ᯓ✦ : 𝟎𝟎𝟑

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Now playing:
Sesame Syrup by Cigarettes After Sex

"I've had a long list of lovers," Atlas hummed the song that's blasting on his earphone, he's sitting on one of the empty school bus's seat as his cousins; Aiden and Ben are sitting behind him.

Humming along to the song as he copies Aiden's homework. "But none of them mattered to me, except you..."

"Hey, Ash." The fake blonde greeted the ginger girl who then sat next to Atlas. "Last night was rough, huh?" He continued. "I finished the homework. Wanna copy? Atlas have the paper right now". He smiled to the girl.

"Here." Atlas handed Ashlyn the paper that Aiden gave him. "Thanks..." The girl replied.

"Good morn-" Mr. Thomas spoke with a smile as four sleep deprived teenagers walked into the classroom. Each of them having the same eye bags under their eyes and an exhausted figure. "-ing?"

The twins slouched on their desks, displaying their exhaustion. Atlas and Aiden continues to smile despite the fact that they're mentally and physically drained.

Logan wearily leaned back, while Ben, Aiden, Atlas, and Ashlyn let out yawns as they made their way to their seats.

"Everyone get your homework out please..."

The group of seven sat together in silence, with an unspoken tension hanging in the air, leaving everyone hesitant to break it.

Ben rested his head in his arms. Taylor, Logan, and Tyler quietly munched on their lunches, while Ashlyn leaned against her arm, lost in her thoughts.

Aiden, on the other hand, occupied himself by playfully constructing a fortress out of his mashed potatoes and fries.

While Atlas, he's currently texting back to his dad. As usual, his dad asked him about his grades, his parents are always strict about education and career.

Awkward silence continued to fill up the air before Tyler decided to broke the silence. "I think we should go back to Savannah." He stated, earning a confused look from the others.

Logan sweat dropped, "I thought everyone agreed it was too dangerous...?"

"So what?" The brunette snapped, his frustration evident in his tone. "We're just supposed to let things stay like the way they are?" He huffed.

"I'd rather be semi-stuck than permanently stuck." Ashlyn stated, avoiding eye contact with the brunette.

"Well maybe, if you would've told us the truth from the beginning, we wouldn't be stuck at all!" Tyler scowled at Ashlyn.

Atlas sighed quietly when he heard Tyler raising his voice. He puts down his head on the table, using his arms as a pillow.

'He's slowly starting to look kinda cute...' He thought quietly in his head as he looks at the shorter boy with glasses. His head still resting on his arm as his head is facing the direction of Logan who's sitting beside him.

"I already explained why I didn't-" Ashlyn started.

Aiden cut her off, "Aren't you one to talk." He spoke to Tyler, his eyes not leaving his food as he continues to play with it.

"You're the one that brushed it off as some sort of prank and walked off. If she had said anything, would you have even believed her? With your personality, I seriously doubt it." He taunted.


The hernandez brother stood up from his seat, "WHETHER I WOULD HAVE BELIEVED IT OR NOT SHE SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING!" He exclaimed.

"Now we're in some fucking demonic dimension, running away from flesh-eating deathly creatures, I've lost count how many near death experiences I've had, none of us have slept in days!"



The twins are both startled when Ben suddenly banged his fist against the lunch table. He put a finger against his lips, signaling them to keep quiet.

Tyler froze, realizing his mistake. He sits back down on his seat, next to his twin sister, "If we don't go back to Savannah where this cycle began... then what else are we supposed to do?"

Atlas mumbled something quietly as he pulled his head off of the table, sitting properly. He puts his face on his hands as he yawns softly, being sleep deprived like always.

"If we go back, then we might found out what's happening and how to escape." Atlas started, still having his usual gentle smile on his face. "Or we could make things much worse," He added.

Should we risk it?

ASTRONOMY! (Logan Fields x M! OC)Where stories live. Discover now