chapter twelve

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Kaleigh POV:

I woke up around 6:15, honestly forgetting where I was for a moment. I turned to look at Paige's nightstand to see a note filled with messy handwriting. "Sorry I had to leave, (I really didn't want to) but I should be back around 7:30 if you want to get dinner and stay here tonight :)" She was actually the sweetest person ever. I decided since I was going to stay and we would probably go get dinner that I needed to look like I didn't just roll out of bed. I grabbed my huge purse and left Paige's room. When I rounded the corner to head towards the bathroom I saw Madison.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting to see you here. I'm waiting for Nika to be done with practice. Can we talk?" Madison said, while sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, I was going to get ready. Can we talk after?" She agreed and I walked into the bathroom, so I could do my makeup.

While I was getting ready, all I could think about was what Madison was going to say. We have never had this big of a fight. I should've told her about Kate, but she doesn't have the right to tell me to go see her when she doesn't know the effect the 6'0" girl has on me. She is a master manipulator.

My music got interrupted by a call from Jada. I answered and she seemed panicked.

"Kaleigh, what the fuck? Why did you leave Kate for Paige?"

"Jada, what are you talking about?" I was genuinely confused when she said this.

"She told me you guys ended things. She wanted something serious, you didn't, and you ran off to Storrs for Paige," Jada said, sounding angry. Kate had manipulated another person.

"Okay, Jada, you need to listen to me. Kate manipulate everyone. She was also wasted when she told you that. What really happened is I wanted something real. She told me no because I wouldn't be able to deal with the hate. I came to UConn to visit Madison, and I met Paige along the way," I explained, not angry but disappointed that she believed Kate.

"That's not like Kate," Jada responded questionably.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked almost playfully because it most definitely was.

"Why does she put herself in these situations?" Now she was just confused.

"I didn't want to believe it at first but after I talked to her about becoming official and she responded saying I wouldn't be able to handle it, I realized stuff like this was happening all along," I said as I applied the mascara I had in my purse and makeup bag.

"Maybe that does make sense. I'm sorry this is just odd to imagine," Jada responded.

"Trust me I spent weeks trying to convince myself this wasn't actually happening. Going back to the whole Paige thing, I really was planning on taking time for myself to figure out what I wanted but shes just been amazing and–" Jada cut me off.

"I dont need an explanation right now, its okay. We can debrief when you get home because I honestly wanna hear all about it. Speaking of which, what are your plans for tonight?" She asked me in a very sincere and curious way. I honestly assumed she would be upset with me for a while so this made me very happy.

"Paige is at practice now and I'm getting ready because I took a long ass nap after getting off the phone with Kate. So when she gets back we will probably get food and I'll stay here," Jada could definitely hear me smiling while I spoke.

"Well you have fun tonight and we will talk tomorrow okay?" She asked.

"Yes of course, I'll see you soon." We both then said goodbye and I hung up the phone.

After a few more minutes, I was done getting ready and walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to the couch sitting next to Madison, while still leaving a little bit of distance.

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