chapter eight

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Kaleigh POV:

I woke up Sunday morning with a pit in my stomach. Paige and I had such an amazing time up until Kate called and I prayed she didn't ruin it. I started getting ready around 7, making sure to be quiet enough that I didn't wake Madison. When I got in the shower, I spent like 15 minutes rehearsing what I would say to Paige. Once I got out I did my hair and makeup and then had to pick my outfit. This was always a struggle but at this moment it was harder than ever. I finally decided on leggings with a simple gray tank top, a zip up, and my Uggs. It was now 8:45 and Paige had just messaged me that she would be here in 10 minutes. I decided to head down to the lobby so I wouldn't wake Madison.

"Hey," Paige says as she opens up the passenger door from the inside, reaching over the console.

On the way to the coffee shop we just kept it light with simple small talk. I was waiting for her to ask me about Kate. I knew she would, I just didn't know when.

Somehow she knew my coffee order, I'm assuming she must've asked Madison. She ordered for both of us, "You didn't need to do that."

"I know," She said with a smirk before walking ahead of me to find a table. We chose a small table right by the window. She pulled out my chair for me and I smiled as I sat down.

"So, what did Kate want?" There it was, the question I was dreading. I knew it was coming. What I didn't know was if I should tell her the truth or not.

"She was asking me a bunch of questions about UConn, and you. I knew this was going to happen once she realized. I just thought she would wait until I was back and not in the middle of hanging out with all of you," I replied. As soon as I said this, I could feel Paige get tense.

"What kind of questions?"

"She was just asking if I liked it. She knew I was there for Madi but then said she wasn't expecting us as a duo. Then she was talking about your jacket," I probably shouldn't have told her the last part.

"Look, don't worry about her. I got you," Paige relied.

"Got me? With what?" I was so confused. I didn't need her to protect me. I wasn't scared of Kate.

"You'll see," Paige replied with a smirk. I was scared to see what she would do. Should I text Kate to tell her that Paige was going to say something? To warn her?

I tried not to think about it as we continued on with our conversation and coffee. She told me that they had practice later around 5 but I was invited. She wanted me to come so I could see what a UConn practice is like, especially since Madison is a manager. After the team was going out to dinner, I was also planning on going to that.

We walked back to Paige's car, she opened the door for me like she has done every time now, and she let me have aux. I shuffle played my favorite playlist and everything was fine until Kate called. I watched Paige look at the screen and then at me. She took my phone and accepted the call.

"Hey, Kaleigh. I miss you," Kate said, clearly drunk which was shown by the slur in her words. This wasn't good because she had trouble with alcohol in the past and had to go to rehab a few summers ago. Paige didn't know this as she laughed at Kate, but then she realized something was wrong as I snatched the phone from her hands.

"Kate, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. What are you talking about? Caitlin is coming over I think. How is your new girlfriend, Paige?"

"Aight, aight, aight. Calm down. We aren't dating," She said, being nice to Kate, "yet," she mumbled under her breath.

"Kate. I'm calling Caitlin, Jada, and Gabbie right now. Do no move, do not do anything until they come. They have a key so you don't have to get up. Okay?" I spoke to Kate, trying to ignore Paige.

"I don't want them. I want you, I miss you K."

"Please, just listen to them. Do it for me, I'll visit you when I'm home, I promise."

I hung up the phone and looked over to Paige who was trying to hold back laughter. Did she not know? I figured Caitlin would'be told her about Kate.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"I'm not. Sorry. I didn't realize she missed you so much," Paige said, making fun of the girl.

"Paige. Kate can't drink. She had to go to rehab for it before. I know you don't like her because of me, but this isn't good and I'm really worried," I said while making a group FaceTime that consisted of me, Jada, Gabbie, and Caitlin.

I explained to them what just happened and they were just as worried as I was. They all rushed over there and told me that they would update me on everything happening. The car ride back to my hotel was silent. Paige realized she had messed up and I was too worried about Kate to talk. 

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