"I don't want to leave. I've only been here for one day. What do I do about Paige? I really like her. Even just from a day," I admit to my feelings for the blue-eyed blonde girl.

"Kaleigh, I don't want you to leave either, but Kate needs you. I know recently you guys have been off but think about all of the good times you had in the past. Those don;t go away. I will deal with Paige, she will understand why you had to leave."

"But, Kate has been so manipulative and controlling towards me recently, in so many ways. After only knowing Paige for a day she seems to care a lot more about me as a person and prioritizes my feelings over everyone else's," I said while trying not to cry. She has a point, Kate needs me, but I needed her at some points too and she wasn't there for me. Paige is so genuine it kills me because the world doesn't deserve someone as nice as her.

As soon as I finished talking, the door opened. I was confused at first because who has a key to my hotel room other than myself and Madison? I looked at the door and it was Nika. She had to barge in while I was about to break down in the middle of a serious conversation?
She walked in, not paying attention to me or my feelings at all, and went straight over to Madison. The two hugged and kissed each other. "If Nika needs you so bad, I'll let you deal with her."

I grabbed my phone and purse from the bed and walked out. I heard Madison yell for me and Nika asked what happened. I'm sure she would tell her later, but right now I need fresh air. I put in my AirPods and turned on my 'thought daughter' playlist. I needed to weigh my two options.

I wanted to stay in UConn because I came here to visit Madison. Along the way I met some great people, including Paige. I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before I had to go back to Iowa City. I also came here to get away from Iowa, and Kate.

I think I need to go back to Iowa because Kate needs me. She relapsed and all she says she wants is me. I'm afraid that she won't listen to Jada or anyone. But I left for a reason, she was controlling and a toxic person to be around. 

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