Chapter 7

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"Come on, at least toast with me," Ava whined from the other side of the couch we sat in as she thrusted the bottle in my face. What's even worse than these red cups are simply drinking right from the bottle, which all these people are doing. Calling them just "people" is perhaps not fair, considering I've known most of them for at least over a year or two. Chris and Josie I share the same major with, Flint I met through Chris and Ava knew all these guys before me. Ryan's my best mate for longer than anyone. The rest of the people crowding up the room? Other seniors I suppose.

I leaned back into the cushion to create some space from Ava. My hand moved to nudge the bottle from my face with the back of my point and index finger, shooting her a discontent smile when I noticed her childish puppy eyes. If I drink, I can't leave when I want to. Contrary to popular opinion, a bike is a great investment in your health. My alcohol consumption has shrunk to perhaps a sip of whiskey at special occasions as I always want to be able to make an exit wherever I am and whenever I want.

"You were so much more fun last year," Ava muttered, ending her sentence with a lingering knowing look, her glazed eyes a clear tell of her intoxicated state. Tapping the bottle with her finger before tipping some of the content into her mouth, passing it to Flint next who sat comfortable in a chair.

Yeah, last year was different. That person, whoever I used to be, feels like a stranger today. A person who couldn't care less about anyone other than himself. Ava and I had come into the rhythm of getting wasted and then ending up together at the end of every party. I was so blacked out the only real memory I have of those times is her splattered bleached hair on my pillow the next morning, dressed in nothing other than... well nothing. But that person didn't care that everything was a haze, and I guess I was partly thankful for it as well. Not completely interested in knowing every bitter beer taste, fist fight and late-night mistake.

That person wouldn't have a clear head, check his surroundings. Which means he wouldn't have met her. The hazel eyed girl that's crossed my mind every day and every night. The girl I've tried to find like a mad man, but nowhere were there a Julie to be found. At least the only one I cared to find.

"Amir? Amir! Seriously dude?" A loud voice detached me from my thoughts, Ryan's voice. I turned to my attention to the left of me where he sat slightly slouched in a chair. My hand caressed my chin, brows raised as if to ask why the hell he's shouting.

"You cannot be this obsessed by someone you haven't even slept with. Seriously, it's becoming disturbing," he said rolling his eyes at me. He's been pissed this whole summer as I've been a bit preoccupied trying to find her.

"What, there's a girl? How the fuck haven't you told any of us?" Josie asked agitated, in disbelief she's been disconnected from information this interesting. Most likely hinting to the fact that I've never had a girlfriend for as long as I've known them.

"I thought you had taken an oath of 'celibacy' or something?" Ava voiced her opinion with a mocking tone. Another person not too pleased with me, although for other reasons.

"See what you started Ryan?" I pinched the middle of my eyebrows in annoyance as all eyes were on me, making a mental note never to tell Ryan anything again.

"He met her once. Just some poor helpless damsel that he could rescue, never knew you had such a savior complex." Ryan spewed out, darting over an unimpressed expression my way. Guess this is payback for being so distant this summer. I looked to Chris for some kind of backup, but he just shrugged with a massive grin on his face. Chris would of course never go against his girlfriend and I'm sure Flint was too buzzed to even register the conversation we're having.

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